  • 设置在圆环图中通过它来自于加速器的微粒够一直旋转直到它们被使用的磁铁。
    set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used.
  • 加速器一种装置,如回旋加速器或直线加速器,可以加快带电亚原子粒子或原子核的运动以达到高
    A device, such as a cyclotron or linear accelerator, that accelerates charged subatomic particles or nuclei to high energies.
  • 传送几百万伏特的电以快速移动粒子的加速器。
    an accelerator that imparts energies of several million electron-volts to rapidly moving particles.
  • 不能更改的死刑判决
    An incommutable death sentence.
  • 量离子从等离子区逃离进行电荷交换的加速器。
    an accelerator in which high-energy ions escape from plasma following charge exchange.
  • 这个句子不能直译。
    The sentence cannot be literally rendered.
  • 译文忠实于原文,逐句对照。
    The translation checks with the original, sentence for sentence.
  • 请告诉我这句子对不对?
    Can you please tell me if the sentence if the sentence correct?
  • 于是他们走遍天涯海角,到处寻觅这样一个倾国倾城的美女。戈孔德的女王,特雷比宗德的公主,鞑靼大可汗的千金,等等,等等,他们一一没看中,然后,耕作和教士,贵族和商品,一起来到司法宫这张大理石桌子上面休息,对着老实的听众,口若悬河,警句格言不绝,当时要是有人捡一点去应付文学院的考试,诡辩也罢,决断也罢,修辞也罢,行文也罢,定捞到学士帽戴一戴的。
    Accordingly, they were roaming the world in search of this Fair One, and, after rejecting successively the Queen of Golconda, the Princess of Trebizonde, the daughter of the Grand Khan of Tartary, etc, etc., Labour and Commerce, Clergy and Nobility, had come to rest themselves awhile on the marble table of the Palais de Justice, and to deliver themselves before an honoured audience of a multitude of sententious phrases, moral maxims, sophisms, flowers of speech, as were freely dispensed in those days by the Faculty of Arts or at the examinations at which the Masters took their degree.
  • 有感情的有力用感情反应或感受的;有感觉力的;敏感的
    Having the ability to react or feel emotionally; sentient; sensitive.
  • “就象任何有感知的生物一样,程序必须操纵自己的世界,在执行过程中作出判断与选择。”
    Like a sentient creature, a program must manipulate its world and make choices during execution.
  • 读着迪斯尼乐园中那些富有人情味的动物故事长大的绝大多数人,都会认为这两种猜测是正确的,而且更使他们确信动物感受到如人类一般的强烈情感。
    Most people, raised on Disney versions of sentient and passionate beasts, would say that these tales, both true, simply confirm their suspicions that animals can feel intense, humanlike emotions.
  • 做生意不感情用事!
    There's no place for sentiment in business!
  • 为了维护包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的利益,也为了维护亚太地区的和平与发展,中国政府仍然坚持“和平统一、一国两制”方针不变,仍然坚持江泽民主席提出的发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张不变,仍然尽一切可争取和平统一。
    To safeguard the interests of the entire Chinese people including compatriots in Taiwan and maintain the peace and development of the Asia-Pacific region, the Chinese Government remains firm in adhering to "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems;" upholding the eight propositions put forward by President Jiang Zemin for the development of cross-Straits relations and the acceleration of the peaceful reunification of China; and doing its utmost to achieve the objective of peaceful reunification.
  • 中国改革开放和现代化进程的加快为外国投资者提供了良好的发展商机,主要在以下方面:第一,中国继续实施扩大国内需求的方针政策,加快经济结构的战略性调整,为外商投资在农业、水利、源、交通、通信、原材料、环保、高技术、重大装备等领域提供了广阔的空间。
    The acceleration of China's reform, opening-up and modernization process offers business opportunities for foreign investors mainly in the following aspects. Frstly, China will continue implementing the policy of stimulating domestic demand and making strategic adjustment to its economic structure. A broad space has therefore been created for overseas capital to flow into such areas as agriculture, water conservancy, energy, transportation, telecommunication, raw material, environment protection, hi-tech and heavy or large equipment.
  • 这种感受是由个别的事件引起的。有个念中文系硕士学位的塔斯马尼亚人用流畅的华语喋喋不休地跟我谈话,我只搭上一句半句,他是多么地失望。
    Isolated incidents prompted this sentiment-not being able to reciprocate the chatter of a Tasmanian who had been tasked to host me on the strength of his Masters degree in Chinese Studies. How disappointing forthe poor man!
  • 分析家说,虽然朕邦储备委员会不大可改变货币政策,不景气已在减缓而全盘通货膨胀却在加速的现象可给联邦储备委员会一个警讯。
    The acceleration in wholesale inflation as the recession winds down may send warning signals to the Federal Reserve Board, although a change is its monetary policy seems unlikely, analysts said.
  • 在电场和磁场中由受控电荷加速引起的和波的量有关的辐射。
    radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge.
  • 一种存取方式,在同一打开文件语句的范围内,指定的逻辑记录够非顺序地取自和存入大容量存储文件和顺序地取自一个文件。参阅randomaccess。
    An access mode in which specific logical records can be obtained from or placed into a mass storage file in a nonsequential manner(see random access), and obtained from a file in a sequential manner(see sequential access), during the scope of the same open statement.
  • 我的意思是作战仍可顺序展开,你不可立刻在所有地方做所有事情。
    The point I'm making is there still may have to be some sequential aspects of an operation, that you can't do everything at once everywhere.
  • 大多数软件包也让你在每个图符上深入下去,进一步打开细节——如在订单入口中,这可包含管理订单的动作和行动的顺序表。
    Most packages also let you drill down on each icon to open further details -- in order entry, for example, that might include activities to manage the order and a sequential diagram of actions.
  • 它们的确编排了屏幕显示格式,并接收敲键输入,但它们不处理表示层其它的逻辑操作,如屏幕显示时序排列和数据验证等。
    They do format the screen and accept keystrokes, but they can't handle other aspects of presentation logic, such as screen sequencing and data validation.
  • 在bqm中,复杂的交易可在任意长度的时间段内做完,时间长短与各个组件的可利用性有关。但是,不管要用多少时间,信息在这些单元之间的流动必须确保有一个高度的可靠性,并严格保护文件的逻辑顺序。
    In BQM, complex transactions may play out over arbitrary time periods depending on the availability of individual components, but, however long it may take, the information flows between those elements are ensured to a high degree of reliability, and the logical sequencing of events is rigorously maintained.
  • 加快产业、产品结构调整的步伐,降低源消费的增长速度;
    ·Acceleration of the industrial and product restructuring so as to mitigate the growth rate of energy consumption.
  • 这辆公共汽车的加速性很好。
    This bus has good acceleration.
  • 血清中的白蛋白,保持血压。
    albumin occurring in blood serum; serves to maintain the somatic pressure of the blood.
  • 我们还证实,膳食和血清中的抗氧化物含量与肺部健康和肺功有关。”
    We also have shown that both dietary levels and blood serum levels of antioxidants are linked to lung health and function."
  • 注射预防针把血清、牛痘或抗原性物质注射入(人或动物的身体内),尤指为了产生或增强对一定疾病的免疫
    To introduce a serum, a vaccine, or an antigenic substance into(the body of a person or an animal), especially to produce or boost immunity to a specific disease.
  • 生物标志一种生理物质,如人体绒膜组织分泌的促性腺物质或α胎球蛋白,当这些物质在血清中异常大量增加或减少时,预示可有疾病存在,如恶性肿瘤引起的疾病
    A physiological substance, such as human chorionic gonadotropin or alpha-fetoprotein, that when present in abnormal amounts in the serum may indicate the presence of disease, as that caused by a malignancy.
  • 免疫球蛋白由脊髓中的在免疫反应中通过与抗原结合而具有抗体功的淋巴细胞隐藏起来的大量糖蛋白。免疫球蛋白分布于呼吸道和肠道的粘膜表面以及奶汁、唾液、眼泪和血浆当中
    Any of a group of large glycoproteins secreted by plasma cells in vertebrates that function as antibodies in the immune response by binding the specific antigens. Immunoglobulins are found along the respiratory and intestinal tracts, on mucosal surfaces, and in milk, saliva, tears, and blood serum.
  • 科索沃是南斯拉夫领土的一部分,南斯拉夫政府、塞尔维亚政府有责任,也一定够妥善地处理这个问题。
    It is part of the Yugoslavian territory.The Yugoslavian government and the Serbian government have the responsibility and ability to handle the issue.
  • 我们的产品获得金质奖章确实出乎意料之外。
    That we sere awarded a gold metal for our product was indeed beyond our expectation.