Chinese English Sentence:
  • 河流、湖泊和海洋中的水流能够扩散倾卸于水中的污染物,土壤中的污染成分能够渗透到地下水中,并且以后会现在井水里。
    Currents in rivers, lakes, and oceans spread pollutants that are dumped into water. Pollution in soil can seep into ground water and appear later in wells..
  • 油从发动机中渗出.
    Oil is seeping from the engine.
  • 油箱的裂缝漏油来了。
    Oil is seeping out through a crack in the tank.
  • 严重的有毒的或血液状液体渗并流入躯体空穴或细胞组织中
    The seeping of serous, purulent, or bloody fluid into a body cavity or tissue.
  • 恰恰在一百年前,人们开始在看来有石油渗地面的地方附近钻孔。
    Just over a hundred years ago men began drilling holes near the places where oil was seen seeping out of the ground.
  • 谨慎平衡的秋千;非常和谐的交响乐;对知识史和文化史的有条理的看法;调制得和谐的威士忌酒;受过教育的人表现对自己所有能力的平衡发展。
    the carefully balanced seesaw; a properly balanced symphony orchestra; a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history; a balanced blend of whiskeys; the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers.
  • 他们处处表现灵活变通、宽容体谅和通力合作。
    They have demonstrated flexibility, understanding, co-operation and accommodation every where.
  • 浮冰块从这种大冰块分离来的部分
    A segment that has separated from such an ice mass.
  • 通过改变显示属性以突某一显示单元或一段文字的方法。
    Emphasizing a display element or segment by modifying its visual attributes.
  • 双方做让步的和解。
    an accommodation in which both sides make concessions.
  • 我可以提一个关于膳宿供应的看法吗?
    Can I raise a point about accommodation?
  • 例如,许多宾馆就根据市场划分的某些形式来作广告:城市宾馆寻求吸引在工作日差的商务人员及周末的游客;
    Many hotels, for example, practice some form of market segmentation. City hotels seek to appeal to traveling businesspersons on weekdays and tourists on weekends.
  • 我可以提一个关于膳宿供应的看法吗?
    Could I raise a point accommodation?
  • 创新基金鼓励并优先支持产、学、研的联合创新,优先支持具有自主知识产权、高技术、高附加值、能大量吸纳就业、节能降耗、有利环境保护、口创汇的项目。
    The Fund encourages and supports as its priorities the joint innovation of industries, universities and research institutes, and projects which are characterized by independent intellectual property rights, high technologies, high added value, capability of accommodating large number of employees, saving energy, being environment friendly and earning foreign currencies by exportation.
  • 一种设施,允许程序员在编译期间有选择地列一些单独指令或短程序段。
    A facility that permits a programmer to selectively list single instructions or short segments of code during compilation.
  • 收听率,收视率通过对听众,观众的调查得的电视或广播节目的受欢迎程度
    The popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience.
  • 但是我们想指的是,我们只是为了鼓励将来的交易才给你这个通融的。
    But we wish to point out that it is only with a view to encouraging future deals with you that we are accommodating you this time.
  • 现在是走幽暗荒凉的种族隔离深谷,踏上种族平等的阳关大道的时候。
    Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.
  • 在种族隔离政策下甚至现了白人公共厕所和白人专用饮水机;意在从组织中驱逐黑人的白人化运动。
    under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains; a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization.
  • 法利对非洲裔美国人居住模式的研究,异族通婚趋势在加利福尼亚以及一些城市如德克萨斯州达拉斯、内华达州拉斯维加斯和亚利桑那州菲尼克斯尤其明显,因为它们和美国东北部及中西部的老城市相比,居住隔离的情况没有那么突
    This tendency is particularly noticeable in California and in cities such as Dallas (Texas), Las Vegas (Nevada) and Phoenix (Arizona), where residential segregation has been less pronounced than in the older northeastern and midwestern U.S. cities, according to Reynolds Farley, who has studied African American residential patterns.
  • 当我们从竞争对手那里搬一位新客户的时候,我们同样要态度随和。
    We're equally accommodating when we're moving a new customer out of a competitor 's facility.
  • seige先生是位来自澳洲的商人。他已向江苏工艺品进口公司购买了一大批陶器货物。
    Mr. Seige from Australia has purchased a lot of Crockery from Jiangsu Art & Craft Import & Export Company.
  • 发钞银行必须按7.80的固定汇率交无息美元保证才可发行流通纸币,因此外汇基金享有发钞利润。
    The note-issuing banks may issue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. Thus the Fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes.
  • 那个看门人总是随和的让游客们进去;为了变得乐于助人而做特别的努力。
    the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in; made a special effort to be accommodating.
  • 为了帮助别人而做特别的努力。
    made a special effort to be accommodating.
  • 正如前述,我们只提到了王宫几处类拔萃的建筑物,目的是想让看官对宫殿区约略有个印象。宫殿区占据着查理五世城墙与东边塞纳河之间的夹角。
    As we have just said, the quarter of the palace, of which we have just endeavored to give the reader some idea by indicating only the chief points, filled the angle which Charles V.'s wall made with the Seine on the east.
  • 为适应多语言描述的需要,允许现多个description元素。
    Multiple descriptions are allowed in order to accommodate descriptions in multiple languages.
  • 不过,第一眼便可看,这三大部分还是形成一个整体的,只见两条平行的长街,不断延展,毫无阻碍,几乎一溜笔直,从南向北,正好与塞纳河垂直,一起贯穿三城,加以连接,加以混合,把这一座城市的人流不停地注入、倾入和移入另一城内,由此三城合而为一。
    Nevertheless,at first sight, one recognized the fact that these three fragments formed but one body. One immediately perceived three long parallel streets, unbroken, undisturbed, traversing, almost in a straight line, all three cities, from one end to the other;from North to South, perpendicularly, to the Seine, which bound them together, mingled them, infused them in each other, poured and transfused the people incessantly, from one to the other, and made one out of the three.
  • 根据这些波到达的时间,地震学家们能够计算地震离地震仪的距离。
    From these wave arrival times, seismologists can calculate the distance of an earthquake from each seismograph.
  • 屋顶斜坡上凸的天窗。
    the window in a gabled extension built to accommodate a window.
  • 地震学家威廉·麦卡恩和他的同事们准确地测了在北美板块和太平洋板块接界的阿拉斯加的一个边远地区,是地震活跃区。30多年来,这些交接处只有小规模的地壳活动在释放应力,有的地方甚至停止活动,因而应力很大,只有发生激烈的活动才能释放。
    Seismologist William Mccann and his colleagues have identified trouble spots in a remote region of Alaska on the boundary between the North American and Pacific at which there has been only minor activity to relieve pressure for 30 years more. In some cases, all movement has ceased and the tension is such that only the most violent activity can release it.
  • 我们必须把握时机为此做自己的贡献。
    And we must seize this moment and deliver.