  • 亚洲或许正在经历段巩固期,但我深信,许多在最近金融市场出现的风潮中受到冲击的国家,不久便会重新振作,恢复增长。
    Asia may be going through a period of consolidation, but I am confident that many of the countries who have suffered from the recent turmoil in the financial market will soon be on a rebound.
  • 非洲西部的个共和国。
    a republic in West Africa.
  • 非洲东北部个共和国。
    a republic in northeastern Africa.
  • 非洲东部个共和国。
    a republic in eastern Africa.
  • 虽然由于今年欧洲经济迟缓影响汽车销售,令peugeot汽车集团遭受打击,但很多分析家仍然推荐该股票。他们预期旦欧洲经济开始复苏,peugeot有限公司的销售与利润明年将有相当的回升。
    Although the Peugeot automobile group has taken a beating this year as Europe's economic slowdown has cut into car sales, many analysts are recommending its stock. They expect the sales and profits of Peugeot S.A. to rebound nicely next year, once Europe's economy starts to recover.
  • 非洲东南部的个君主国。
    a monarchy in southeastern Africa.
  • 球碰到篮板弹回而直接弹进他们的手中。
    It rebounded straightly into their possession.
  • 受投资增长的拉动,批代表最终消费需求的机床、发电机、机车、汽车、计算机、工程机械、农机具等产品销售增长幅度明显回升,薄板、焊管、铅、锌、木材等原材料价格开始反弹。
    Boosted by increased investment, the growth rate of sales of a group of products that represent final consumption demand, such as machine tools, power generators, locomotives, automobiles, computers, engineering machinery and farm machinery and implements and so on has picked up notably, the prices of raw and semi-finished materials such as sheets, welded tubes, lead, zinc and timber have begun to rebound.
  • 开展了为2万个村各建个小型图书馆、向每座图书馆赠书100种的“万村书库工程”,并为贫困地区建起了近百座卫星电视接收转播站。%$
    Since then 20,000 villages have been helped to build their own little libraries, with books of at least 100 types for each. The committee has also built about 100 satellite television receiving and rebroadcasting stations in the poor areas.
  • 片好心却遭到他冷酷的拒绝。
    Her kindness to him is meet with a cruel rebuff.
  • 豺狼是产于亚非的种野生动物。
    The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia.
  • 谈到慈善事业时,他即使碰壁也不退缩,并还想得出些耐人寻味的话。
    When it was a question of charity, he was not to be rebuffed even by a refusal, and on such occasions he gave utterance to remarks which induced reflection.
  • 下面有些同志可能主观性强些,你们可能碰鼻子灰,或者对你们提出的问题不重视,或者对问题见解不同,而且很可能他们的见解是错误的。
    It is quite likely that some comrades at the lower levels are subjective, so you may be rebuffed, or local comrades may pay no attention to the problems you point out or hold differing views on these problems, and it is more likely that their views are wrong.
  • 最后次大规模的重建是在明代。
    The last massive rebuilding of the Great Wall was rebuilt then.
  • 改造后的码头使我们大饱眼福;我们改造后的房子象新的样。
    the rebuilt pier spoiled our view; our remodeled house seems like new.
  • 他说篮球运动必须重建,个脚印地重建。
    He said the program has to be rebuilt, one brick at a time.
  • 对他来说,非洲是片神秘的土地。
    Africa is a mysterious land to him.
  • 土耳其西北部城市;原是座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命名。
    a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian.
  • 总有天机器会由于技术的进步而变得陈旧,那时它可能被改造或被取代。
    In time the machine may become obsolete due to advances in the technology; it may then he rebuilt or replaced.
  • 神户日本本州南部城市,位于大阪湾沿岸、京都西南偏南。个港口和制造业中心。现在的神户几乎完全是在二战后重建起来的。人口1,410,843
    A city of southern Honshu, Japan, on Osaka Bay south-southwest of Kyoto. A port and manufacturing center, it was almost entirely rebuilt after World War II. Population,1, 410, 843.
  • 这样的话,电池直顺着这种装置的表面排列,跟太阳能电池的设计很相似。
    "So we rebuilt the fuel cell in the printed circuit-like manner, where the cells are all along the surface of the device, very similar to how a solar cell is designed.
  • 汉诺威德国西北部、不莱梅东南部的个城市。1241年获得自治地许可证,于1386年成为汉萨同盟的部分。在第二次世界大战期间汉诺威受重创,但得到了广泛的重建。人口514,010
    A city of northwest Germany southeast of Bremen. Chartered in1241, it became part of the Hanseatic League in1386. Hanover was badly damaged during World War II but has been extensively rebuilt. Population,514, 010.
  • 名古屋日本本州中部城市,位于伊势湾的顶端、京都以东。是16世纪的个要塞城镇,在二战遭受狂轰后被重建。人口2,116,350
    A city of central Honshu, Japan, at the head of Ise Bay east of Kyoto. A fortress town in the16th century, it was rebuilt after heavy bombing in World War II. Population,2, 116, 350.
  • 我为我的粗心脸红,可是,为了表示我并不觉察到我的冒失,我赶紧加句,“事实是,先生,前半夜我在——”说到这儿我又顿时停住了——我差点说出“阅读那些旧书”,那就表明我不但知道书中印刷的内容,也知道那些用笔写出的内容了。因此,我纠正自己,这样往下说——“在拼读刻在窗台上的名字。
    I blushed at my inconsideration; but, without showing further consciousness of the offence, I hastened to add--`The truth is, sir, I passed the first part of the night in'--Here I stopped afresh--I was about to say perusing those old volumes', then it would have revealed my knowledge of their written, as well as their printed, contents: so, correcting myself, I went on, `in spelling over the name scratched on that window-ledge.
  • 供教徒日常祷告的主要清真寺共有4间,其中以港岛些利街清真寺历史最悠久。该寺建于十九世纪末,并于五年重建,可容纳会众400人。
    Four principal masajid are used daily for prayers. The oldest is the Jamia Masjidin Shelley Street on Hong Kong Island, which was established before the turn of the century and rebuilt in 1915. It can accommodate a congregation of 400.
  • 瓦杜兹列支教士登首都,位于该国家西部地区,菜茵河畔,在瑞士与神圣罗马帝国之间的次冲突中(1499年)被毁,并于16世纪20年代重建,现在成为旅游中心。人口4,927
    The capital of Liechtenstein, in the western part of the country on the Rhine River. Destroyed during a conflict between Switzerland and the Holy Roman Empire(1499), it was rebuilt in the1520's and is now a tourist center. Population,4, 927.
  • 君士坦丁阿尔及利亚东北部城市,位于阿尔及尔以东,为迦太基所建,曾是努比亚国的首都和商业中心,公元311年毁于战争,后被君士坦丁世重建,为纪念他而以他的名字命名。人口344,454
    A city of northeast Algeria east of Algiers. It was founded by Carthaginians and was the capital and commercial center of Numidia. Destroyed in warfare in a.d.311, it was rebuilt by Constantine I and named in his honor. Population,344, 454.
  • 埃森德意志联邦共和国西部城市,位于鲁尔河和莱茵河交汇处,位于科隆北部建于19世纪,在第二次世界大战遭受轰炸后重新大规模建起的座钢铁工业中心。人口625,705
    A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne. Founded in the ninth century, it is a major iron and steel center that was largely rebuilt after heavy bombing during World War II. Population,625, 705.
  • 巴比伦古巴比伦王国的首都,位于幼发拉底河沿岸的美索不达米亚境内,作为首都大约建于公元前1750年,在它被亚述人毁灭后(公元前689年),它又被尼布甲尼撒二世重建于王室显赫之时,巴比伦是世界七大奇观之的空中花园所在地
    The capital of ancient Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the Euphrates River. Established as capital c.1750 b.c. and rebuilt in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction(c.689 b.c.) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
  • 这些豪华公馆的前面,尽管有若干暗绿色的破房子濒临水边,却遮不住公馆正面的美丽棱角,遮不住公馆宽大的石框方形格子窗、堆满塑像的尖拱门廊、棱角总是那样分明的墙垣的尖脊,也遮不住所有这切美妙的建筑奇珍。正是这些建筑奇珍,才使得峨特艺术看来又重新与每座宏伟建筑物结合在起。
    A few miserable,greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous Hotels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their facades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues,the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.
  • 代表大会常任制的最大好处,是使代表大会可以成为党的充分有效的最高决策机关和最高监督机关,它的效果,是几年开会次和每次重新选举代表的原有制度所难达到的。
    The greatest merit of a system of fixed terms for the congresses is that it will make the congresses the Party's highest policy-making and supervisory organs operating with an effectiveness which is hardly possible under the present system whereby congresses are held once in a number of years, with deputies elected afresh each time.
  • 孩子太粗鲁,惹得校长责骂了他顿。
    The boy's rudeness drew down a rebuke from his school master.