  • 驱逐舰上的武器备包括几门小口径大炮,两个鱼雷发射管与数门高射炮。
    The destroyer's armament consist of several small cannon, two torpedo tube and a number of anti craft gun.
  • 驱逐舰上的武器备包括几门小口径大炮,两个鱼雷发射管与数门高射炮
    The destroyer 's armament consists of several small cannons, two torpedo tubes and a number of anti - craft guns
  • 炸药炸药,通常指用来产生破坏作用的遥控的
    An explosive, usually remote-controlled device for effecting a destruct.
  • 渲染用想象细节的
    Embellishment with fanciful details.
  • 在细节上过分的不必要的饰。
    unnecessary elaborateness in details.
  • 用来探测和测量光和其他放射物的置。
    a device used to detect and measure light and other radiations.
  • 备用于探测然后破坏或压制或开除海雷的船。
    a ship equipped to detect and then destroy or neutralize or remove marine mines.
  • 扫雷舰用来探测、摧毁、移开水雷或拆除水雷上爆破置的船舰
    A ship equipped for detecting, destroying, removing, or neutralizing explosive marine mines.
  • 磁场记录仪用来探测和记录磁场强度的方向和强度的
    A device for detecting and recording variations in the intensity and direction of magnetic fields.
  • 用于检测和传输来自生物机体的生物数据的一种置,使得这些数据可以被显示、或存储。
    A mechanism for detecting and transmitting biological data from an organism so that the results may be displayed or stored.
  • 雷达置在这种探测中使用的设备
    The equipment used in such detection.
  • 入侵探测技术工作起来很像很多家庭安的防盗警报系统。
    Intrusion-detection technology works much like burglar alarm systems installed in many homes.
  • 那侦探佯成吊唁者参加了受害人的葬礼.
    The detective posed as a mourner at the victim's funeral.
  • 所有的房间都有烟尘警器。
    Smoke detector is fit in all the rooms.
  • 此外,警队又购置了特别的备如金属探测拱门、"x"光机和电子搜查工具,以协助各项行动。
    Special equipment such as metal detector archways, X-ray machines and electronic search equipment were acquired to assist in the operations.
  • 对监狱和看守所实施外围武警戒;
    posting peripheral armed guards at prisons and detention houses;
  • 虚张声势通过假有把握给人印象、威慑或威胁
    To impress, deter, or intimidate by a false display of confidence.
  • 全港已有30部冲红灯摄影机设在交通灯路口,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯规定。
    Thirty red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctionsin the territory to deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals.
  • 全港已有30部冲红灯摄影机设在交通灯路口,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯规定。
    Thirty red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctions in the territory to deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals.
  • 设在吐露港公路及粉岭公路一段长15公里路上的初期超速摄影机系统,已经在一九九八年底开始运作,阻止驾车人士的危险超速行为。
    An initial speed-enforcement camera system on a 15-kilometre section of the Tolo Highway and Fanling Highway came into operation in late 1998 to deter dangerous speeding activities.
  • 在吐露港公路及粉岭公路15公里长的路段设超速摄影机试验系统的工程已经展开,目的是阻止驾车人士在重要的主干路上超速行车。
    Installation works have begun on a speed-enforcement camera trial system on a 15-kilometre section of the Tolo Highway and Fanling Highway to deter speeding activities on major trunk roads.
  • 战略核导弹部队备地地战略核导弹武器系统,主要任务是遏制敌人对中国使用核武器,并在敌人对中国发动核袭击时,遵照统帅部命令,独立或联合其他军种的战略核部队对敌人实施有效自卫反击。
    It is equipped with land-based strategic nuclear missile systems. Its primary missions are to deter the enemy from using nuclear weapons against China, and, in the case of a nuclear attack by the enemy, to launch an effective counterattack in self-defense independently or jointly with the strategic nuclear forces of other services, at the order of the supreme command.
  • 您要多大的瓶子的白猫洗涤精?
    What size bottle of White Cat detergent do you want?
  • 气雾剂在压力下与气态压缩气体同一处,以雾状细小微粒形式喷洒的物质,例如颜料、洗涤剂或杀虫剂
    A substance, such as paint, a detergent, or an insecticide, packaged under pressure with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles.
  • 雷管,底火,导火线有少量爆炸物的帽或管,用来引爆枪炮或地雷、水雷等
    A cap or tube containing a small amount of explosive used to detonate the main explosive charge of a firearm or mine.
  • 有引爆物质的小管;常用来引爆严重爆炸。
    a small tube filled with detonating substances; used to detonate high explosives.
  • 一种满了炸药的通过尖金属丝来引爆矿山或清除路障的金属管。
    a metal pipe filled with explosive, used to detonate land mines or to clear a path through barbed_wire.
  • 开发者们可以把OLE控制安到调色板上或从包括在Delphi2。0中的OLE控制中选择。
    Developer can install ole control onto the palette or choose from among the ole control include in delphi2.0.
  • 许多多媒体的控制程序仍需从开发商处索取,不过都是自动安的。
    Many multimedia controls still need to be obtained from the developer but are installed automatically.
  • 倒置法一种象倒法或逆序法的修辞方法,使用与正常或逻辑的语序相偏离的方法,从而产生一种效果
    A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal or logical word order to produce an effect.
  • 这种置经受过广泛的试验。
    The device had undergone extensive testing.
  • 置将於年底投入生产.
    The device will be in production by the end of the year.