  • 绝缘装置
    A device that insulates.
  • 分叉装置,分叉部分
    A forked device or part.
  • 一种机械置;小机件
    A mechanical device; a gadget.
  • 核装置,核武器
    A nuclear device or weapon.
  • 工作时颤动的置或机器
    A pulsating device or machine.
  • 用来制造大的锻造物的置。
    device for making large forgings.
  • 这一装置调准了
    The device is in tram.
  • 我们高兴地获悉贵方发明了一种新的包方法以免货物在运输中损坏。
    We is pleased to learn that you have devise a new way to pack the object with a view to avoid damage in transit.
  • (gregcannom化妆效果专家):我们设计出加快化速度的东西,把脖子那部分联到一种像t-shirt的东西上,再把它整个儿套上,然后把它粘在这里。
    (Greg Cannom-- Special makeup effects):We devise this thing to help with the speed of the makeup where the neck portion of it is attached to a kind of like T-shirt. So we pull that whole thing over and then just glue it around the bottom here.
  • (gregcannom化妆效果专家):我们设计出加快化速度的东西,把脖子那部分联到一种像t-shirt的东西上,再把它整个儿套上,然后把它粘在这里。
    (Greg Cannom-- Special makeup effects): We devise this thing to help with the speed of the makeup where the neck portion of it is attached to a kind of like T-shirt. So we pull that whole thing over and then just glue it around the bottom here.
  • 针绣花边帆布上的饰绣花,通常用斜级针盖住原料的全部表面
    Decorative needlework on canvas, usually in a diagonal stitch covering the entire surface of the material.
  • 可动箭头由一转盘和箭头组成的置,在某些棋盘游戏中可转动以表示下一步棋的走法
    A device consisting of a dial and an arrow that is spun to indicate the next move in some board games.
  • 戴安娜正在时表演会上当模特。
    Diana is modeling for a fashion show.
  • 黛安娜的新套房有洗衣机、废物处理机、洗碟机、微波炉和暖气置等一切物质享受。
    Diana's new flat has a washing machine, waste disposal, dish washer, microwave oven, central heating and all the creature comforts.
  • 过去十年死于腹泻病的儿童人数多于第二次世界大战以来各类武冲突中丧生的人数。
    S Diarrhoeal diseases have killed more children in the past ten years than all the people lost to armed conflict since World War II.
  • 诈骗欺骗性地入或操纵(骰子)
    To load or manipulate(dice) fraudulently.
  • 切丁器一种用来把食品切成小方块的
    A device used for dicing food.
  • 狄克在无人帮助的情况下自己了一台收音机。
    Dick started a radio from scratch.
  • 在口授设备上,将记录媒体弹出或移动到容易从机器上取走的位置的一种控制置。
    On dictation equipment, a device that releases or moves the recording medium to a position for easy removal from the machine.
  • 杰西卡说:"我喜欢那些令人讨厌的东西,而不喜欢好的东西。"她腔作势的话语使得大人们忍不住笑了起来。
    "I like nasty things better than nice things, " said Jessica, with such a prunes and prisms of diction that all the grown-ups had to laugh.
  • 杰西卡说:“我喜欢那些令人讨厌的东西,而不喜欢好的东西。”她腔作势的话语使得大人们忍不住笑了起来。
    "I like nasty things better than nice things," said Jessica, with such a prunes and prisms of diction that all the grown-ups had to laugh.
  • 尽管有大批可预见的披头士发烧友和古典摇滚乐迷抢购这些最新包的音乐作品,但这一回主要的购买者却是12岁甚至更小的孩子。他们是新一代披头士乐迷,对披头士音乐有着浓厚的兴趣。
    Though there are always predictable throngs of diehard Beatles fans and classic? rockers gobbling up the newest repackaged product, this time a large bulk of the sales and interest can be attributed to a new generation of Beatles fans: the 12 and under crowd.
  • 亚麻籽车前的籽这种植物的种子,作为温和的散缓泻剂而被广泛使用,有时加在食物中作为可溶纤维的饮食上的来源
    The seeds of this plant, widely used as a mild bulk laxative and sometimes added to foods as a dietary source of soluble fiber.
  • 不同商品需要不同的包
    Different articles require different packing.
  • 新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。
    Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe.
  • 她买了能使数据数字化的置。
    She bought device to digitize the data.
  • 作为假阴茎带有震荡顶端的置。
    has a vibrating tip that is used as a dildo.
  • 回纹细工饰带有三维回纹饰的饰物;几何形浮雕细工
    Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork.
  • 从萨达姆·侯赛因被解除武的那一刻起,美国和世界面临的恐怖主义威胁将会减轻。
    The terrorist threat to America and the world will be diminished the moment that Saddam Hussein is disarmed.
  • 每年落叶的雌雄异体的中国树种,扇形叶,肉质种子,黄色;濒临灭绝,多用于饰街道。
    deciduous dioecious Chinese tree having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds; exists almost exclusively in cultivation especially as an ornamental street tree.
  • 银杏,白果一种产于中国的雌雄异株的落叶树(佛指银杏属),有扇形叶子和多肉的淡黄色果实和讨厌的气味。雄树通常生长在街道的两旁,用作
    A deciduous, dioecious tree(Ginkgo biloba) native to China and having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellowish seeds with a disagreeable odor. The male plants are often grown as ornamental street trees.
  • 用来焊接东西的一种置。
    a device for applying flux (as in soldering or hot-dip coating).