| - 减少……威信尊严或名声。
lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. - 特别是八十年代以来,国家拨出巨款,重修了甘丹寺、雍布拉康、桑嘎果托寺等著名寺庙,抢救维修了年久失修的桑耶寺、夏鲁寺、萨迦寺、昌珠寺、强巴林寺、托林寺等一批著名寺庙。
Especially beginning in the 1980s, the state has allocated large amounts of money for the reconstruction of some famous monasteries, including the Ganden, Yumbulagang and Sanggagorto monasteries, and the repairing of well-known but dilapidated monasteries, such as the Samye, Shalu, Sakya, Changzhug, Qamba Ling and Toling monasteries. - 随着千百年荒漠化的不断加剧,4500平方公里的罗布泊渐渐沦为完全干涸的"死亡之海",名噪文史的阳关、玉门关、汉长城只剩下残败的遗址遗迹。敦煌也陷入了沙漠的包围之中。
With more and more land laid waste and turned into desert through the ages and the 4,500 sq. km of Lake Luobu gradually draining into a completely dried up "Sea of Death", only dilapidated relics and ruins have been left of the once well-known Yangguan and Yumen mountain passes, and the Han period Great Wall and Dunhuang, too, is enclosed by desert. - 在当时的小说里,这一难题常常由最后一页的重大发现得以圆满地解决:原先一文不名的女主人摇身一变,成了巨额财富的继承人。
In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress. - 勤奋与智慧,使他毕业时在班上名列前茅。
Because of his diligence and unusual intelligence, he surpassed all his classmates at graduation. - 一言以蔽之,应观看所到之处一切值得记忆的风光名胜和礼仪习俗,反正打探上述去处应是随行的那名私家教师或贴身随从的事。
After all which, the tutors, or servants, ought to make diligent inquiry. - 我们感谢那些为我们提名的人士,同时也感谢诺贝尔评奖委员会,他们在今年,从那些致力于和平的人士中,决定对于我们这一国际运动组织的工作予以赏识。
Our appreciation goes to those who nominated us and to the Nobel Committee for choosing this year to recognize, from among so many other nominees who have worked diligently for peace, the work of the International Campaign. - 我无名的诗行不会使他们黯然失色。
My obscure lines shall not so dim their worth. - 美国的辅币包括一角的和五分的;辅币顾名思义就是比基本货币单位小的货币。
American divisional (fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel; fractional currency is currency in denominations less than the basic monetary unit. - 把…遮暗,没落在地位、名气和名誉方面使人失去荣耀或隐没
To obscure or diminish in importance, fame, or reputation. - 微小表微小的后缀、单词或名称
A diminutive suffix, word, or name. - 最小的或因尺寸小而著名的。
having or being distinguished by diminutive size. - 也门民主人民共和国第纳尔(货币名)
dinar of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen - 那个男孩名叫汉普丁克,或者爱称为“丁克”。
The boy's name was Humperdink, or "Dink" for short. - [5]完全凭借勤奋与毅力所产生的非凡成果,已经引起许多名人怀疑天赋是否真像通常认为的那样,是种极为异常的才能。
[5] The extraordinary results effected by dint of sheer industry and perseverance, have led many distinguished men to doubt whether the gift of genius be so exceptional an endowment as it is usually supposed to be. - 据说,这种病毒名为"ganda-a",通过在被感染的计算机上向其他地址发送邮件来传播,并可能使防病毒和其他安全软件失效,进一步攻击计算机硬盘上的有些文件。
The worm, dubbed Ganda-A, spreads by sending itself to e-mail addresses on an infected machine and tries to disable anti-virus and other security software and infect certain files on the hard disk, according to Sophos. - 贝里克郡(苏格兰郡名)以北没有人会不认同这一绰号。
No one north of Berwick is likely to disagree. - 我将远走高飞,隐姓埋名到别处去过日子。
I would disappear. I would go somewhere else to live, under an assumed name. - 她的名字从名单上消失了
the disappearance of her name from the list - 拉斯特斯失踪三天以后,拉姆奇夫人收到一封匿名信。
Three days after Rastus' disappearance, Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter. - 诺克斯失踪后,诺克斯科技公司总裁维维安·伍德知道只有求助于一个人和三名机智性感的侦探。
Following Knox's disappearance,Knox Technologies’President Vivian Wood knows there's only one man and three smart,sexy detectives to turn to. - 在日本的长野奥运会上只得了个令人失望的第四名后,艾尔特奇休息了两个赛季,而这一来他想问题的方法有了新的变化,不用说他的腿也灵活多了,他的滑冰重新充满活力。
Taking two seasons off after his disappointing fourth-place finish in Nagano, Japan, offered Eldredge a fresh perspective... not to mention, fresher legs... and revitalized his skating. - 五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械.
Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed. - 莫名其妙的对危险迫近的感觉。
an intangible feeling of impending disaster. - 政府飞行服务队共有纪律人员184名及一般职系人员67名。
The organisation is staffed by184 disciplined and 67 general grade personnel. - 这些投诉导致28名警务人员遭受纪律处分,另有18人被检控。
A total of 28 Police officers were disciplined and 18charged with offences resulting from the complaints. - 由于招募工作成绩理想,警队得以维持强大而健康的人手数目,其中纪律人员有27588名,而文职人员则有5926名。
Satisfactory recruitment saw the strength of the Force remain healthy and strong at 27 588 disciplined officers and 5 926 civilian staff. - 年底时,入境事务处编制内有3687名纪律人员和1858名文职人员,一九九六年则分别有3586名和1959名。
At the end of the year, the department had an establishment of 3687 disciplined staff and 1858 civilian staff, compared with 3586 and 1959 in 1996 respectively. - 年内,约有372名纪律人员退役、13名因丧失工作能力而被辞退、292名辞职、45名调往其他部门,38名被撤职或终止服务。
In 1997, some 372 disciplined officers retired from the Force, 13 were invalided, 292 resigned, 45 were transferred to other departments, and 38were either dismissed or had their services terminated. - 我无意泄露他们的姓名。
I have no intention of disclosing their names. - 拒绝透露自己的姓名和住址
refuse to disclose one's name and address - 他拒绝透露自己的姓名和地址。
He refused to disclose his name and address.