  • 我们已将20包棉花装上“旭号”货轮,运往贵司。唛头1/20,价值1,000,000元。
    I have consign to you, per m/s Asahimaru, 1/20-twenty bale cotton, value $1,000,000.
  • 我们已将20包棉花装上“旭号”货轮,运往贵司。唛头1/20,价值1,000,000元。
    We have consigned to you, per m/s " Asahimaru ", 1/20 - twenty bale cotton, value ¥1,000,000."
  • 司已将200包棉花,装“太阳号”货轮发运。码头运费已付,特此通知。
    I inform you that I have forwarded by the "Taiyo Maru," freight paid, 200 bale cotton, marked.
  • 我们已利用同一货轮,寄出20包棉花请贵司代销。
    By the same vessel, I have consigned twenty bales of cotton to you for sale.
  • 每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播司已经有卡维等候接替。可是一位国家广播司的高级主管说,“事情根本尚未销定。”首先,卡维并未接受。
    Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive,"that's a long way from a lock." For openers, Carvey is balking.
  • 每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播司已经有卡维等候接替。可是一位国家广播司的高级主管说,“事情根本尚未销定。”首先,卡维并未接受。
    Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive, "that's a long way from a lock." For openers, Carvey is balking.
  • 我们可以信任那家司,其合伙人都很可靠。
    We can trust that company; the partners are in ballast all right.
  • 你可以相信这家司,该司的合伙人都十分可靠。
    You can trust that firm; the partners are in ballast all right.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Chen, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast to be cultured.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Tan, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast (counterweight) to be cultured.
  • 香港对数个时下问题尤为积极参与,包括船舶造成空气污染的管制措施、微生物寄存压舱水中所造成的污染、《国际海上人命安全约》其中一章有关防火的重大修订和诠释、《高速船安全守则》的修订、船舶安全管理系统和散装货轮安全等。这些问题对香港注册船舶和香港司所拥有或管理的船舶会有长远影响。
    Hong Kong was particularly active on several issues, including measures to control air pollution from ships, contamination by transport of aquatic organisms in ballast water, major revision and interpretation of a chapter on fire prevention within the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, revision of the High Speed Craft Code, safety management systems for ships and bulk carrier safety, which will have long-term effects on Hong Kong registered ships as well as ships owned or managed by Hong Kong companies.
  • 芭蕾舞司的歌舞团。
    the chorus of a ballet company.
  • 芭蕾舞团表演芭蕾舞的司或团体
    A company or group that performs ballet.
  • 芭蕾舞司的跳舞的人。
    a dancer who is a member of a ballet company.
  • 我今天想让你们了解的是伊拉克有计划发展生产弹道导弹,其射程将超过1000里。
    What I want you to know today is that Iraq has programs that are intended to produce ballistic missiles that fly of 1,000 kilometers.
  • 进而这种改进“可能被中国用在未来路机动发射型洲际导弹的系统上”的推论又如何得出?
    Further more, how could the inference that such an improvement was "capable of being adapted for use as the guidance system for future PRC road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles'' be made?
  • 美国卫星司在故障排查过程中向中国演示了如何改进长征火箭制导系统的设计和可靠性,这一技术也能用于弹道导弹。
    The US satellite company demonstrated to the Chinese side how to improve the design and reliability of the guidance system of the LM rockets, which could also be used in developing ballistic missiles.
  • 我们也知道伊拉克声称许可生产的弹道导弹,al-samudii和al-fatah,违反了联合国687号决议超过150里射程范围。
    We know from intelligence and Iraq's own admissions that Iraq's alleged permitted ballistic missiles, the al-Samud II (ph) and the al-Fatah (ph), violate the 150-kilometer limit established by this council in Resolution 687.
  • 开的计划;开选举。
    open plans; an open ballot.
  • 为了节省时间,副秘书长代表全体选举人的意投了一张总选票,选举了阿尔杰博士。
    To save time the assistant secretary cast a single ballot as the unanimous vote of all for Dr. Alger.
  • 投票结束后,一般都是即日当众开箱、检票、唱票、计票、布选举结果,并颁布当选证书。
    After balloting, the general practice is to open the ballot boxes, inspect the ballot-slips, call out the names of those voted for, count votes and declare the election results in public on the same day, and then confer certificates to those elected.
  • 这就是乔治·w·布什---美国第一位获得过工商管理硕士学位的总统,他喜欢吹嘘自己的商业背景,在总统竞选中得到了创纪录的高额企业捐助,内阁成员中司总经理出身的可谓济济一堂。此刻他站在纽约一家饭店的舞厅里,对700位企业巨头大加训斥。
    There he was -- America's first president with an MBA, the man who loves to boast about his business back-ground, whose presidential campaign raised unprecedented sums from corporate wallets and whose cabinet is stuffed with chief executives -- standing before 700 pinstriped Titans in a New York hotel ballroom, dressing them down.
  • 内华达河前苏联欧洲部分西北部的河流,由拉多加湖流至波罗的海的伸出部分芬兰湾,流程约74里(46英里)
    A river of northwest European U.S.S.R. flowing about74 km(46 mi) from Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea.
  • 奥德河一条欧洲中部的河流,流程约904里(562英里),从捷克斯洛伐克中北部,经过波兰和德国流入波罗的海。它是东欧的一条主要水上通道
    A river of central Europe flowing about904 km(562 mi) from north-central Czechoslovakia through Poland and Germany to the Baltic Sea. It is a major waterway of Eastern Europe.
  • 人们通常认为,到元前1世纪,日耳曼各族人生活在北海和波罗的海两岸,讲一种基本上统一的语言。
    It is generally assumed that by the first century B.C. Germanic peoples speaking a fairly uniform language were living on both sides of the North and Baltic seas.
  • 推行在共场所禁止吸烟的规则
    Introduce a ban on smoking in public places
  • 肖特女士把平克形容成一个略带绅士气派的强盗。她在她的家庭律师奥戴的办室举行记者招待会时说,“他并没有充满敌意、蛮横或作威作福。”
    She described Mr.Pink as something of a gentleman bandit. "He wasn't hostile, pushy or throwing his weight around," Mrs.Schott said at a news conference at the office here of her family lawyer, David J.O'Dea.
  • 驶经山区的共汽车遭到匪徒袭击.
    Buses driving through the mountains have been attacked by bandits.
  • 受到戒烟潮的严重冲击的烟草
    Tobacco companies that were hard hit by the nonsmoking bandwagon.
  • 幸而,纽约及新泽西州州长没有兴趣附和这项致命的决定(增加路行车速度到每小时65英里)。很多其他州向卡车业游说势力低头并向那些草菅人命的人让步,真是一个悲剧。
    The governors of New York and New Jersey have no interest in jumping on this deadly bandwagon (increasing highway speed limit to 65 mph), fortunately. It's a tragedy so many other states are caving in to the trucking lobby and the to-hell-with-human-life crowd.
  • 显然,至少在带宽自费的前景实现之前,各司需要找出创新的方法,最大限度地用足现有带宽和尽可能长远地发挥基础设施投资的效用。
    Clearly, at least until the promises of bandwidth freedom come to pass, companies need to find creative ways to maximize existing bandwidth and stretch their infrastructure dollars as far as they can.
  • 对电话司和其客户来说,幸运的是,话音呼叫只用了铜线带宽容量的1%。
    Fortunately for telephone companies and their customers, voice calls use only 1 percent of the bandwidth capacity of copper.