  • 如果bios不能顺利地过渡到2000年,那么所有的日期和时基准都将无效。
    If BIOS does not successfully roll over to 2000, all date and time references will be invalid.
  • 只剩一点儿时间了。
    There's a little bit of time left.
  • 实际上,时不会治愈创伤,而会让愤懑和仇恨更长时地吞噬你的内心。
    Time really doesn't heal, it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside.
  • 泥煤和生煤的中物。
    intermediate between peat and bituminous coal.
  • 有深色加长壳的海生双科类软体动物;附着在固体特别是潮带的固体上生活。
    marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell; live attached to solid objects esp. in intertidal zones.
  • 回到金的房,我们所做的只是用电话把这个稀奇古怪的事告诉亲朋好友。
    Back in Kim's room, we had just a phone and a bizarre story to tell our friends and relatives.
  • 接宣传;接无线电传送
    Black propaganda; black radio transmissions.
  • 扬氏杂交梅一种成串带刺的、介于蔷薇科黑莓和露莓之的杂交品种(扬氏杂交梅栽培品种悬钩子属加州露莓),在美国西部栽种
    A trailing, prickly hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry(Rubus ursinus cv. Young) of the rose family, cultivated in the western United States.
  • 灯火管制期,夜晚街道没有照明。
    The streets were not lighted at night during the blackout.
  • 在相同时内,书本不会像计算机那样损害你的眼睛。书本不会因为你偶尔按错一个键而消失,也不会因为突然停电而无影无踪。
    They won’t hurt your eyes as the computers will in the same amount of time, they won’t be gone because you have touched a wrong key accidentally, they won’t disappear because of a sudden blackout, either.
  • 虽然在1994年和1998年之黑人和操西班牙语移民的计算机拥有量翻了一翻,但在家庭上网的白人与黑人之的差距,以及白与操西班牙语的移民之的差距仍以50%的速度增加。
    Even though computer penetration for blacks and Hispanics more than doubled between 1994 and 1998, the gap in household access to the Internet blacks and whites and His panics and whites grew by more than 50 percent.
  • 他在这本书页装订了一些衬纸。
    He interleaved this book with some blank leaves.
  • 计算机制图技术和可视图文技术中的一种显示方式,在此方式中,在接收机的定时装置控制下,字符以有规律的隔消失。在可视图文技术中,用来重点突出一页的某一部分。
    In computer graphics and videotex, a display mode in which the characters are blanked out at regular intervals under the control of a timing device in the receiver. In videotex it is used to highlight a part of the page.
  • 请再送一条毯子到我房
    Please send another blanket to my room.
  • 我们仅仅用了半个多世纪时,不仅改变了旧中国一穷二白的落后面貌,而且建立起门类齐全的现代工业体系。
    It has taken us just a little more than half a century not only to put an end to the backward state of poverty and blankness characteristic of the old China, but also set up a modern industrial system with a complete range of production.
  • 控制器倒读数至发射时
    The controllers counted down to blast-off.
  • 第一颗可能冲散了太空中的星际粒子;
    The first would have blasted space free of interstellar particles;
  • 这三名宇航员飞入外层空进行一次历史上最激动人心的冒险。
    The three astronauts blasted off into outer space on one of the most exciting adventures in bistory.
  • 谢恩祷告饭前或饭后祝福或感恩的短时祷告
    A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.
  • 喀拉喀托火山位于苏门答腊和爪哇之的一个火山岛。1883年8月,该岛火山的一次猛烈的喷发使该岛裂开,并引发了一场使36,000多人丧生的海啸
    A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent explosion in August1883 blew the island apart and caused a tidal wave that killed more than36,000 people.
  • 我们过去有一段时,向先进国家学习先进的科学技术被叫作“崇洋媚外”。
    For a certain period of time, learning advanced science and technology from the developed countries was criticized as "blindly worshiping foreign things".
  • 红膜和水晶体之的粘连。
    adhesions between the iris and the lens or cornea resulting from trauma or eye surgery of as a complication of glaucoma or cataract; can lead to blindness.
  • 你能瞪着看多长时不眨眼?
    How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?
  • 仪表板上装了较多的液晶显示屏,在夜有不少的小光点闪烁,真有点像747飞机的座舱了。
    As more liquid crystal display screens are added to dashboards, and more little lights that blink in the night, a dashboard could begin to resemble a 747's cockpit.
  • 你能瞪著看多长时不眨眼?
    How long can you stare without blinking (your eyes)?
  • 歇而迅速地闭眼;他站在刺眼的阳光里眨眼。
    closing the eyes intermittently and rapidly; he stood blinking in the bright sunlight.
  • 他们在蜜月期幸福无比。
    They are in a state of bliss during the honeymoon.
  • 我悄悄梦想:要是我是家里唯一的小孩,能够拥有完全属于我自己的一个房,那该多好啊!
    Secretly, I meditated on the bliss of being an only child with a room all my own.
  • 我只知道我俩都很珍视这段与其他时有别的幸福时光——看看报、放松一下自己,忘记那些本该记在心里的事情。
    I only knew we treasured this separate, blissful time to read, relax, forget the things we should remember.
  • "...她(刘芳)在演奏细腻段落时,让听众感到琵琶音与音之的呼吸,犹如花蕾展开;在演奏激烈段落时,其密度和强度也会使flamenco吉他大师目瞪口呆...."
    "... She shift nimbly from sparse passages that allow the pipa's sharp tones to blossom and breathe, to blistering runs that, in their density, would make flamenco masters weep..."
  • 为把房搞整洁我必须做好多活。
    I must have a blitz to get my room tidy.
  • 在猛烈空袭期,居住在伦敦的人们必定经历了困难时期。
    The people who lived in London during the blitz certainly experienced hard times.