  • 驻颜术的科学家们认为食用熏肉和鸡蛋会使你皱纹增多。
    Bacon and eggs can make you wrinkly, say scientists searching for the secret of looking young.
  • 然而,衡量的准绳竟由谁、用什么办法来制定,这是一些新加坡人的疑问。
    The questions then that needed to be asked are: What yardsticks do we use to determine this is indeed the case and who decides on the yardsticks to use?
  • 张健原是我们北京体育大学的研生,毕业后留校当老师,现年36岁,今年正好是他的本命年。
    Zhang Jian is a graduate of our university.He became a teacher right after his graduation. He is 36 years old, and this year is his birth year (zodiac sign) same with one of the twelve an-imals representing the years in which people are bom.
  • 张健原是我们北京体育大学的研生,毕业后留校当老师,现年36岁,今年正好是他的本命年。
    Zhang Jian is a graduate of our university. He became a teacher right after his graduation. He is 36 years old, and this year is his birth year (zodiac sign)same with one of the twelve animals representing the years in which people are born.
  • 爬虫动物和两栖动物的动物学家。
    a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians.
  • 在动物自然栖息地研它们的行为的动物学家。
    a zoologist who studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats.
  • 动物学中研鸟类的分支。
    the branch of zoology that studies birds.
  • 动物学中研昆虫的分支。
    the branch of zoology that studies insects.
  • 动物学中研哺乳动物的分支。
    the branch of zoology that studies mammals.
  • 哺乳动物学动物学中研哺乳动物的一个分支
    The branch of zoology that deals with mammals.
  • 动物学中研爬虫与两栖动物的分支。
    the branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians.
  • 爬行动物学动物学的一个分支,研爬行动物和两栖动物
    The branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians.
  • 鸟类学动物学中进行鸟类研的一个分支
    The branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds.
  • 鱼类学动物学的一个分支,研鱼类
    The branch of zoology that deals with the study of fishes.
  • 他正在放大研这本书。
    He zoomed in on the book.
  • 年内,该处透过应用农业研计划,引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即彩色甜椒和翠玉瓜。
    Through the applied agricultural research programme of the department, two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production, namely coloured sweet pepper and zucchini, were introduced in 1999.
  • ③中国统一多民族国家的形成,参见戴逸《中国民族边疆史研》和张传玺《中国古代国家的历史特征》两文,载《中外历史问题八人谈》,中共中央党校出版社1998年版。
    For the formation of China as a united multi-ethnic country, see ``A Study of the History of China's Ethnic Groups and Border Areas'' by Dai Yi and ``Historical Characteristics of Ancient States in China'' by Zhang Chuanxu in the Eight Persons' Forum on the Historical Problems of China and Other Countries, Central Party School Press, 1998.
  • ③中国统一多民族国家的形成,参见戴逸《中国民族边疆史研》和张传玺《中国古代国家的历史特征》两文,载《中外历史问题八人谈》,中共中央党校出版社1998年版。
    For the formation of China as a united multi-ethnic country, see ``A Study of the History of China's Ethnic Groups and Border Areas'' by Dai Yi and ``Historical Characteristics of Ancient States in China'' by Zhang Chuanxu in the Eight Persons' Forum on the Historical Problems of China and Other Countries, Central Party School Press, 1998.
  • ③中国统一多民族国家的形成,参见戴逸《中国民族边疆史研》和张传玺《中国古代国家的历史特征》两文,载《中外历史问题八人谈》,中共中央党校出版社1998年版。
    For the formation of China as a united multi-ethnic country, see ``A Study of the History of China's Ethnic Groups and Border Areas'' by Dai Yi and ``Historical Characteristics of Ancient States in China'' by Zhang Chuanxu in the Eight Persons' Forum on the Historical Problems of China and Other Countries, Central Party School Press, 1998.
  • 由于绿道医院心脏库中的部分心脏也是未经死者家属同意就私自保留下来的,这家新西兰的顶级心脏病研机构随后成立了一个专门小组来研该如何处理这些心脏。
    Green Lane, New Zealand's top heart facility, then set up a group to decide what to do about the hearts, some of which had been collected without consent.
  • 4.2.4评价时重点研的几个问题
    1.2.1 Research of the important points for EIA
  • 多伦多大学致力于激光研的应用物理学家安德里亚·曼德里斯说:“用氟化物疗法和其它改进了的疗法,人们的牙齿之间就不会再有大豁口了。
    "With fluoride treatments and other improvements, we rarely see big gaping holes in people's teeth," says Andreas Mandelis, an applied physicist working on lasers at the University of Toronto.
  • 讲究吃喝
    be particular about what one eats
  • 我不怎么讲我的衣服,我不在乎我穿什么。
    I'm not particular about my clothes; I don't mind what I wear.
  • 他吃东西很讲/挑剔。
    He is very particular about his food.
  • 我并不是特别讲究。
    I am not very particular.
  • 他在饮食方面很讲
    He is very particular about food.
  • 他专心研究。
    He applied [bent] his mind to study.
  • 我们都支持他的科学研
    We all support his scientific research.
  • 他专心于研究工作。
    He is busy with research work.
  • 沃森,詹姆斯·杜威生于98美国生物学家,与法朗西斯·克里克共同提出了脱氧核糖核酸分子结构的双螺旋模型。由于其在基因研上的进展于96年与人分享诺贝尔奖
    American biologist who with Francis Crick proposed a spiral model,the double helix,for the molecular structure of DNA.He shared a 96 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
  • 在该所,我参加了基因工程的研
    In this Institute,I participated in research on genetic engineering.