  • 往后的时,就不得不变成英法和德意两大帝国主义集团直接冲突的局面。
    From now on the situation will inevitably develop into one of direct conflict between the two big imperialist blocs, the Anglo-French bloc and the German-Italian bloc.
  • 这个协定打破了张伯伦、达拉第等国际反动资产阶级挑动苏德战争的阴谋,打破了德意日反共集团对于苏联的包围,巩固了苏德两国的和平,保障了苏联社会主义建设的发展。
    The treaty has shattered the intrigues by which the reactionary international bourgeoisie represented by Chamberlain and Daladier sought to instigate a Soviet-German war, has broken the encirclement of the Soviet Union by the German-Italian-Japanese anti-Communist bloc, strengthened peace between the Soviet Union and Germany, and safeguarded the progress of socialist construction in the Soviet Union.
  • 从第一颗原子弹爆炸到第一颗氢弹爆炸,中国仅用了两年零八个月时,中国这一成就是在美国进行严格封锁情况下取得的。
    It only took China two years and eight months to go from the explosion of the first atom bomb to that of the first H-bomb. China achieved this under the condition of severe US blockade.
  • 新中国在成立后的一段较长时里,一直面临着帝国主义、霸权主义的孤立、封锁、颠覆和破坏,因此,中国人民解放军经常处于临战的戒备状态。
    For a long period following the founding of the People's Republic, China was subject to isolation, blockade, subversion and sabotage by the imperialists and hegemonists, and, as a result, the PLA was often on a combat-ready alert.
  • 卫生的下水道堵住了。
    The sewer in the toilet was blocked.
  • 道路堵塞了,所以我们只好由田绕道而来。
    The road was blocked so we had to come round by the fields.
  • 在过两栋建筑物就有一不错的中国餐馆。
    There is a good Chinese restaurant two blocks down.
  • 他看见一个金发碧眼的女孩进入房
    He watched a blonde girl coming in to the room.
  • 他们之间感情不和。
    There is bad blood between them.
  • 那对老夫妇很怕冷,所以把房烧得热得要命。
    The old couple is cold-blooded and keep their house terribly hot.
  • 那对老夫妇很怕冷,所以把房烧得热得要命
    The old couple are cold - blooded and keep their house terribly hot
  • 那对老夫妇很怕冷,所以把房烧得热得要命。
    The old couple is cold blooded and keep their house terribly hot.
  • 战争期造成了无数的流血牺牲。
    There was a lot of bloodshed during the war.
  • hiv进入人体血液循环后,要用几年的时慢慢吞噬掉保卫人体的白血球。
    After entering the bloodstream it takes a few years for the HIV to eat up the army of white blood cells which protect the body.
  • 旋毛线虫,毛线虫一种小型细长的寄生线虫(旋毛线虫毛线虫属),寄生在各种哺乳动物的肠内,幼虫在血液中运动,定居在肌肉中
    A small, slender parasitic nematode worm(Trichinella spiralis) that infests the intestines of various mammals and whose larvae move through the bloodstream, becoming encysted in muscles.
  • 主要为夜开花的附生攀缘仙人掌植物的一个属。
    mostly epiphytic climbing cacti that bloom at night.
  • 花园像是一夜突然开满鲜花。
    The garden seemed to have burst into blossom (bloom) overnight.
  • 在春季的短暂时内,这片地区则是百花盛开。
    But for a brief period in the spring, the whole landscape explodes into a multicoloured bloom.
  • 我们之间情长谊深.
    Our friendship is blooming.
  • 在晚间开花的
    Opening or blooming in the evening.
  • 任何月光掌属的夜开花的仙人掌。
    any of several night-blooming cacti of the genus Selenicereus.
  • 月光花任一种与牵牛花相似的在夜开放的藤本植物
    Any of several night-blooming vines related to the morning glories.
  • 在一个月之就会草绿花开几乎是不可能的。
    It was next to impossible that in a month the grass would be green and flower would be blooming.
  • 有三角分枝的美洲热带攀援仙人掌;常由于其美丽的夜开的花及带红色条纹的黄色果实而种植。
    tropical American climbing cactus having triangular branches; often cultivated for its large showy night-blooming flowers followed by yellow red-streaked fruits.
  • 开放的深粉色、管状、透明野花;见于加洲南部到科罗拉多以至墨西哥的沙地和沙漠一带。
    wildflower having vibrant deep pink tubular evening-blooming flowers; found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to southern Colorado and into Mexico.
  • 不论多少时人们都不会忘记这些事。
    Time will never blot out these memories.
  • 他给我们详细叙述了晚的赛事。
    He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the evening's events.
  • 接的一击非直接的或偶然性的打击
    An indirect or chance blow.
  • 间谍的伪装被揭穿了.
    The spy's cover was blown.
  • 如果她停下未一段时,小仔将开始下沉,这是因为它没有足够的脂肪或鲸脂使其轻松漂浮。
    If she does for any length of time, the calf will begin to sink, because it is not born with enough body fat or blubber to float easily.
  • 是用深浅不一的蓝色粉刷的。
    The room was painted in various shades of blue.
  • 介于中等的蓝色和淡蓝色之,或者是带紫色的蓝色。
    moderate to pale blue or purplish blue.