  • 他那本书大部分都是从研究那个时期的著作中剽窃的内
    He have plagiarize most of the book from earlier study of the period.
  • 瘟疫的毒性不忽视。
    the virulence of the plague.
  • 血球量计,血流比计一种离心机,用于测定所给样血中血细胞和浆细胞的
    A centrifuge used to determine the volume of blood cells and plasma in a given sample of blood.
  • 牛奶盒就是石灰模的外部器。
    The milk cartons were the outer containers for plaster-of-Paris molds.
  • 喊出来恳求更大的宽
    Spoke out in a plea for greater tolerance.
  • “可怜的爱丽丝辩解着说,“可是你也太易生气了!”。
    pleaded poor Alice. `But you're so easily offended, you know!'
  • 年轻姑娘只要让他见上一面,他就会用一种温和熟识的态度去套热乎,语其中带有几分恳求,结果那些姑娘往往宽接纳了他。
    Let him meet with a young woman once and he would approach her with an air of kindly familiarity, not unmixed with pleading, which would result in most cases in a tolerant acceptance.
  • 他笑容可掬。
    He was wearing a pleasant smile.
  • (经济学)商品丰富,因而利率很低;易获得。
    (economics) plentiful and therefore at low interest rates; easy to come by.
  • 一个管子工的儿子要成为一名大学教授,很易;同样,一名大学教授的儿子成为一个管子工也很易,尤其是在这个儿子发现了两种职业之间的工资差别趋向之后。
    A plumber could easily have a son who's a college professor, and just as easily, a college professor could have a son who's a plumber, especially when the son discovers the direction of the salary differential between the two professions.
  • 他一首又一首地写诗赞美她的花月貌。
    He wrote poem after poem to her beauty.
  • 狗很容易被毒死了。
    The dogs are easily taken care of with poison.
  • 香港的海水和空气污染日益严重,市也不及以往整洁。
    Our surrounding waters and our air have become more polluted and our city is dirtier.
  • 他不愿承认一夫多妻,但他同意出资在他的地产上建立一所能纳100多学生的私立学校。
    He wouldn't admit to polygamy, but he allowed that he'd set up a private school on his property that had more than 100 students.
  • 查看他的支出报告也很易,也可以了解他在洛杉矶和谁共进晚餐,还有那些他认为是合理支出的开销。
    It was also easy to pore over his expense reports, checking out whom he took to dinner in L.A., and what he thinks passes for a legitimate expense.
  • 中国政府把打击盗版列为“扫黄”、“打非”的工作内,是由以下原因:1、根据中国
    China lists fighting copyright piracy as a key part of its overall action against pornographic and illegal publications for the following reasons: First, according to the Supreme People's Court's Interpretations of Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in the Hearing of Criminal Cases of Illegal Publications, copy
  • 一种易拆卸的轻便装置
    A portable device that easily knocks down
  • 塑造一个有血有肉的形象是不易的。
    It's not easy to portray flesh and blood.
  • 宣传形式不够大众化,往往不为群众所熟悉所喜闻乐见,也不善于多方面地多样地表现政治内,有时在表现急遽多变的现实上显得无能。
    The forms of propaganda being used are not popular enough and, therefore, are not always familiar or loved by the masses. People in this field of work have failed to portray political content in diversified ways, and sometimes they are incompetent in depicting rapidly changing realities.
  • 连号称人民银行的储蓄银行老字号,也将订立最低存款数额,对存款不足500元的户头征收手续费,对象是21岁至62岁之间的人士。有人把这形为“变相的起价”。
    Then came the announcement that POS Bank, long reputedly "the people's bank", would impose a minimum balance of S$500and slap a fall-below service charge of S$2 monthly on small account holders aged between 21 and 62. "A fee hike in disguise", as some grumbled.
  • 纸的底部内纸的底部空白处印着的东西,特别是名字、书的页码或日期等由文字处理系统设计并出现于整份文件每一页
    Printed matter positioned in the bottom margin of a page, especially a title, page number, or date that is repeated throughout a document created on a word-processing system.
  • 也许最有效的方法是把一些记忆的负担移走(例如,把信息记下并粘贴起来,或者使信息更易理解)。
    Perhaps the most effective way is to remove the burden of having to remember (e.g., by writing the information down and posting it, or by making the information easily accessible).
  • 这些罐子很易擦干净。
    These pots clean easily.
  • 将溶液倒入器中进行冶炼。
    make by pouring into a cast or mold.
  • 同时,这次还采取了一些具体办法,如每个部门、每个机关,只留少数人坚持工作,大多数干部集中整风,这种办法比过去半日整风半日工作的办法要好,易行得通,大家精神也能贯注些。
    At the same time, specific methods will be adopted. For example, only a small number of cadres will take care of the day-to-day work in each department or government office, making it possible for the rest to concentrate on the movement. This method is better and more practicable than the one we used in the past, when we spent half a day on the movement and the other half on work;
  • 1.各成员所实施的、与本协议内(即知识产权之效力、范围、获得、执法及防止滥用)有关的法律、条例,以及普遍适用的终审司法判决和终局行政裁决,均应以该国文字颁布;如果在实践中无颁布的可能,则应以该国文字使公众能够获得,以使各成员政府及权利持有人知悉。
    1. Laws and regulations, and final judicial decisions and administrative rulings of general application, made effective by a Member pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement (the availability, scope, acquisition, enforcement and prevention of the abuse of intellectual property rights) shall be published, or where such publication is not practicable made publicly available, in a national language, in such a manner as to enable governments and right holders to become acquainted with them.
  • 说教比实践容易。
    It is easier to preach than to practise.
  • 但是,要是采取鲁莽行动,美国就可能大大失利;要采取忍态度,美国就可能大大获益。
    But the US may have much top lose by precipitate action and much to gain form patience.
  • (语法)指形词;与一个句子的谓语相关或者处在谓语之中。
    (grammar) of adjectives; relating to or occurring within the predicate of a sentence.
  • 雨天易把衣服弄脏。
    These data would have muddied the prediction.
  • 伤风易使人患别的病。
    A cold predisposes a person to other diseases.
  • 由于矿井的环境,矿工很易患肺病。
    because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease.