  • 近日政府领导人多次提出本国须栽培华文精,主要目的有二:配合当前经济需求与培养华族文化传承人。
    The idea of nurturing the Chinese elite has been hotly debated in the press. It is understood that the Government leaders raised this issue with two main objectives: a) The elite are to meet the practical needs of our economy as our trade and industry have expanded to the Chinese speaking areas in East Asia and; b) The elite are required in order to carry on and develop Chinese culture and traditions in our society.
  • 而对“华文精”的提法也颇有意见,其中应以陈清木医生为代表。
    They also have reservations about the term " Chinese elite ". Dr Tan Cheng Bock was one of them.
  • 名流某精集团的成员,尤反映在知识界或文化圈中具有影响力或较高地位的人
    A member of an elite group, especially a person having influence or high status in intellectual or cultural circles.
  • 布什没有回答有关威廉王子的其他问题。但是一位《模特精》的发言人说,布什从来没有见过这位王子。
    Further questions about Prince William went unanswered, but an Elite Models spokesman said Bush has never met the prince.
  • 一词按《现代汉语词典》的解释为出类拔萃的人。
    According to the "Modern Chinese Dictionary", the word elite (jingying) is defined as people who stand out from their peers.
  • 中国文坛和艺坛的精分子也定期在国内和国外积极参加国际性的文化交流活动。
    The elite of the Chinese literary and artistic community regularly attend cultural gatherings at home and abroad with active international participation.
  • 故此,我建议应好好将“精”一词作个明确的定义,以符合我国下一世纪所面对的挑战。
    I suggest a clear definition of the word "elite", one that would suit the challenges faced by country in the next century.
  • 这种做法极其普遍,除了禁止依据成绩颁发补助金的约30所常青藤名牌大学和另一些精大学之外,其他学校都实行了这一做法。
    The practice is remarkably widespread, reaching almost all but the 30 or so Ivy and other elite colleges that ban merit-based financial aid.
  • 国各家媒体一方面就牛津大学的录取规程进行争论,另一方面也在广泛意义上就精主义展开了激烈辩论。
    The British media have created a fierce controversy over Oxford's admission procedures and elitism in general.
  • 政治精的政治攻势不可能被选民接受
    An elitist political campaign that could never play in Peoria.
  • 年轻人口使用语的比率高,社会走向精化,加上华文的实用价值还无法完全被肯定,造成语文出现代沟的危机。
    With a high proportion of young people using English, a trend towards an elitist society, and lingering doubts over the practical value of the Chinese language, a crisis of a generation gap in terms of language has emerged.
  • 伊丽莎白也为吉快活。
    Elizabeth felt Jane's pleasure.
  • 伊利莎白二世继承乔治六世成为国的最高统治者。
    Elizabeth succeeded George VI as the English sovereign.
  • 伊莉莎白二世因本身之继承权而成为国女王
    Elizabeth II is Queen of England in her own right
  • 伊丽莎白女王时代的国流行风气
    The genius of Elizabethan England.
  • 国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代.
    The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.
  • 各种各样的格兰榆树,树枝挺直,叶面宽阔。
    a variety of the English elm with erect branches and broader leaves.
  • 尖头苹果国的绿色细长苹果,烹调用
    A greenish, elongated English apple used for cooking.
  • 还有谁能讲英语?
    Who else speak English?
  • 他不断的指出国的气候是温和的。
    He goes on to elucidate by pointing out that the British climate is a temperate one.
  • 严格说来,它算不上是一封情书,实际是只是几页内容详尽的行动指南。信里称"我最亲爱的菲娜"该怎么摆脱她父亲的监视,夜里逃出家门,詹杰会在浅滩上牵马等着她,然后将她驮到史密斯多普,到了那里再去找理查德的"知心朋友亨利·威尔逊",他会给她钱为她作好安排,使她能跟随她的情人到开普敦,随后转道国。"亲爱的,这样我们就可以在国结婚了。
    It was not a love letter in the true sense of the word, but pages of the minutest directions of how"my sweetest Phina"was to elude her father's vigilance, creep down to the drift at night and there meet Jantje with a horse which would take her to Smitsdorp. There she was to go to "my true friend, Henry Wilson",who would give her money and make arrangements for her to follow her lover to Cape Town and from there to England ," where, my love, we can he be married at once.
  • “听到别人这样说,我很烦,”本周布什在纽约《模特精》安排的电子邮件访谈节目中这样说。
    " It upsets me when I hear people say that," Bush said in an email interview arranged this week by Elite Models in New York.
  • 中国人民经过长期前赴后继的勇奋斗才取得国家独立和民族解放,因而极为珍惜来之不易的独立自主权利。
    After a protracted, persistent and heroic struggle, the Chinese people won the independence for their country and the emancipation of the nation.Therefore they hold dear their hard-earned right to independence.
  • 中国人民经过长期前赴后继的勇奋斗才取得国家独立和民族解放,因而极为珍惜来之不易的独立自主权利。
    After a protracted, persistent and heroic struggle, the Chinese people won the independence for their country and the emancipation of the nation; therefore they hold dear their hard-earned right to independence.
  • 那客货车沿堤坝向下滑动了(几尺).
    The van slipped (a few feet) down the embankment.
  • 涨水的珠玛河河堤打开了一道380尺宽的缺口,洪水从这里冲了来。
    Flood waters poured through a 380-foot gap in the embankment of the swollen Zhuma River.
  • 很多群众在国大使馆外面示威。
    Large crowds demonstrated outside the British Embassy.
  • 他和国大使馆有些关系。
    He had something to do with the British Embassy.
  • 国的国徽是玫瑰花。
    The national emblem of England is a rose.
  • 在1399-1461期间掌权的国皇室家族;它的象征是红玫瑰。
    the English royal house that reigned from 1399 to 1461; its emblem was a red rose.
  • 国)军装的肩部佩带的东西作为军队部分等的象征。
    (British) something worn on the shoulder of a military uniform as an emblem of a division etc..
  • 从1461年统治到1485年的国皇室(金雀花王朝的分支);它的象征是白玫瑰。
    the English royal house (a branch of the Plantagenet line) that reigned from 1461 to 1485; its emblem was a white rose.