  • 这是一种适于做服用的织法精美的布料。
    This is a fine fabric for ladies' dresses.
  • 这几个孩擅长学习语言。
    These girls have the faculty to learn languages easily.
  • 当你的儿子要把头发蓄到肩膀或是你的儿要尝试增白化妆品时,权且把这种装扮当作无害的时髦。
    When your son lets his hair grow to his shoulders, or your daughter experiments with white makeup, accept the appearance as a harmless fad.
  • 这个病人身体迅速变弱。
    The sick woman is failing quickly.
  • 胆怯得不到美的青睐。
    Faint heart never wins fair lady.
  • 有三个子中暑昏倒, 全靠白兰地使她们很快苏醒过来了.
    Three women fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with brandy.
  • 装饰贴布贴在妇脸部或肩上的美人斑,用来掩盖不完美或增加皮肤的美感
    A beauty spot applied to a woman's face or shoulder to conceal an imperfection or to enhance the fairness of her skin.
  • 例如,哈佛医学院的南希·埃特科夫在她所著的《美生存:美的科学》一书中认为,男人们喜欢金发是因为它与她们的白皮肤很相配——这样容易看出她们因性激动而红润的脸色,使她们看上去更丰满。
    In Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, for example, Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Medical School argues that gentlemen prefer blonds for the fairness of their skin which makes it easier to detect the flush of sexual excitement,making them appear more fertile.
  • 罗马神话中有许多关于仙的故事。
    There are many stories about the nymphs in Roman fairy tales.
  • 助人仙挥动她的魔杖.
    The fairy godmother waved her (magic) wand.
  • 儿总让我给她讲童话故事。
    My daughter always asks me to tell her fairy stories.
  • 对许多小孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。
    For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland.
  • 儿喜欢给我讲她那些奇怪的梦。
    My daughter likes to describe her fantastic dreams to me.
  • "到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的中年妇。"
    So far the search for the missing middle-aged woman has been fruitless.
  • 她又是农民又是家庭妇
    She's both a farmer and a housewife.
  • 她又是农民又是家庭妇
    She 's both a farmer and a housewife.
  • 玛丽对男人和人充满了迷人的想法。
    Mary is full of fascinating theories about men and women.
  • 好莱坞的虚荣与繁华似乎强烈吸引着这个孩。
    The gloss and glitter of Hollywood seemed fascinating to the girl.
  • 现在的时装和我还是小孩时候流行的样子很不一样了。
    Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl.
  • 式服装业设计、制作并销售非常时髦的通常是定作的式服装的行业
    The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, usually custom-made clothing for women.
  • 吊袜带有系结物的一种吊带,连于腰带之上用来撑起子的长统袜
    A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a woman's stocking.
  • 我被两个肥胖的人紧紧地挤在中间,以致于要站起来下公共汽车都很难。
    I was so tightly wedged between two fat women that it was difficult for me to get up and leave the bus.
  • 它显示了大自然的惊人的和神秘的力量,以及有一个使十几岁的孩子爱慕的,注定要遇难的工人阶级主人公莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥。
    it demonstrates the terrifying and mystical power of nature, and it has in Leonardo DiCaprio a fated working-class hero with whom teen- age girls fall in love.
  • 贝宁因成功地塑造了一个运气不好的大骗子而受到特别褒奖,获得奥斯卡金像奖、纽约影评家奖和英国电影学院奖三项最佳配角提名。
    Bening won special praise for her portrayal of an ill-fated con artist[2], accruing Best Supporting Actress nominations from the Academy, the New York Film Critics Circle, and the British Academy.
  • 那个没有父亲的孩儿很可怜。
    The fatherless girl was poor.
  • 推销员把一部有毛病的机器冒充正品卖给了那位士。
    The salesman fobbed the lady off with a faulty machine.
  • 母亲不应对任何一个儿有所偏爱。
    A mother mustn't favor one of her children more than the others.
  • 喂,我是maxwhite。我要跟fay士讲话。
    Hello. This is Max White. May I speak to Ms. Fay?
  • "教师不愿意把自己的儿编入自己的班级,恐怕会对她有所偏袒。"
    "The teacher refused to have his daughter in his class, for fear of showing favour to her."
  • 性产生病态的恐惧。
    a morbid fear of women.
  • 儿请求我给她买一个羽绒枕头。
    My daughter asked me to buy her a pillow stuffed with feathers.
  • 梅薇思是个漂亮但很轻率的人。
    Mavis is a petty featherhead.