  • 通过打猎或诱捕的式获得。
    capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping.
  • 当然可以,您可以把车留在美国的任何地,阿拉斯加除外。
    Sure. You can leave it anywhere in the United States, except Alaska.
  • 最近一次的阿拉斯加大地震引起了海啸,这次由地震引起的海浪,远在1500英里的地也能感觉到。
    The last big Alaskan earthquake created a tsunanmi, a seimic sea wave, that was felt 1,500 miles away.
  • 礼拜用僧衣披肩教士做礼拜时围在颈部和肩部,部分套在僧袍下面的长形布领,通常用白麻布制成
    A liturgical vestment consisting of an oblong piece of white linen worn around the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb.
  • 伊庇鲁斯爱琴海上一古国,位于现今希腊和阿尔巴尼亚南部的西北,公元前3世纪达到全盛,后成罗马帝国一省,公元1204年成为一自由城邦,15世纪伊庇鲁斯被土耳其人占领
    An ancient country on the Ionian Sea in present-day northwest Greece and southern Albania. It flourished in the3rd century b.c. and was later a Roman province. An independent state after a.d.1204, Epirus was conquered by the Turks in the15th century.
  • 企业经济效益明显好转,虽然还是初步的,原因也是多面的,但显示出国有企业改革和发展的良好前景,进一步鼓舞了士气,增强了人们对于实现三年脱困目标的信心。
    The economic performance of enterprises has taken a favorable turn obviously, albeit only initially and due to various reasons. However, it shows the good prospect of the reform and development of the state-owned enterprises, further boosting the morale and increasing the people’s confidence in achieving the objectives of the three-year difficulty relief.
  • 他们说患读写困难症的人只是用不同的式使用信息。世界著名的思想家和科学家爱因斯坦是读写困难症患者。
    They say that persons with dislexia use information in a different way, One of the world's great thinkers and scientists Albert Einstein was dislexic.
  • 曾经有两位画家――阿皮雷斯和丢勒滑稽地认为,可以按照几何比例,或者通过摄取不同人身上最美的特点,加以合成的法,画出最完美的人像。
    A man cannot tell whether Apelles, or Albert Durer, were the more trifler; whereof the one, would make a personage by geometrical proportions; the other, by taking the best parts out of divers faces, to make one excellent.
  • 当你认识到他在长相面像伍迪·艾伦,头脑面像吉米·康纳斯,言谈面像索尔仁尼琴,身体面像阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,无论在哪一面都不像罗伯特·雷德福——但你却偏偏要嫁给他,这才是真正的爱。”
    Love is when you realize he is as gorgeous as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Solzhenitsyn, as athletic as Albert Einstein, and nothing like Robert Redford in any category-but you’ll take him anyway.
  • 一个广阔的草原地带,从加拿大阿尔伯达、萨斯喀彻温、马尼托巴诸省南延伸至美国中西部的德克萨斯;以前是美洲土著人居住的地
    a vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas; formerly inhabited by Native Americans.
  • 一种行为矫正的手段;用一种可控制的令人讨厌的刺激来改变行为式,主要用来治疗酒精、毒品依赖症(效果欠佳)。
    any technique of behavior modification that uses unpleasant stimuli in a controlled fashion to alter behavior in a therapeutic way; primarily used for alcoholism or drug abuse (but with little success).
  • 市政高级官员苏格兰地市政官员,相当于英国的高级市政官
    A Scottish municipal officer corresponding to an English alderman.
  • 啤酒馆,麦芽酒店提供和出售啤酒的地
    A place where ale is sold and served.
  • 我们应该能够轻而易举地击败对球队。
    We should be ale to knock the other team over without any trouble.
  • 酿酒通过浸制、煮沸和发酵等式用麦芽和啤酒花酿制(麦酒或啤酒)
    To make(ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.
  • 无论在什么地,狗总是处于警觉状态。
    Dogs are always on the alert wherever they go.
  • 当探测到入侵时,入侵探测系统以多种法作出反应--从警告系统管理员和推荐不同的动作,到自动打掉网络入侵者。
    When an intrusion is detected, the intrusion-detection system can react in a number of ways -- from alerting a systems administrator and recommending various actions to automatically kicking the intruder off the network.
  • 只要大家带头努力,做到毛泽东同志说的八个字,团结、紧张、严肃、活泼,我看,军队的问题是不难解决的,党的路线、针、政策是可以贯彻好的。
    In my view, if we all set an example by following Comrade Mao Zedong's motto, "unity, alertness, conscientiousness, liveliness", we will find that the problems in our army are not hard to solve, and that the line, principles and policies of the Party can be implemented effectively.
  • 阿留申族一个美洲土著民族,居住在阿留申群岛和阿拉斯加西南部的沿海地区。阿留申族在文化和语言面与爱斯基摩人有联系
    A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska. The Aleut are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.
  • 亚历山大·贝尔1847年生于苏格兰,早年就对人类通讯式发生了兴趣。
    Born in Scotland in 1847, Alexander Bell became interested very early in the methods of human communication.
  • 兹报盘以我确认为准100000吨棉花每24便士亚历山德里亚船上交货价二月装船。
    Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton 24 pence propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.
  • “工会想硬来。他们不管有没有财源,”代表15350个地教育局的全国[中小学校]教育局联合会(在弗吉尼亚州亚力山德里亚市)执行会长香农说。“教育局不能印钞票,而且财源是受法律限制的。”
    "Unions are trying to force the issue, and they have no concerns about resources," said Thomas A.Shannon, executive director of the National School Boards Association in Alexandria, Va., which represents 15,350 local school boards. "School boards cannot print money, and they are constrained by law in the revenues available to them."
  • 不管到什么地去,艾尔弗雷德总是鸿运高照。
    Wherever Alfred goes he is sure to find his bread buttered on both sides.
  • 玛丽亚·凯丽于1970年3月27日出生在离纽约长岛不远的地,父母分别是阿尔弗雷德和帕瑞西亚·凯丽,有一个哥哥和一个姐姐。
    Mariah Carey was born on March 27, l970 near Long Island, NY, to Alfred and Patricia Carey. She has an older brother and sister.
  • 长期的污染问题使日本科学家在研究海藻过剩面居世界领先水平。
    Long term problems with pollution has made Japanese scientists leading authorities on algal blooms.
  • (数学)用几何和代数的法或从属之的。
    (math) using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus.
  • 有关线性程与线性变换理论的代数部分。
    the part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations and linear transformation.
  • 解析的使用,属于,或可能属于包括代数和积分在内的法学
    Using, subjected to, or capable of being subjected to a methodology involving algebra and calculus.
  • 但是打个比,当人们试图利用代数和几何来理解太阳系的时候,他们只能够说明这些行星的轨道。
    But as an analogy, when people were trying to understand the Solar System with algebra and geometry, they could only describe the planets' orbits.
  • 线性代数程组数值解法
    numerical method of linear algebraic equations
  • 应用在解代数程的群论。
    group theory applied to the solution of algebraic equations.
  • 移项把(一个项)从代数程的一边移到另一边。改变它的正负号以使程两边仍保持相等
    To move(a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other side, reversing its sign to maintain equality.