  • 一位太太用一辆手车送来一块饼干,这块饼干几乎有500磅重。
    One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. It weight nearly500 pounds.
  • 一位太太用一辆手车送来一块饼干,这块饼干几乎有500磅重。
    One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. Its weight is nearly500 pounds.
  • 那位工人在一手车砖。
    The workman was wheeling a load of bricks on a wheelbarrow.
  • 一位太太用一辆手车送来一块饼干,这块饼干几乎有500磅重。
    One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. It weight nearly 500 pounds.
  • 一位太太用一辆手车送来一块饼干,这块饼干几乎有500磅重。
    One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. Its weight is nearly 500 pounds.
  • 我们的手车不够用。
    We did not have enough wheelbarrows to go round.
  • 我的自行车被盗了!有人把它从房子前面走了!
    My bicycle has been stolen! Someone just wheeled it away from the front of the house!
  • 这个病人在被进(手术)示范室之前进行了麻醉。
    The patient was anaesthetized before being wheeled into the theatre.
  • 我的自行车昨天被走了。
    My bicycle was wheeled away yesterday.
  • 母亲着孩子到处转。
    The mother wheeled the baby around.
  • 他推自行车上山。
    He wheeled his bicycle up the hill.
  • 护士把轮桌到桌边。
    The nurse wheeled the table up to the bed.
  • 所以,当我们广各族语言与文化的当儿,我们必须紧记以更广泛的新加坡国家主义为前提。
    Hence, whilst we promote the language and culture of each group, we should not forget that this must be done within the wider canvas of Singapore nationalism.
  • 所以,当我们广各族语言与文化的当儿,我们必须紧记以更广泛的新加坡国家主义为前提。
    Hence, whilst we promote the language and culture of each group, we should never forget that this must be done with the Singapore nationalism in a wider sense as the first consideration.
  •  中国政府在行计划生育的实践中,既坚持从本国的实际情况出发,又充分考虑和遵守国际机构和组织制定的有关人口、计划生育的原则及各项规定,逐步确立了反映人民的根本利益和各项权益的方针、政策及措施、方法,并使之随着实际情况的变化不断完善,从而更好地维护中华民族的生存权和发展权。
    In the practice of carrying out family planning programme, whilst persistently proceeding from its reality and taking into full account and observing principles and regulations concerning population and family planning formulated by international institutions and organizations, the Chinese government has gradually set up guiding principles, policies, measures and methods that reflect the basic interests and various rights and interests of the people, and has continuously improved these as the actual situations change, so as to better safeguard the right to subsistence and development of the Chinese nation.
  • 这位广告业的青年才子对那些认为他的方法缺乏公平性的建议不屑一顾。他说,只要他的方法是在销产品,那这些方法就绝不会有任何问题。
    This whiz kid of the advertising industry scorns suggestions that his methods are unfair—if they sell the product, he says, there can't be anything wrong with them.
  • 您认为你们能够在更广泛的范围内销产品吗?
    Do you think you are able to market the product on a wider range?
  • 以全国人民的广泛参与为基础,进文化体育事业的繁荣发展,增强中华民族的凝聚力和自豪感。
    We will also encourage the widest participation of the people in the preparation for Games, as it will greatly push forward the sports and cultural development nationwide and increase the cohesion and pride of the Chinese nation.
  • 我上了销员的当,买了毫无价值的东西。
    I am tricked by the salesman's wile into buying worthless goods.
  • 我上了销员的当,买了毫无价值的东西
    I was tricked by the salesman 's wile into buying worthless goods
  • 她把所有的窗户都猛然开。
    She flung all the windows open.
  • 这些活动包括临时市政局学界体育活动、香港(男、女童)足球广计划、香港篮球联赛、新一代乒乓球训练班、滑浪风帆广计划及第四十一届体育节。
    These included the PUC School Sports Programmes, Hong Kong (Boys and Girls) Football Promotion Scheme, the Hong Kong Basketball League, New Generation Table Tennis Training Courses, Windsurfing Promotion Scheme and the XL Festival of Sports.
  • 到酿酒厂的参观已迟到星期五。
    The visit to the winery has been put off till Friday.
  • 卫生部为环保教育出了一系列活动节目。
    he proposed an elaborate program of public works; working mothers rely on the day care program.
  • 一个制造和修理手车和四轮马车的工人。
    a workman who makes and repairs carts and wagons.
  • 委员会又举办了不同的教育和宣传活动,例如在四月开展防止性骚扰教育活动,以及在六月出儿童电视剧集,探讨不同情况下的性别歧视、残疾歧视和家庭岗位歧视。
    It undertook various publicity and educational programmes such as the campaign to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace in April, and the launching of a children's TV series highlighting different stories of sex discrimination, disability discrimination and family status discrimination in June.
  • 你不应卸你的责任。
    You should not worm out of your responsibilities.
  • 你将怎样卸掉这一指控呢?
    How are you going to worm out of the charge?
  • 那天下午他把做讲座的差事卸掉了。
    He wormed out of giving a lecture that afternoon.
  • 吸引人的包装便于我们销商品。
    Attractive wrapping would help us sell the goods.
  • 装在这样的袋子里有助于销。
    A wrapping like this will help push the sales.
  • 显眼的包装当然有利于销。
    A wrapping that catch the eyes will certainly help push the sale.