| - 第一阶段是表面的感性的认识阶段,表现在太平天国运动和义和团运动等笼统的排外主义的斗争上。
The first stage was one of superficial, perceptual knowledge, as shown in the indiscriminate anti-foreign stuggles of the Movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Yi Ho Tuan Movement, and so on. - 体育高才班招生国际化,并按成绩和发展前途分开等级施以补贴,这样的竞争机制会比一刀切的全额资助来的合理些。
With the suggested special classes, sports talent will be recruited internationally, and subsidies will be given out according to the young trainees' performance and potentialities.This will be a more viable system than the current practice of indiscriminate subsidies. - 体育高才班招生国际化,并按成绩和发展前途分开等级施以补贴,这样的竞争机制会比一刀切的全额资助来的合理些。
With the suggested special classes, sports talent will be recruited internationally, and subsidies will be given out according to the young trainees' performance and potentialities. This will be a more viable system than the current practice of indiscriminate subsidies. - 从三个阶段来看,中国抗日战争中的游击战,决不是可有可无的。
From the view point of all three stages in China's War of Resistance Against Japan, guerrilla warfare is definitely indispensable. - 这些事实综合起来,构成了一个无可争辩的理论。
The facts added together to build up an indisputable theory. - 达到没有任何争论余地的程度。
in an indisputable degree. - 一方面,寄宿学校正在发挥越来越重要的作用,尤其是最近几年,这是无可争辩的。
On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years. - 以美国主流媒体来说,其中部分的专业水平是不争的事实,许多记者和专栏作家是博学之士,这都值得本地媒体学习。
The professionalism of some of the mainstream American journalism is indisputable - many reporters and columnists are learned individuals who serve as excellent examples for us. - 在新加坡英文不好的人,即使华文程度高,也是难以跟英文好的人争一日之长,这是毋庸争论的事实。
In Singapore, those who are good at Chinese but poor in English cannot compete with those who know English well. This is an indisputable fact. - 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。
It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure. - 所有这些一个接连一个的光辉的胜利,无可争辩地证明了党的第七次全国代表大会所规定的政治路线和七大以后党中央的政治领导的正确性;
This succession of magnificent victories furnishes indisputable proof of the correctness of the political line laid down by the Party's Central Committee since the Seventh Congress. - 日常的反日斗争和人民生活斗争,要和民主运动相配合,这是完全对的,也是没有任何争论的。
It is correct and indisputable that the day-to-day struggle against Japan and the people's struggle for a better life must be linked up with the movement for democracy. - 同时也无可争辩地证明了党的第七次全国代表大会所规定的组织路线和七大以后党中央的组织领导的正确性。
It is also indisputable proof of the correctness of the organizational line laid down by the Seventh Congress and of the organizational leadership of the central Committee in the same period. - 首先,执政了55年的中国国民党因为党内分裂,宋楚瑜和连战鹬蚌相争,才造就民进党候选人陈水扁以略微多数的优势当选,是公认不争的事实。
First of all, the Nationalist Party of China, or Kuomintang (KMT), which had ruled Taiwan for 55 years, was defeated in the election at last.It is now indisputable that the in-fighting between James Soong and Lien Chan within KMT made it possible for Chen Shui-bian, presidential candidate of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to cometo power with a narrow margin of majority votes. - 尽管在维护和促进人权的过程中遇到过曲折,但是,一个不容争辩的基本事实是:经过半个世纪的不懈努力,一个积弱积贫、备受屈辱的旧中国已经变成了一个独立自主、初步繁荣昌盛的新中国,12.5亿中国人民主宰了自己的命运,告别了饥寒交迫、愚昧无知状态,甩掉了“东亚病夫”的帽子,过上了丰衣足食、文明健康的美好生活,享受着前所未有的民主自由。
In safeguarding and promoting human rights, although setbacks occurred, one indisputable basic fact is that after unremitting efforts over half a century, the poverty-stricken, weak and humiliated old China has become an independent New China in the early stage of prosperity, and the 1.25 billion Chinese people have become the masters of their own destiny.They have changed the terrible situation of chronic hunger, cold and ignorance, rid China of the label of "The Sick Man of East Asia," lead a civilized and healthy life of plenty, and enjoy unprecedented democracy and freedom. - 尽管在维护和促进人权的过程中遇到过曲折,但是,一个不容争辩的基本事实是:经过半个世纪的不懈努力,一个积弱积贫、备受屈辱的旧中国已经变成了一个独立自主、初步繁荣昌盛的新中国,12.5亿中国人民主宰了自己的命运,告别了饥寒交迫、愚昧无知状态,甩掉了“东亚病夫”的帽子,过上了丰衣足食、文明健康的美好生活,享受着前所未有的民主自由。
In safeguarding and promoting human rights, although setbacks occurred, one indisputable basic fact is that after unremitting efforts over half a century, the poverty-stricken, weak and humiliated old China has become an independent New China in the early stage of prosperity, and the 1.25 billion Chinese people have become the masters of their own destiny. They have changed the terrible situation of chronic hunger, cold and ignorance, rid China of the label of "The Sick Man of East Asia," lead a civilized and healthy life of plenty, and enjoy unprecedented democracy and freedom. - 田教授:有时我们也会有激烈的争论。比如关于有些教材的内容,他们想把一些强调个人主义和西方文化的内容,比如算命写入教材中。
Professor Tian: Occasionally we have heated discussion argument, for instance, they like to put some texts or stories, which emphasize individualism or Western culture, which we think it is not appropriate like fortune telling. - 在社会和经济事务中的个人主义;不仅信仰个性解放和自力更生而且相信自由竟争。
individualism in social and economic affairs; belief not only in personal liberty and self-reliance but also in free competition. - 并且还须指出,骄傲还可以发展到另外一种结果,如同少奇同志的报告中所说的,只要党内出现了个人主义的骄傲的人们,只要这种人的个人主义情绪不受到党的坚决的制止,他们就会一步一步地在党内计较地位,争权夺利,拉拉扯扯,发展小集团的活动,直至走上帮助敌人来破坏党分裂党的罪恶道路。
It should also be noted that conceit may have another result, as Comrade Shaoqi has pointed out in his report. When Party members' conceit and individualism are not resolutely reined in by the Party, these members will eventually begin to argue over their position in the Party, fight for power and personal gain, trade flattery and favors, form small cliques and even go to the extent of treacherously helping the enemy undermine and split the Party. - 不过,由於亚洲具有不屈不挠、力争上游的精神,我预计经过调整以后,亚洲会更健康、更茁壮地发展。
However, I would expect Asia to come out leaner and stronger after the adjustments, given Asia's indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. - 面对国家主权的沦丧和人民生命的浩劫,中国人民为救亡图存,争取国家独立,同外国侵略者进行了一个多世纪不屈挠的斗争。
In face of the crumbling state sovereignty and the calamities wrought upon their lives, for over a century the Chinese people fought the foreign aggressors in an indomitable struggle for national salvation and independence. - 从鸦片战争、太平天国运动、中法战争、中日战争、戊戌变法、义和团运动、辛亥革命、五四运动、五卅运动、北伐战争、土地革命战争,直至现在的抗日战争,都表现了中国人民不甘屈服于帝国主义及其走狗的顽强的反抗精神。
The Opium War, the Movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Sino-French War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Yi Ho Tuan Movement, the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the May 30th Movement, the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War and the present War of Resistance Against Japan -- all testify to the Chinese people's indomitable spirit in fighting imperialism and its lackeys. - 虽然后来有读者指出这些照片反映的是印尼军人在东帝汶的暴行,而与五月暴乱无关,但由于印尼华妇遭强暴已是不争的事实,照片张冠李戴并没有使华人的满腔怒火降温。
Although the photos were later said to be taken of Indonesian soldiers' atrocities in East Timor, and not related to the anti-Chinese riots in May, the indignation of Huaren remained unabated. There is no denying that the rape of Chinese women happened in May in Indonesia. - 由于国有企业机制陈旧和积累的问题,在入世后的激烈竞争中将有相当一部分被淘汰,私营企业或外企就取而代之。
Keen competition will see a large number of old and ineffective state-owned enterprises eliminated by private and foreign companies. - 由于马华被指为“当家不当权”,不能有效为华社争取权益;
The MCA has been accused of lacking real power and being ineffective in fighting for the interests of the Chinese. - 罗嗦的(夸夸其谈的)演讲人;罗嗦、效率低下的指导方法;这天的报纸上有些废话连篇的社论;行动为唠叨的争论所耽搁。
long-winded (or windy) speakers; verbose and ineffective instructional methods; newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials; proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes. - 所以,战争的结果,灭亡的不会是中国而是日本帝国主义的统治集团,这是无可逃避的必然性。
Therefore, it is an inescapable certainty that it will not be China but the ruling circles of Japanese imperialism which will be destroyed as a result of the war. - 争论是不可避免的,因为他们如此讨厌对方。
An argument was inevitable because they disliked each other so much. - 这些争执一再激烈化,看来流血是不可避免的。
The disputes repeatedly ran so high that blood-shed seemed to be inevitable. - 这丝毫也不是笑话,而是战争的必然的趋势。
We are not jesting; This is the inevitable trend of the war. - 于是不得不有十年的红军战争。
The inevitable result was the ten years' war waged by the Red Army. - 那两国之间爆发战争几是不可避免的。
It is almost inevitable that a war between the two nations will break out.