  • 船底座南半球一座,在飛魚座和船帆座附近,包括老人
    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Volans and Vela that contains the star Canopus.
  • 這篇文章的主要內容是金對地球的重要性。
    The main idea of this passage is about the importance of Venus to Earth.
  • 飛過金的其它宇航計劃已得到安排。
    Other flights going past Venus are planned.
  • 覆蓋着金的雲層下面有沒有生物?
    Are there living things below the covering clouds of Venus?
  • 覆蓋着金的雲層下面有沒有生物?
    Does there any living things below the cloud covering layer of Venus?
  • 太陽、月球和金,哪個最遠?
    Which is the farthest of the three: the sun, the moon or the venus?
  • 太陽、月球和金,哪個最小?
    Which is the smallest of the three: the sun, the moon or the venus?
  • 內行明亮的半圓月球、水或金其一半被照亮的現象
    The phase of the moon, Mercury, or Venus when half of the disk is illuminated.
  • 另一方面,古羅馬人在期五祭奉愛神維那斯,北歐人也這樣。
    On the other hand, the ancient Romans dedicated Friday to worship Venus, the Goddess of love, and so did the northern Europeans.
  • 被研究金的科學家們發射到金的衛,自從在金着陸以來一直在往回發送信號和照片。
    The satellite landed on the planet of Venus by Venusian Scientists has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since.
  • 上的大氣層很稀薄,衹含有少量的氧;而金上的大氣層,則是由我們幾乎無法呼吸的氣體構成的。
    The atmosphere on Mars is very thin and contains very little oxygen, while that of Venus is made up of gases which we could not possibly breathe.
  • 古行能夠用肉眼看到七個天體之一,水、金、月球、太陽、火、木和土,古代天文學家認為它在天空中圍繞着固定的地球和固定的恆中旋轉
    One of the seven celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, visible to the naked eye and thought by ancient astronomers to revolve in the heavens about a fixed Earth and among fixed stars.
  • 維拉有三個期沒上學,所以她得加緊用功,趕上班上的其他同學。
    Vera missed three weeks of school she must work hard to catch up with the class.
  • 禮拜儀式在期天或者聖日裏包括祈禱儀式的一種儀式
    A service held on Sundays or holy days that includes the office of vespers.
  • 總統上個期否决了減稅法案。
    The president last week vetoed the tax cut.
  • 通過衛傳送一條信息
    Beam a message via satellite.
  • 教區牧師的妻子邀請我們期四去用傍晚茶。
    The vicar's wife has asked us round to high tea on Thursday.
  • 這些不得不把自己零出賣的工人,像其他任何貨物一樣,也是一種商品,所以他們同樣地受到競爭的一切變化、市場的一切波動的影響。
    These labourers, who must sell themselves piece-meal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market.
  • 9世紀晚期的維多利亞時代,在期六晚上洗澡開始很普遍了。
    During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common.
  • 如今,經過社會的磨練,我方知潘先生用心良苦,把各界千辛萬苦籌建起來的南洋大學比喻為“日月辰”,其用意是希望南大能夠與日月爭輝,發出光芒。
    After going through the mill of society, I now realise Mr Pan's intentions in comparing Nanyang University, the result of the tremendous effort of many different people, to the "celestial bodies". His hope was that Nantah could one day vie with the sun and the moon for that piece of heaven.
  • 我們在羅馬呆了一個期,然後去的維也納。
    We had a week in Rome and then went to Vienna.
  • 期六有飛往維也納的直達班機嗎?
    Is there a non-stop flight to Vienna on Saturday?
  • 期六有飛往維也納的直達班機嗎?
    Be there a non- stop flight to Vienna on Saturday?
  • 期六有飛往維也納的直達班機嗎?
    Is there a non - stop flight to Vienna on Saturday?
  • 我們在羅馬呆了一個期,然後去的維也納。
    We have a week in Rome and then go to Vienna.
  • 因此,讓我們的視野更開闊些,讓我們以一種批判的態度看待我們生於斯、活於斯的球;
    Let us, therefore, adopt a broader viewpoint and look at our Mother Planet with a critical eye.
  • 他租了海邊的一座別墅三個期。
    He rented a villa by the beach for three weeks.
  • 對於期一播出的電視係列中的惡棍來說,推動世界的力量不是愛情,而是金錢。
    It's not love, but money that makes the world go round for the villains in "The Sweeney" (TV series) on Monday.
  • 炮聲破壞了平常期日早晨的寧靜。
    The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning.
  • 室女星係團
    Virgo cluster of galaxies
  • 可見的目標;可見的;遠處的山脈十分明顯;表情上明顯的變化;可見的文檔。
    a visible object; visible stars; mountains visible in the distance; a visible change of expression; visible files.
  • 期日下午的來訪者;輸給了來訪者
    Sunday afternoon visitors; lost the game to the visitors.