  • 沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相,盒内装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒内慢慢流入下方的盒子中
    An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
  • 那次就医引发了一串的事情,而就是这些意想不到的事情,把三姐妹拉得更亲、更近。
    That hospital visit triggered a chain of events that brought the three sisters closer together than ever.
  • 扣扳机续击发用手持续扣住扳机(自动手枪)进行续扫射
    To fire(an automatic gun) in a continuous sweep by keeping one's finger on the trigger.
  • 警方一串的逮捕行动激发了暴乱.
    The riots were triggered (off) by a series of police arrests.
  • 目前,北京、天津、河北、山西、江苏等十多个省、直辖市以及深圳、大等城市已建立了地区性劳动关系三方协调机制。
    So far, a dozen provinces and municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Jiangsu, and the two cities of Shenzhen and Dalian have set up regional tripartite coordination mechanisms for labor relations.
  • 妙语珠可不是格里门蒂娜·戈莱里用来使爱慕她的人迷倒在她石榴裙下的手段。
    “A feast of reason and a flow of soul” were not the charms by which Clementina Golightly essayed to keep her admirers spell-bound at her feet. (A. Trollop, The Three Clerks Ch XVII)
  • 环回操作也是用来排除ds1接故障的。
    The loopback operation is also used to troubleshoot DS1 connection problems.
  • 用弹簧固定的一种两部分组成的圆柱制栓;当它们与钥匙相时闩就会被打开。
    two-part cylindrical tumblers held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown.
  • 其次是一串政治宗教革命,就其本质来说,这些革命都是盲目的,狂暴的,不分青红皂白,一味向中世纪艺术发起冲击,撕去了其雕塑和镂刻的华丽衣裳,拆毁了其花瓣格子窗户,打碎了其蔓藤花纹项链和小人像项链,忽而由于看不惯教士帽,忽而因为不满意王冠,就索性把塑像根拔除;
    next, political and religious revolution,which, blind and wrathful by nature, have flung themselves tumultuously upon it, torn its rich garment of carving and sculpture, burst its rose windows, broken its necklace of arabesques and tiny figures, torn out its statues, sometimes because of their mitres, sometimes because of their crowns;
  • 小手鼓一种用手敲击的鼓,结在一起声调和谐的一对中的一个
    One of a pair of connected tuned drums that are played by beating with the hands.
  • 另一条则为接中环与东涌、提供市内服务的东涌线,中途站设于九龙、大角咀(奥运站)、荔景及青衣。
    and the Tung Chung Line domestic service will link Central to Tung Chung,with stops at Kowloon, Tai Kok Tsui (Olympic Station), Lai King and Tsing Yi.
  • 毛泽东都说过要“知己知彼,百战百胜”。
    Even Mao Tse-tung was known to say, " Know your enemy, know yourself; hundred battles, hundred won".
  • 毛泽东都说过要"知己知彼,百战百胜"。
    Even Mao Tse-tung was known to say, "Know your enemy, know yourself; a hundred battles, a hundred won".
  • 这些工作人员能在其pc机上与其他的安全隧道协议(如第2层隧道协议)结合在一起使用ipsec客户,以回到网络上。
    These workers can use an IPsec client on their PCs in combination with other secure tunneling protocols such as Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, to connect back to the network.
  • 通过ipsec的安全隧道在数据包可以传送的网络中生成像电路那样的接。
    Secure tunneling via IPsec creates circuitlike connections in a network through which data packets can move.
  • 在赤濸角兴建新的国际机场计划,同各项配套设施,规模庞大,范围广泛,其中土木工程项目尤为繁多,如开山填海工程、隧道挖掘工程、挢梁架设工程,以及铁路、高速公路和机场跑道的辟建工程等,规模浩大,前所未有。
    The construction of a new airport at Chek Lap Kok is a large-scale project, which covers a wide range of works, including the supporting facilities. The civil engineering projects, such as slope excavation, reclamation, tunnelling, the construction of bridges, railways, expressways and runways, etc., far exceed other projects in number and in size.
  • 他第二回合一打了三个全倒。
    He bowled a turkey in the second framd.
  • 他第二回合一打了三个全倒。
    He bowled a turkey in the second framd.
  • 新加坡樟宜国际机场是全球最佳机场之一,从1997到1999年,新加坡游轮中心续3年,被英国刊物“dwcd”选为最佳客运港。
    The Singapore Changi Airport is one of the world’s best, and the Singapore Cruise Centre was voted the “Best Turnaround Port” from1997 to 1999 in surveys conducted by the UK publication “Dream World Cruise Destinations”.
  • 使缠绕在一起通过搓捻使结或接在一起
    To join or become joined by twining together.
  • 拧出(液体)通过扭或压挤出(液体)。常与out
    To extract(liquid) by twisting or compressing. Often used with out.
  • 把线的两头在一块的结。
    a knot for tying the ends of two lines together.
  • 接逢线或绷带的任何几种结。
    any of several knots used in tying stitches or ligatures.
  • 把钓竿到一块的结;两个钓竿的两端被两三次包装起来。
    a knot used for tying fishing leaders together; the ends of the two leaders are wrapped around each other two or three times.
  • [台风]2001年西北太平洋和南海上共有25个台风生成。其中有9个台风先后在中国登陆,登陆个数较常年偏多,其中7月份接有5个台风登陆,是近50年来同期之最。
    Typhoon: There were 25 typhoons in northwest pacific and South china Sea, among which, nine landed in China, with more ones than the conventional year. In July, there were five typhoons landed in China, the maximum figure in recent fifty years.
  • socks服务器还具有证实接请求的源地址的能力,并能阻断未经批准的客户机外接到internet上。
    SOCKS servers also have the ability to authenticate the source address of connection requests and can block unauthorized clients from connecting out onto the Internet.
  • 连续十个小时睡眠
    have ten hours of unbroken sleep
  • 莲花的上西区,永新的天龙区、万年山区,则和整块不甚属。
    The Shanghsi district of Lienhua and the Tienlung and Wannienshan districts of Yunghsin, however, are not firmly linked with this unbroken stretch.
  • 纽约股市5个月来首次呈现续上涨的景象。
    The disease will run on unchecked.
  • 不整合的,不续的由不同的或不贯的成分构成,如风景地表特征
    Consisting of distinct or unconnected elements, such as the physical features of a landscape.
  • 李先生就比较有“胆识”得多,为了扩权,为了任,他几次修宪无不有“毁宪乱政”的痕迹。
    But Lee Teng-hui was much bolder. To give himself still greater power and justify his bid for another term as president, he had the Constitution revised several times, which betrayed his unconstitutional intentions.
  • 一家超市锁店利用两种差异极大的东西——啤酒与尿布之间不寻常的关系,来增加销售。
    A supermarket chain increased sales of two very different product types by taking advantage of a unique relationship uncovered between the items -- beer and diapers.