  • 根据法律文载明,被告有罪
    As the law reads, the defendant is guilty.
  • 在刑事法律援助中,对盲、聋、哑、未成年人作为刑事被告人,没有聘请辩护人的,人民法院应当指定有法律援助义务的律师为其辩护,而不考虑经济困难件。
    For legal aid for criminal matters, the people's court shall, regardless of the financial conditions of the defendant, appoint a lawyer bearing legal aid obligations to defend those criminal defendants who are blind, deaf, dumb or minors and have not retained a defender.
  • 在刑事法律援助中,对可能被判处死刑的没有委托辩护人的刑事被告人,人民法院应当指定负有法律援助义务的律师为其辩护,而不考察经济困难件,体现了对公民生命权的重点保护。
    In legal aid for criminal matters, the people's court shall, regardless of the financial conditions of the defendant, appoint a lawyer bearing the legal aid obligations to defend a criminal defendant who might been sentenced to death penalty but has not retained a defender. This rule illustrates the key protection on citizen's right to life.
  • 相互信任;相互抵制约。
    mutual trust; a mutual defense treaty.
  • 他们通过一小路爬到山上。
    They climbed up the mountain through a defile.
  • 发布者api定义了若干消息,以使得uddi发布者能够管理断言。
    The publishers API defines several messages to allow assertions to be managed by UDDI publishers.
  • 显然,他企图以此来暗示他给当前历史件下的民族运动的社会意义所下的定义是正确的。
    Evidently, by this Semich is trying to suggest that his formula defining the social significance of the national movement under the present historical conditions is correct.
  • 第四十一 本法中下列用语的含义是:
    Article 41 For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:
  • 鼓励有件的地方烧煤炭。采取多种方式减少薪柴消耗,使土地植被得到保护,解决由薪柴消耗引起的毁林问题。
    Places with conditions to use coal will be encouraged to reduce the consumption of firewood through various methods, so as to protect land vegetation and solve the problem of deforestation for firewood consumption.
  • 为宣传林业法律、法规,打击毁林行为,唤起全社会的爱林护林意识,国家林业局决定,开始在全国范围内,组织开展一场集宣传教育、严格执法、重点打击、新闻曝光于一体的行动——“跨世纪保卫绿色行动”,并将于近期公布举报电话,动员全社会对违法毁林行为进行监督,为保护森林,发展林业创造舆论件和法律保障。
    In order to publicize laws and regulations on forestry, crack down on deforestation activities and enhance the public's consciousness of caring and protecting forests, the State Forestry Administration launched the Green Protection Trans-Century Action throughout the country .The Action integrates publicity and education with strict law enforcement, efforts to crack down on law-breaking activities and media exposure. Tip-off telephones have been set up with the purpose of mobilizing the whole society to supervise illegal deforestation activities. All these efforts will help create a positive media background and legal guarantees for forest conservation and forestry development.
  • 《1999年公司(修订)例》已于十一月十一日实施。该例引入新的法定程序,把不营运但有偿债能力的私人公司的注册撤销。
    The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1999, which came into operation on November 11, introduced a new statutory procedure to deregister solvent defunct private companies.
  • 动物权力保护者说,每年的蛇节期间都会有数百蛇死去,很多是因为食用了牛奶而导致严重脱水和过敏反应造成死亡的。
    Animal rights activists say hundreds of snakes die during the festival every year, many as a result of drinking milk which causes severe dehydration and allergic reactions.
  • 泛神论,多神教区分神和宇宙及其现象的信
    A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena.
  • 发源于纽约东南的河流,向南绕过宾夕法尼亚洲和纽约以及新泽西州的边缘,最后在特拉华州北部汇入特拉华海湾。
    a river that rises in the Catskills in southeastern New York and flows southward along the border of Pennsylvania with New York and New Jersey to northern Delaware where it empties into Delaware Bay.
  • 1985年3月,在审评联合国妇女十年成就世界会议第三届筹备会上,中国代表指出:“实现男女平等,这是妇女运动长期以来奋斗的目标,妇女十年在平等立法制定方面,有了显著进展,但仅有立法文,还很不够……
    In March 1985, at the third preliminary session on reviewing the achievements of the UN Decade for Women, the Chinese delegate pointed out, "Equality between men and women has been the goal of the women's movement for a long time. The United Nations Decade for Women has scored marked progress in legislative equality, but this is not enough....
  • 1985年3月,在审评联合国妇女十年成就世界会议第三届筹备会上,中国代表指出:“实现男女平等,这是妇女运动长期以来奋斗的目标,妇女十年在平等立法制定方面,有了显著进展,但仅有立法文,还很不够……我们认为,战略中应着重强调在国际、区域、国家各级制定行动措施来实现事实上的平等,各国政府和非政府组织应为妇女提供法律咨询,帮助妇女真正有可能运用法律武器维护自己的合法权利。”
    In March 1985, at the third preliminary session on reviewing the achievements of the UN Decade for Women, the Chinese delegate pointed out, "Equality between men and women has been the goal of the women's movement for a long time. The United Nations Decade for Women has scored marked progress in legislative equality, but this is not enough.... We believe that strategically we must stress that efforts must be made at the international, regional and national levels to work out active plans in order to reach a genuine equality; every governmental and non-governmental organization should provide legal services for women and make it possible for them to adopt legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights."
  • 请从信用证上删去“淡水雨淋险”款。
    Please delete"fresh water damage" from the L/C.
  • 请从信用证上删去“淡水雨淋险”款。
    Please delete "fresh water damage" from the L/C.
  • 大家可以回想一下,粉碎“四人帮”以后,全国人大在一九八○年通过一个议案,取消宪法中的关于“大鸣、大放、大辩论、大字报”这一
    We all remember that in 1980, after the defeat of the Gang of Four, the National People's Congress adopted a resolution to delete from the Constitution the provision concerning the right of citizens to "speak out freely, air their views fully, hold great debates and put up big-character posters".
  •  第五十二发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书或者权利要求书的修改部分,除个别文字修改或者增删外,应当按照规定格式提交替换页。
    Rule 52 When an amendment to the description or the claims in an application for a patent for invention or utility model is made, a replacement sheet in prescribed form shall be submitted, unless the amendment concerns only the alteration, insertion or deletion of a few words.
  •  第四十一说明书中写有对附图的说明但无附图或者缺少部分附图的,申请人应当在国务院专利行政部门指定的期限内补交附图或者声明取消对附图的说明。
    Rule 41 Where the description states that it contains explanatory notes to the drawings but the drawings or part of them are missing, the applicant shall, within the time limit specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, either furnish the drawings or make a declaration for the deletion of the explanatory notes to the drawings.
  • 协议的款故意含糊其词.
    The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague.
  • 当然,其中有一些地方还要推敲,做不到的,不仅是胡乔木同志刚才讲的党章第十八中规定代表大会主要文件要提前一个月发到全党讨论,做不到,类似的还会找到一些,如开代表大会要在三个月之前通知代表。
    Of course, some parts need further deliberation. As Comrade Hu Qiaomu has just said, it is impossible to meet the requirement in Article 18 of the draft revised Party Constitution that the main documents of a Party congress be distributed for discussion by the whole Party one month in advance. Some other requirements are difficult to meet too, such as the stipulation that delegates to a Party congress should be notified of its convening three months in advance.
  • 消息使我非常高兴。
    The news delighted me.
  • 第五十五 县级以上各级地方人民政府应当划定基本农田保护区,对基本农田保护区内的耕地实行特殊保护,具体办法由国务院规定。
    Article 55 People's governments at or above the county level shall delimit protection areas of basic farmlands, and carry out special protection for the cultivated lands within the protection areas of basic farmlands. The specific measures therefor shall be stipulated by the State Council.
  • 第二十四 国务院林业主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,应当在不同自然地带的典型森林生态地区、珍贵动物和植物生长繁殖的林区、天然热带雨林区和具有特殊保护价值的其他天然林区,划定自然保护区,加强保护管理。
    Article 24 The competent forestry authorities under the State Council and the people's government at the provincial, autonomous region or directly-administered municipality level shall delimit natural protection areas to strengthen protection and administration in typical forest ecology areas in different natural terrain, forest districts where previous animals and plants grow and breed, natural tropical rain forest districts and other natural forest districts with special protection value.
  • 第十八 国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门,根据气象、地形、土壤等自然件,可以对已经产生、可能产生酸雨的地区或者其他二氧化硫污染严重的地区,经国务院批准后,划定为酸雨控制区或者二氧化硫污染控制区。
    Article 18 The administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council together with relevant departments under the State Council may, in light of the meteorological, topographical, soil and other natural conditions, delimit the areas where acid rain has occurred or will probably occur and areas that are seriously polluted by sulfur dioxide as acid rain control areas and sulfur dioxide pollution control areas with the approval the State Council.
  • 第十五 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对尚未达到规定的大气环境质量标准的区域和国务院批准划定的酸雨控制区、二氧化硫污染控制区,可以划定为主要大气污染物排放总量控制区。
    Article 15 With regard to the regions not meeting the prescribed standards for the quality of atmospheric environment and the acid rain control areas and the sulfur dioxide pollution control areas designated as such with the approval of the State Council, the State Council or the people's government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may delimit them as the major areas for the total emission control air pollutants.
  • 第九 各级文物保护单位,分别由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和县、自治县、市人民政府划定必要的保护范围,作出标志说明,建立记录档案,并区别情况分别设置专门机构或者专人负责管理。
    Article 9 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and of counties, autonomous counties and cities shall delimit the necessary scope of protection, put up signs and notices, and establish records and files for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels and shall, in the light of different circumstances, establish special organs or assign full-time personnel to be responsible for the administration of these sites.
  • 为了切实保护好耕地,根据《基本农田保护例》,全国开展了划定基本农田保护区工作。
    In order to put cultivated land under proper protection, basic farmland preservation areas have been delimited all over the country, in accordance with the Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland.
  • 第二十九 国家所有的水工程,应当按照经批准的设计,由县级以上人民政府依照国家规定,划定管理和保护范围。
    Article 29: For each State-owned water project, a management and safeguard zone shall be delimited based upon the approved design and in accordance with State provisions by the people’s governments at or above the county level.
  • 第五十一 本法施行以前,未办理批准手续、未划定矿区范围、未取得采矿许可证开采矿产资源的,应当依照本法有关规定申请补办手续。
    Article 51 Before this Law goes into effect, anyone who mined mineral resources without going through approval procedures, without having the mining area delimited and without obtaining a mining license shall apply for completion of the formalities in accordance with relevant provisions of this Law.