  • 如果把这增加的收入花在更多更大型的轿车、更宽大的房子上,花在增加其他商品的消费上,就必导致资源枯竭和污染。
    If this increased income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution.
  • 国内生产总值比上年增长7.8%,虽略低于8%的预定目标,但这是在抵御亚洲金融危机的冲击和战胜国内特大洪涝灾害的情况下取得的,来之不易。
    The gross domestic product for last year increased by 7.8% over the previous year. The increase was slightly lower than the targeted figure of 8%, but attaining 7.8% was not easy given the impact of the Asian financial crisis and the catastrophic floods in China.
  • 他突住嘴才没说错话。
    He caught himself before saying the wrong thing.
  • ,这个香水吧也是有那么一点点小圈套的。
    There is one small catch.
  • 传杀当跑垒员不在垒上时,由投手或接手进行的快速一投
    A play in which a runner is caught off base and is put out by a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher.
  • 封杀出局把不在垒上的(跑垒员)抓住,后快速扔出球抛到一个特定的垒上,通常指投手或接手的突传杀
    To catch(a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.
  • 超过追上然后超过
    To pass after catching up with.
  • 新界大部分地区的河流溪涧仍严重污染,后海湾的一些溪流几乎与明渠无异,不但没有正常水生生物的?影,而且接触这些污染的溪涧,更对人体有害。
    Many waterways in the New Territories are still severely polluted. Some rivers in the Deep Bay catchment remain little better than open sewers. They lack normal aquatic life and their pollution can be harmful to people coming into direct contact with them.
  • 我三番五次请她来,她都断拒绝了。
    I asked her several times to come but she categorically refused.
  • 对于那些只顾迎合一部分观众的低级趣味,而不惜败坏社会主义文艺工作者光荣称号的人,广大群众表示愤慨是理所当的。
    It stands to reason that people are indignant about those persons who are interested only in catering to the bad taste of some audiences and who thereby sacrifice the honourable title of socialist writers and artists.
  • 第二十九条 大、中城市人民政府应当制定规划,对饮食服务企业限期使用天气、液化石油气、电或者其他清洁能源。
    Article 29 People's governments of large or medium-sized cities shall make plans for catering service enterprises to start the use of clean energy such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and electricity within a prescribed time limit.
  • 在过去几年里,中国取消了对外国投资的一些法规限制,但海外和国内风险投资面临的主要障碍仍存在:它们缺乏可行的兑现在中国初创企业中的投资的"退出战略",如利用股票交易所面向高技术投资者的首次公开招股卖出股份。
    Over the past few years China has removed some of its regulatory barriers to foreign investing, but a major hurdle remains for both overseas and home-grown VCs: They lack good "exit strategies" for cashing out their investments in Chinese startups, such as selling shares in IPOs on exchanges catering to high-tech investors.
  • 你出其不意地逮到我;你突发问把我难倒了。
    You caught me unprepared.
  • 意识到她正在注视窗外
    Caught her gazing out the window.
  • 石灰是一种很有价值的用品,可用来填塞木罅、保护木艇,以防海洋微生物蛀蚀,又可用来使容器防漏、中和农田的酸性土壤,以及供建屋、制盐及其他多种用途,显在当时占有重要的经济地位。
    Lime was a valuable commodity useful for caulking and protecting wooden boats against marine organisms, water-proofing containers, dressing the acid soils of agricultural fields, building and salt production among other purposes. It clearly played an important role in the economy of the period.
  • 因此,研究所得出了这样的结论:这三份调查的一致结果更为可信,它们用科学的分析排除了用手机和得癌症之间的直接、必联系。
    Those studies found "a consistent picture... that appears to rule out, with a reasonable degree of certainty, a causal association between cellular telephones and cancer to date," the agency said.
  • 研究所的一位辐射专家拉尔斯-埃里克·保尔松指出:"不能肯定这(使用手机)绝对没有危险性,但至少我们现在可以说用手机和得癌症之间没有必的直接联系。
    "You can never say that something is without risk, but at least we can say that there is no scientific evidence for a causal association between the use of cellular phones and cancer," said Lars-Erik Paulsson, a radiation expert with the agency.
  • 的奇迹;偶遇到--奇异的幸运事件;我们不能认为艺术的创造……是理所当和与时间无关的。
    a causeless miracle; fortuitous encounters--strange accidents of fortune; we cannot regard artistic invention as...uncaused and unrelated to the times.
  • 他看见我的马的胸部简直要碰上栅栏了,竟也伸手解开了门链,后阴郁地领我走上石路,在我们到了院子里的时候,就叫着:“约瑟夫,把洛克乌德先生的马牵走。
    When he saw my horse's breast fairly pushing the barrier, he did put out his hand to unchain it, and then sullenly preceded me up the causeway, calling, as we entered the court: `Joseph, take Mr Lockwood's horse;
  • 海伦·亨特扮演另一主角保罗·赖泽的喜欢城市生活的妻子,满头的金发,皎好的面容、刻薄而有风趣,以及自的风度,迷倒了观众。
    As the urban wife of costar Paul Reiser,Helen Hunt charmed television viewers with her honey haired good looks,caustic wit,and effortless charm.
  • 我们必须非常谨慎,不的话,我们会犯一些严重的错误。
    We must be very cautious, or we’ll make some bad breaks.
  • 我们当得小心行事!
    We must go cautiously, to be sure!
  • 他们下步有可能又转向原来的目标。望小心行动,切勿冒行事。
    Their next step likely target initial please act cautiously any indiscreet counteraction prohibit.
  • 新加坡的多元种族色彩和多元文化风格固是其他国家和地区的人民所羡慕的,我们仍须承认,在维系族群融洽的道路上,战战兢兢的心理,无时无刻的努力和脚踏实地、开诚布公的沟通,才是确保多元种族社会繁荣成长的基本态度。
    Our ethnic and cultural diversity is no doubt the envy of many countries. Yet we must be aware of the need to keep treading cautiously in managing inter-racial relations.We must also always be ready for open and honest communications. This is a basic attitude that will ensure our multiracial society will continue to thrive.
  • 倒塌突倒下或塌陷;塌陷
    To fall down or inward suddenly; cave in.
  • 我们十分偶地发现了一个石窟。
    We lighted on a stone cave quite by accident.
  • 这出歌剧虽比过去通俗些,但仍是阳春白雪,曲高和寡。
    Though more popular than it used to be, this opera is still caviar to the general.
  • 由于某物突倒塌或坍塌而导致的灾祸。
    a mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in.
  • 坑,洞一个地上天的或人工的洞或穴
    A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground.
  • 后你加一点点辣椒粉,但要小心——一不小心就加得太多了。
    The you add a little cayenne pepper, but be careful-it's easy to overshoot the mark.
  • 而,正如其名字(只读存储器)所指出的那样,cd盘不能写,也不能用任何方式改变其内容。
    However, as the name(read-only memory)implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way.
  • 他当情愿这种活动不再继续下去。
    He preferred, of course, such activities should cease.