  • 用于确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费补助和确保企业退休人员养老金及时、足额发放等社会保障性开支增长1.7倍。
    The social security expenditure for SOE lay-offs and pension has increased by 170%.
  • 我们以较好的道路来弥补较远距带来之不便。
    We offset the better roads against the greater distance.
  • 北体大特别近,所以两所大学还取长补短,合作办学呢。
    Therefore, the two universities have learned from each other's strong points to offset its weakness and they ran their schools in cooperation.
  • 北体大特别近,所以两所大学还取长补短,合作办学呢。
    It is very close to the Beijing University of Physical Education. Therefore, the two universities have learned from each other's strong points to offset its weakness and they ran their schools in cooperation.
  • 自二十世纪八十年代以来,香港的岸生产活动不断扩展,令香港成为日益全球化的生产网络的策略控制中心。
    Expansion of manufacturing activities offshore since the 1980s has turned Hong Kong into a strategic control centre of an increasingly globalised production network.
  • 为了防止海上石油开发对海洋环境的污染,采油平台全部配备了含油污水处理装置,钻井船舶全部配备了机舱油水分装置,各油田都配备了围油栏、化学消油剂,以及溢油回收船。海上油田还制定了《海洋石油勘探开发溢油应急计划》。
    To prevent marine environment pollution resulting from offshore oil exploitation, besides the formulation by offshore oilfields of the Crash Program to Combat Oil Spills During Offshore Oil Exploration and Exploitation, oil-polluted water treatment equipment has been installed on all drilling platforms, engine-room oil-water separators have also been installed aboard all drilling ships, and oil barriers, chemical de-oiling agents and spill recovery ships provided in all China's offshore oilfields.
  • 为了防止海上石油开发对海洋环境的污染,采油平台全部配备了含油污水处理装置,钻井船舶全部配备了机舱油水分装置,各油田都配备了围油栏、化学消油剂,以及溢油回收船。海上油田还制定了《海洋石油勘探开发溢油应急计划》。
    Similarly, to prevent marine environment pollution resulting from offshore oil exploitation, besides the formulation by offshore oilfields of the Crash Program to Combat Oil Spills During Offshore Oil Exploration and Exploitation, oil-polluted water treatment equipment has been installed on all drilling platforms, engine-room oil-water separators have also been installed aboard all drilling ships, and oil barriers, chemical de-oiling agents and spill recovery ships provided in all China's offshore oilfields.
  • 油和水分离。
    Oil and water separate.
  • 她到年老时,她的亲属都先后开了人世。
    As she got older and older, her relatives all died off.
  • 当我初次家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,在中国文化中这是个好预兆
    Some magpies are singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture
  • 当我初次家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,在中国文化中这是个好预兆。
    Some magpies was singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture.
  • 官方的伊拉克机构对促进核查活动的做法进行批评,充满恶意地公开宣称,用他们的话说就是"任何要接受采访的人都不能开伊拉克"。
    The official Iraqi organization charged with facilitating inspections announced, announced publicly and announced ominously that, quote, ``Nobody is ready to leave Iraq to be interviewed. ''
  • 他忘了告诉我他打算什么时候开。
    He omitted to tell me when he was leaving.
  • 在线或线也可以作为刻画ap的特征。
    An AP is characterized as online or offline.
  • 然后早上6点重新上线。异,只有一个猫咪与他相依为命。
    back online by 6 a.m. Divorced, lives alone with his cat.
  • 昨天,他操纵这个合器了。
    He operated the clutch yesterday.
  • 不过,尽管银行几乎总跟他在一起,邮车却也总跟他在一起。那感觉迷恍惚,像是叫鸦片剂镇住的疼痛一样。此外还有一连串印象也通夜没有停止过闪动--他正要去把一个死人从坟墓里挖出来。
    But, though the bank was almost always with him, and though the coach (in a confused way, like the presence of pain under an opiate) was always with him, there was another current of impression that never ceased to run, all through the night. He was on his way to dig some one out of a grave.
  • 微软公司不是提交一个拥有c++或java工具箱的对象请求中介(orb),而是试图用工具(如微软事务服务器和微软消息排队服务器)把开发人员与对象的基础设施隔开,这是针对vb程序员的。
    Rather than presenting an object request broker (ORB) with a C++ or Java toolkit, Microsoft tries to shield developers from the object infrastructure with tools, such as Microsoft Transaction Server and Microsoft Message Queue Server, aimed at Visual Basic programmers.
  • 最近点围绕任何物体的椭圆轨道上被围绕物最近的一点
    The point in any orbit nearest to the body being orbited.
  • 轨道脱轨道的行为或过程
    The act or process of going out of orbit.
  • (天文学)距太阳轨道比距地球轨道远的。
    (astronomy) having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth's orbit.
  • 以地球为中心的最近点;人造卫星轨道上地球中心最近的点。
    periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth.
  • 以地球为中心的最远点;人造卫星轨道上地球中心最远的点。
    apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth.
  • 去是管弦乐队的一大损失。
    Her departure is a great loss to the orchestra.
  • 这种严峻的考验最终减轻了我因为时不时开儿子而产生的负疚感。
    In the end, this ordeal eased my guilt about leaving my son's side at times.
  • 麦勒迪斯,詹姆斯·霍华德生于1933美国民权倡导者,在1963年进入历来实行种族隔的密西西比大学,并引发了一场骚乱,那些不顾联邦政府和平解决种族平等待遇的呼吁的州府官员们对这场骚乱起了推动作用
    British writer of novels, such as The Ordeal of Richard Feverel(1859), and poetic works, including Modern Love(1862).
  • 如果你再吵,我就叫你开礼堂!
    If you make any more noise I shall order you out of the hall!
  • 他妈妈命他离开。
    His mother ordered him away.
  • 和建立根据地不能分的第二个条件,就是使用武装部队并配合民众去战胜敌人。
    The second indispensable condition for establishing a base area is that the armed forces should be used in co-ordination with the people to defeat the enemy.
  • 它使革命队伍失掉严密的组织和纪律,政策不能贯彻到底,党的组织和党所领导的群众发生隔
    It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads.
  • 瓜氨酸一种氨基酸,c6h13n3o3,最初从西瓜中分出来,在肝部的尿素形成过程中,其作为中介物将鸟氨酸转为精氨酸
    An amino acid, C6H13N3O3, originally isolated from watermelon, that is produced as an intermediate in the conversion of ornithine to arginine during urea formation in the liver.
  • 甚至那些鸟类学家也都开了,但不是因为怕传染上麻疹或家有病人出于礼貌。
    Even the ornithologists stayed away--but not out of fear of the measles or respect for a household with sickness.