  • 例如,莲发展公司在其notes和esuite产品中增加了文件和打印服务,而成为一家打入网络操作系统领地的公司。
    For example, Lotus Development becomes one vendor encroaching upon the network operating system territory by adding file and print services to its Notes and eSuite products.
  • 那里,远离了过往司机的视野,避开了纷扰的文明世界,高耸的丁香丛开满了硕大的圆锥形的串串束,几乎把茎压成了两折。
    There, far from view of passing motorists and hidden from encroaching civilization, were the towering lilacs bushes, so laden with the huge, cone-shaped flower clusters that they almost bent double.
  • 他在园的尽头的那边。
    He is down at the end of the garden.
  • 小的新西兰岛树的两个种类;垂枝树的金雀;将要绝种的。
    2 species of small New Zealand trees: weeping tree broom; endangered.
  • 斑猫头鹰是一个受威胁的物种,还不是一个濒临灭绝的物种。
    the spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one.
  • 中国政府认真贯彻“预防为主”的方针,从六十年代初起,西藏再未发现过天病例,各种传染并地方病发病率大幅度下降,部分严重威胁人民健康的疾病已经消灭或基本控制。
    The Chinese government conscientiously carries out the principle of "taking prevention as the main task," with the result that no case of smallpox has been reported in tibet since the early 1960s. The incidence of various infectious and endemic diseases has gone down by a substantial margin, and some serious diseases that threaten the lives of people have been wiped out or brought under basic control.
  • 最末的那根柱子;树枝上最后一个蕾;终点站;最末的那个音节。
    the endmost pillar; terminal buds on a branch; a terminal station; the terminal syllable.
  • 生全部售出5月底前无货可供。
    The peanut flubs cantsupply until endogamy
  • 英国公子指18和19世纪游历极广的,醉心于外国风俗的英国青年
    A well-traveled young Englishman of the18th and19th centuries who affected foreign customs.
  • 全国各省区市和社会各界对中国’99昆明世博会给予了大力支持和厚爱,向世博园赠送了许多园林园艺精品。如北京的“华表”、天津的“石象群雕”、上海的“钟”、青海的“黄河石”、河北的“石狮”、安徽的“铁画”、陕西的“铜车马”、辽宁的“玉雕”,以及江苏宜兴的巨幅“紫砂浮雕”、江西景德镇的陶瓷“大瓶”、云南的“郑和宝船”等。
    Great support, deep love and many exquisite gardening works to the Expo '99 from each provinces, districts and cities and all circles of society were received, such as ornamental pillar presented by Beijing, carved group elephants by Tianjin, flower clock by Shanghai, yellow river stone by Qinghai, stone lion by Hebei, iron engraving by Anhui, copper carriage and horse by Shaanxi, jade carving by Liaoning, huge purple clay carving by Jiangsu, grand vase by Jiangxi, and Zhenghe boat by Yunnan.
  • 诉讼需要大量花费
    Litigation often entails enormous expense.
  • 我们有足够的钱花。
    We have enough money to spend.
  • 我们看到山峦景色, 心怒放.
    We were enraptured by the view of the mountains.
  • 第一个节目是民乐合奏,包括《春江月夜》这样的名曲。
    The first item is Chinese Musical Instrument Ensemble, including such masterpieces as the Night of Spring Flowers, River, and Moon.
  • 更重要的是我们取得了一个新起点,再三十年到五十年时间,接近发达国家的水平。
    More importantly, we shall achieve a new starting point. Within the ensuing 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of developed countries.
  • 盘座面在边(特别是在古典建筑的柱顶盘)之间的水平的板或部分
    A flat horizontal band or member between moldings, especially in a classical entablature.
  • "每年我也报名参加园大赛,但我总是得全镇最差园的小奖!"
    "Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!"
  • 使孩子入私立学校;使大丽参加一个卉展览
    Entered the children in private school; entered dahlias in a flower show.
  • 很多钱款待他的朋友。
    He spends a lot of money entertaining his friends.
  • 他招待朋友了很多钱。
    He spends a lot of money in entertaining friends.
  • 记着,我只是按照你的吩咐去请了这个男孩,我希望你点时间陪他玩一玩,
    Remember, I only invited the boy at your bidding. I expect you to devote some of your time to entertaining him.
  • 把钱过度地在娱乐上
    Spends an outrageous amount on entertainment.
  • 整个剧本只了他两个星期时间。
    He wrote the entire play in only two weeks.
  • 剑,重剑和佩剑三种剑在击剑比赛中使用。
    Foil,epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions.
  • 剑,重剑和佩剑三种剑在击剑比赛中使用。
    Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitons.
  • 重剑比剑重,但比剑坚硬。
    And the epee is heavier than the foil, and its blade is stiffer.
  • 奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:剑、佩剑和重剑。
    There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil, sabre, and epee.
  • 剑和重剑比赛中,只有用剑尖触及对方才算有效。
    In foil and epee, a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon.
  • 对于重剑而言,全身都是有效部位。但剑只有触及从颈骨到髋骨的部位才能得分。
    The entire body is a valid target for the epee, but in foil a touch can be scored only on the body between the collar and hipbones.
  • 一植物科小单性果实肉质;在一些分类中包括麻黄属植物和千岁兰属以及买麻藤属。
    plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum.
  • 这样的小说只是昙一现的东西而已。
    Such novels came forward to enjoy ephemeral popularity only.
  • 短暂易逝的事物飞逝的或昙一现的事物
    Something fleeting or ephemeral.