  • 母亲不愿搬家开这么好的邻居。
    Mother hated to move from such a nice neighbourhood.
  • 有些村民从未远过附近的市镇.
    Some villagers have never been further afield than the neighbouring town.
  • 我刚开中学就和纳尔逊结了婚,那时我所有的朋友都认为我是多么幸运。
    All my friends drought I was so lucky when Nelson and I got married right after I got out of high school.
  • 我侄子住得我家很近。
    My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house.
  • 我侄子住得我家很近
    My nephew lives only a stone 's throw from my house
  • 罗德旧约中的人物,亚伯拉罕的侄子,当他们逃罪恶之地所多玛时,他的妻子因回头看而被化作盐柱
    In the Old Testament, Abraham's nephew, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back as they fled Sodom.
  • 海王卫二海王星的卫星,该行星的距处于第三位
    The satellite of Neptune that is third in distance from the planet.
  • 海卫一距海王星第二远的海王星卫星
    The satellite of Neptune that is second in distance from the planet.
  • 害怕走得离野兽太近
    nervous of going too near the wild animals
  • 从英国到南非有6,000英里的距,这些鸟不仅在第二年春天从非洲返回英国,而且它们经常返回前一年它们筑的巢窝里。
    From England to South Africa is a journey of 6,000 miles. And the birds not only return from Africa to England next spring, but often they come back to nest in the very same house where they nested the year before.
  • 雏鸟太小而不能开巢的小鸟
    A bird too young to leave its nest.
  • 小鸟开其巢去觅食。
    The bird flew from its nesting place to find food.
  • 克拉夫特-埃宾,理查德·冯1840-1902德国内科医生和精神病学家,特别以他对性偏的研究和病历总集性精神变态(1886年)的出版而闻名
    German physician and neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis(1886).
  • 我跟别人一样喜欢开玩笑,但这个玩笑太谱了。
    I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man, but this is going too far.
  • 我在火车即将开前及时赶到了车站。
    I arrived at the station in the nick of time, just before the train left.
  • 他离家差不多有20哩。
    He was nigh upon 20 miles.
  • 家差不多只有二十英里了。
    He was nigh upon 20 miles from home.
  • 婚礼的日子越来越近了;站在门边;等他们走近些再开枪;接近准确的解释;她的妈妈总是在不远处;结尾很接近;子弹投得有点远;不要火太近。
    as the wedding day drew near; stood near the door; don't shoot until they come near; getting near to the true explanation; her mother is always near; The end draws nigh; the bullet didn't come close; don't get too close to the fire.
  • 她站的地方壁炉太近,所以她的睡衣着火了。
    She was standing far too near the open hearth and her nightdress caught fire.
  • 菲洛梅拉雅典公主,被她姐夫忒瑞俄斯强奸后,又遭姐姐浦洛思的报复,后在逃忒瑞俄斯途中,被变成一只燕子或夜莺
    A princess of Athens who, after being raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus, was avenged by her sister, Procne, and was later turned into a swallow or nightingale while fleeing Tereus.
  • 比赛终场还有五分钟时,双方比分为五比零。
    The score was five-nil with five minute left in the game.
  • 他向我点头示意让我开房间.
    He nodded to me to leave the room.
  • 他向我点头示意让我开房间。
    Aristocrataristocrat. He nodded to me to leave the room.
  • 两个节点间的逻辑距,即一个跃距为从一个节点到邻近一个节点的距
    The logical distance between two nodes. One hop is the distance from one node to an adjacent node.
  • 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫开该国.
    He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country.
  • 在此后的三个月中,我们每天都一起开课堂,聊起来没完没了。
    Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop.
  • 来访者在中午前一会儿开了。
    The visitor left a little before noon.
  • 我们中午离开了家。
    We left home at noon.
  • 我们在中午离开家。
    We left home at the noontide.
  • 某种背了正常标准的事物。
    something that deviates from a norm or standard.
  • 一种标准、规范。
    a variation that deviates from the standard or norm.
  • 一个行为脱他所在人群的标准的人。
    one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group.