  • 他是英国圣公会的一虔诚的信徒。
    He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church.
  • 至于科拉桑,他说:“我对这诚实、虔诚的妇女寄予厚望,相信她能帮助菲律宾重拾信心,步上正轨……她是个虔诚的天主教徒。”
    On Corazon C.Aquino, Lee says: "I had hopes that this honest, god-fearing woman would help regain confidence for the Philippines and get the country back on track... She was a sincere, devout Catholic."
  • 我预定了本星期日的房间。我的字叫德克斯特。
    I have reservation for this Sunday. My name is Dexter.
  • 仅使它们工作就需要某些相当高的unix专业技能——就像镇上只有一牙科医生,在一幢没有标记的楼里工作,电话本上没有他的电话号码,而且还只给出用拉丁文写的处方。
    Just getting them to work required some pretty serious Unix expertise -- as if the only dentist in town worked in an unmarked building, had no phone listing, and only gave diagnoses in Latin.
  • 这是一个能搜索你的计算机内存中每一个已知病毒的“签”留下的编码片段的诊断程序。
    This is a diagnostic pro- gram that searches every piece of code in your computer s memory for the “signature” or known viruses.
  • 如果还没有为文件命,<<yourapp>>会显示“另存为”对话框。
    If you have not named the document,<< yourapp>> display the save as dialog box.
  • 队七号踢得真粗鲁。
    The Diamond No.7 plays that rough.
  • 但大队只需打平即可。
    But the Diamond only needs a draw.
  • 我有一个"克隆人"姐姐,叫黛安娜,住在宾州的匹茨堡。
    I have a clone.She lives in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,and her name is Diana.
  • ray音音中自然间阶的第二个音阶
    The second tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.
  • 语中自然音阶的第三个音
    The third tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.
  • 唱法中大音阶中的第四个音节。
    the syllable naming the fourth (subdominant) note of the diatonic scale in solmization.
  • 他遇到一位叫迪克的外国朋友。
    He met a foreign friend, Dick by name.
  • 我说不出他究竟叫什么字。
    I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.
  • 现在的国民党中,顽固派还站在支配其党的政策的地位,但在数量上只占少数,它的大多数党员(很多是挂党员)并不一定是顽固派。
    But this is a mistaken view.The die-hards in the Kuomintang are still in a position to dictate its policies, but numerically they are in a minority, while the majority of the membership (many are members only in name) are not necessarily die-hards.
  • 论者认为,政府大事建设图书馆、剧院、博物馆、音乐厅之余,更要提升民众鉴赏力,及营造活泼的创作环境,不要以拨款作撒手锏,为文化艺术作官方“定性”,或介入具体的创作内容,才能让人感受到艺术的氛围,再也不会有人为一幅裸体画像、一出阴道独白、一个剧,唠唠叨叨地作低层次的争论。
    It has been suggested that the Singapore government should help bring about a social environment favourable for artistic creation and bring up a population keen to appreciate worthy works. While financing the building of libraries, theatres, museums, and concert halls, it should refrain, as far as possible, from using the allocations to dictate how the beneficiaries should operate or to interfere in the artists' work.Then, in time, an atmosphere of art will make itself felt. No more trivial disputes over a painting of nudity, a monologue on stage, or a play's title will be heard.
  • 希特勒是一个臭昭著的独裁者。
    Hitler is a notorious dictator.
  • 这些姓开头字母是这封信的口授者的姓开头字母
    These initials are those of the dictator of the letter.
  • 辞典地理学的辞典或索引
    A geographic dictionary or index.
  • 以后,过了些时候,可把你自己的模范放在面前,并且严格地自检,是否你从前做得好而现在是退步了。也不要忽视从前那些在同样的位置而不称其职的人的例子;这并非是要用诋毁前人底声的方法来显出你自己的好处,而是要指导你自己,当以何者为戒的意思。
    And after a time, set before thee thine own example; and examine thy self strictly, whether thou didst not best at first Neglect not also the examples of those that have carried themselves ill in the same place: not to set off thy self, by taxing their memory; but to direct thy self, what to avoid.
  • 他的声将永垂不朽。
    His fame will never die.
  • 当保险对象死亡后偿付给下受益人的保险。
    insurance paid to named beneficiaries when the insured person dies.
  • 柴油机是以它的发明者狄塞尔命的。
    The diesel engine was named after its inventor Rudolf Diesel.
  • 虽然在若干规模甚小的研究里已有类似的发现,但是调查121000美国护士的结果对有关食物中脂肪与癌症的传统智慧表示了强烈的质疑(否定)。
    While there have been similar findings in several much smaller studies, the finding from the study of 121,000 American nurses flies in the face of conventional wisdom regarding dietary fat and cancer.
  • 出版发行了藏医著《四部医典》,编写出版了《四部医典系列挂图全集》、《医学百科全书-藏医分卷》、藏医《生理学》、《病理学》、《药理学》、《饮食学》、《新编藏医学》等数十种藏医教材或专著。
    The Four-Volume Medical Code, a famous book on Tibetan medical knowledge, was published and distributed. Efforts have also been made in the compiling and publishing of A Complete Collection of Wall Charts of the Four-Volume Medical Code and Medical Science Encyclopedia: Tibetan Medicine, plus dozens of teaching materials and special books about Tibetan medicine, including Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Dietetics, and Newly Compiled Tibetan Medicine.
  • 在印地安纳州大学医学中心,两科学家正试图用正电子发射x射线摄影技术,区分用正常的成像方法几乎无法辨别的几种疾病,如乳房癌、肿瘤和囊肿。
    At the Indiana University Medical Center, two scientists are neither trying to apply PET to differentiate breast cancer tumors and cysts, which can be nearly indistinguishable with nor mal imaging methods.
  • 我不易记住人名。
    I have difficulty remembering names.
  • 当时,在加拿大的中国留学生为了绕开中国使馆的监督,而请求在美国的留学生通过电子邮件向他们定期发送有关国内民运消息,刊为chinanewsdigest,首批收信人约为400人,读者后扩大到世界各地。
    The Chinese students in Canada, in circumventing the supervision of the Chinese embassy, asked Chinese students in the United States to e-mail news about domestic student activities to regularly. The online newsletter, China News Digest had 400 recipients in the beginning and later the circulation expanded to many Chinese students in other countries.
  • 当时,在加拿大的中国留学生为了绕开中国使馆的监督,而请求在美国的留学生通过电子邮件向他们定期发送有关国内民运消息,刊为chinanewsdigest,首批收信人约为400人,读者后扩大到世界各地。
    The Chinese students in Canada, in circumventing the supervision of the Chinese embassy, asked Chinese students in the United States to e-mail news about domestic student activities to them regularly.The online newsletter, China News Digest had 400 recipients in the beginning and later the circulation expanded to many Chinese students in other countries.
  • 如果邮件不是数字签的,你就不能肯定邮件是从哪里来的。
    If the mail is not digitally signed, you can't be sure where it comes from.
  • 它让用户用数字方法对电子邮件签,因而收信方知道该邮件确实是由该用户发出的。
    It lets users sign e-mail digitally so recipients know it is really from that user.
  • 未加密的信息可能在传输中被截获、偷看或窜改。如果邮件不是数字签的,你就不能肯定邮件是从哪里来的。
    Unencrypted messages can be hijacked in transit and read or altered. If the mail is not digitally signed,you can’t be sure where it came from.