  • 好的教师运用对所教导的科目的热忱和爱好,来激发学生的学习兴趣,并不断构想新方法和汲取新观点,来为每堂课注入新的生命。
    Good teachers inspire in their students a love for learning through their enthusiasm and passion for their subject, and through their own efforts to continually develop new skills and embrace new ideas in order to bring afresh perspective to every lesson.
  • 受包庇的未因个过失或不端的行为受到批评的
    Not rebuked for a fault or misdeed.
  • 亚拿尼亚《圣经·新约》里个说谎的人,当彼得揭穿他后他就倒地而死了
    In the New Testament, a liar who dropped dead when Peter rebuked him.
  • 然而等到红军到达个新的地区时,例如我们由江西等地移到了陕西,“围剿”的反复又出现了。
    But when the Red Army reached a new area, as for example when we shifted from Kiangsi Province and various other regions to Shensi Province, the repetition of "encirclement and suppression" campaigns began afresh.
  • 种矮凳;从前在苏格兰罪犯在教堂接受公共审判的凳子。
    a low stool; formerly in Scotland, a seat in a church where an offender was publicly rebuked.
  • 在《旧约全书》中反对偶像崇拜的希伯来人预言家;因斥责亚哈和翟泽拜尔(以色列的国王和王后)而被迫害;他被俩烈火战车带到了天堂。
    a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who opposed the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
  • 第三次袁德生又来,相隔不过十天,这次信上除骂了我们大篇外,却主张红军向湘东去,又说是“绝对正确”的方针,而且又要我们“毫不犹豫”。
    The third time, barely ten days later, Yuan Teh-sheng came again with a letter which, besides rebuking us at great length, urged that the Red Army should set out for eastern Hunan; This was again described as the "absolutely correct" policy, to be carried out "without the least hesitation".
  • 因此,我们必须方面继续坚定地肃清“四人帮”的流毒,帮助部分还在中毒的同志觉悟过来,并且对极少数人所散布的诽谤党中央的反动言论给予痛击;
    Therefore, it is not enough for us to keep on resolutely eliminating the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four, helping those comrades who have been misled by it to come to their senses, and rebutting the reactionary statements of those who slander the Central Committee.
  • 重新开始;想重新写这个故事;到个新地方开始新的生活。
    start afresh; wanted to write the story anew; starting life anew in a fresh place.
  • 它已经去不复返了。
    It is gone beyond recall.
  • 那是项无法挽回的决定。
    It is a decigone beyond recall.
  • 这次反共高潮再次地证实了它的正确性。
    Its correctness was proved afresh during the recent anti-Communist onslaught.
  • 有些工程师认为,既然为这系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内将这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。
    Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
  • 把背过的知识回忆起来;引起段回忆。
    recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection.
  • 话一出口难收回。
    Word once speak can never is recall.
  • 同志们可以回想下,九五七年的问题是个什么问题呢?
    Our comrades can well recall the situation in 1957.
  • 解雇后个员工的回聘。
    the recall of an employee after a layoff.
  • 她宣布放弃原有信仰,成为名基督徒。
    She recanted her faith and became a Christian.
  • 不加侮辱,不搜财物,不要自首,律以诚恳和气的态度对待之。
    We should not insult them, take away their personal effects or try to exact recantations from them, but without exception should treat them sincerely and kindly.
  • 在新闻的最后把主要内容概述
    Recapped the headlines at the end of the news broadcast.
  • 如果大家坐下来按照国际惯例谈谈,采取资产重组、注资、债权变股权等办法,这个问题是可以得到解决的,你的债务也能得到偿还,它也用不着破产。
    If everybody can just sit down and have a discussion according to international practice,for instance to recapitalize the firm or to inject fresh capital into it or to swap the debt into equity,then the problem can be settled and the debts will be repaid and there is no need for the firm concerned to apply for bankruptcy.
  • 让我们来概括下要点。
    Let's recapitulate the main ideas.
  • 我们虽然想尽可能简单,却还是逐列举了这么多建筑物。随着我们逐渐勾画出旧巴黎的总形象时,如果这长串列举并没有在看官心目中把旧巴黎的形象弄得支离破碎的话,那么,现在便可以用三言两语予以概括了。
    Now, if the enumeration of so many edifices, summary as we have endeavored to make it, has not shattered in the reader's mind the general image of old Paris, as we have constructed it, we will recapitulate it in a few words.
  • 他把讲话的重点扼要重述了遍。
    He recapitulated the main points of the speech.
  • (演讲时)致结束语,总结以个正式的概括结束演讲
    To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation.
  • 分三个部分呈示,展开和再现的乐曲形式;奏鸣曲或交响乐的第乐章的特点。
    a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; characteristic of 1st movement of a sonata or symphony.
  • 一次重温过去的尝试
    An attempt to recapture the past.
  • 在脑海里再次体验过去;陷入对往事的回忆之中。
    recapture the past; indulge in memories.
  • 3个囚犯逃跑,两个被抓回,但个仍逍遥法外。
    Three prisoner escape two is recapture, but one is still at large.
  • 言出如飞鸟,纵难再擒。
    A word is like a bird: when he has sent if forth, a man cannot recapture it.
  • 言出如飞鸟,纵难再擒。
    A word is like a bird: when he has sent it forth, a man cannot recapture it.
  • 旦受到干扰,就很难恢复原来的思路。
    If I am once put off I find it very difficult to recapture the same train of thought.