  • 又在雅典战胜了奥运会冠军贝利而首次称王,并且夺冠的成绩为9秒86。
    Following that, he defeated Olympics Champion Bailey and won the title for the first time. His result was 9.86 seconds.
  • 又在雅典战胜了奥运会冠军贝利而首次称王,并且夺冠的成绩为9秒86。
    Greene won the first place by 9.90 seconds. Following that, hede-feated Olympics Champion Bailey and won the title for the first time.
  • 投掷(人造)诱饵进入大海凭海浪在你的周围阻挡你。
    casting (artificial) bait out into the ocean with the waves breaking around you.
  • 微波炉里烤白薯都比这有趣。
    Watching a potato bake in a microwave is more exciting.
  • 我们总算走运,面包店还开
    We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.
  • 厨房里弥漫热呼呼的烘烤香味。
    The kitchen is filled with the warm, fragrant odor of her baking.
  • 海豚用鼻子顶球,使其保持平衡。
    The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.
  • 找头你留着吧。
    You may keep the balance.
  • 尽管她生命危急,但她一心只想她伙伴们的安全。
    Though her life was in the balance, she thought only of the safety of her fellows.
  • 平静精神或感情的稳定;沉
    Mental or emotional balance; poise.
  • 狗用鼻子顶一个球使其保持平衡。
    The dog balanced a ball on its nose.
  • 平衡;悬在悬挂中处于平衡状态或被支持;徘徊
    To be balanced or held in suspension; hover.
  • 她仅用一只手臂的力量保持整个身体的平衡。
    She's balancing herself on the strength of a single arm.
  • 她仅用一只手臂的力量保持整个身体的平衡。
    She's balancing herself on the strength with a single arm.
  • 懒散地算数字,希望能平衡开支
    Was fooling around with some figures in hopes of balancing the budget.
  • 带有雪橇而不是轮子的类似自行车的交通工具,骑的人带短雪橇保持平衡。
    a vehicle resembling a bicycle but having skis instead of wheels; the rider wears short skis for balancing.
  • 至少从制衡与监督政府的意义上讲,台湾总统选举结果确实标志中国民主政治发展的一个新里程碑。
    At least, in terms of its function of checking and balancing the government, the results of the recent presidential election in Taiwan have marked a new stage in the progress for the Chinese people towards democracy.
  • 瑞士内部虽存在语言协调与平衡的问题,但是他们还依然能够维持各种族的和谐关系,主要原因是不歧视少数语文,而能容忍与尊重彼此的语言与文化。
    Although Switzerland faces the problems of managing and balancing the different languages, the Swiss can still maintain harmony among the races. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not discriminate against any minority languages, and they have mutual tolerance and respect for one another's language and culture.
  • 这个秃头的人戴一顶假发。
    The bald man wore awig.
  • 备用胎几乎磨光了,但还可凑和用到我们买一个新的为止
    The spare tire was nearly bald but would pass until we bought a new one.
  • balding这个词在本世纪30年代的新闻杂志中颇为流行,并在很长时间内与活泼的新闻风格相联系。但随它的广泛使用,已失去了早期与新闻的关系
    The word balding was popularized by the newsmagazines of the1930's and was for a long time associated with breezy, journalistic style. It has since passed into general usage, however, and has lost its earlier association with journalism.
  • 当我开始议论男人过早秃顶时,我失言了——我不知道罗恩戴假发!
    I dropped a real clanger when I started talking about premature baldness in men—I didn't know Ron wore a wig!
  • 他默默念咒语,然后举起手。
    he whispered a spell as he moved his hands; inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese.
  • 入晚,走过旅馆游泳池畔,传统服饰的巴厘舞蹈员正整妆。
    Once at nightfall, when passing the swimming-pool at my hotel, I caught sight of some Balinese dancers in ethnic costumes getting ready for their performance.
  • 巴厘人,一切托佑,当地导游说,设若家居火,只余半间,他们会庆幸,还好没烧尽,凡事往好处眼,为巴厘人乐天知命的根本。
    The Balinese entrust everything in life to divine providence. Even when a house is virtually burnt down, our local guide told us, people would celebrate their good fortune if any part of it were spared by the fire. Such contentment is what leads the islanders through life in their peculiar happy-go-lucky manner.
  • 今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼一些古代的歌曲。
    The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
  • 他这个人一点也不沉
    He has got no ballast whatever.
  • 气球携带两个大型降落伞。
    The balloon carried two large parachutes.
  • 他正忙给汽球充氢气。
    He was busy filling out the balloon with hydrogen.
  • 当时,埃里克正经营斯特兰德大街的文化馆舞厅。
    At the time,Eric was managing the Lyceum Ballroom in the Strand.
  • 在维也纳,华尔兹跳得快极了,舞伴们绕舞厅场地一转七、八圈,直至双方最后精疲力竭。
    In Vienna the waltz became very fast, with the couples racing each other seven or eight times round the ballroom floor, until they were in a state of collapse.
  • 我坐一动不动,手指紧抠木椅的扶手,竭力让自己呼吸玫瑰和熏衣草的芳香。
    I sat,fingers taut..round the arms of the wooden seat,trying to breathe in the balm..of roses and lavender.