  • 这是三年以前的事了,所以那里没有弹片或是什西。
    This was three years ago, so there was no shrapnel involved or anything.
  • 我牙缝里塞了点西,就是弄不出来。
    There is something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.
  • 原因在于他们观察时局不从根本之点出发,而从许多局部和一时的现象(佐藤外交,苏州审判,压制罢工,北军调,杨虎城出洋⑹等等)出发,于是形成一幅暗淡的画图。
    Because in weighing up the current situation they start not from fundamentals but from a number of limited and transient phenomena (Sato's diplomacy, the Soochow trial, the suppression of strikes, the eastward transfer of the Northeastern Army, General Yang Hu-cheng's journey abroad,[6] and so on); hence their dismal picture.
  • 这些西的分解需要一个很长的阶段。
    Russia and the US discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons.
  • 令微软公司惊愕的是,它很快成了一种被称作计算平台的西——一个能让程序员开发应用软件的坚实基矗
    To Microsoft's dismay, it is fast becoming what is known as a computing platform -- a sturdy base upon which programmers can build software applications.
  • 看见这个家伙满头大包踉跄着回家,或那个家伙晕头转向,倒西歪,还有的被树枝抽打得哀嚎不绝,老约翰就简直忍不住地乐。
    He couldn't conceal his merriment at the sight of some fellow staggering home with bumps all over his head, or another careening about with dizziness, or someone else howling with dismay and agony as the bush ripped him up.
  • 阿纳翰美国加利福尼亚南部城市,在洛杉矶南部,迪斯尼乐园在这里1955年对外开放,人口266,406
    A city of southern California southeast of Los Angeles. It is the site of Disneyland, opened in1955. Population,266, 406.
  • 米奇鼠在日本很讨好,京迪斯尼是世界最爱欢迎的主题公园,去年游客达到1700万。
    Japan is a nation of Mickey Mousefans. Tokyo Disneyland is the world's most popular theme park, with 17 million visitors last year.
  • 一些在无秩序状态的西。
    many things in a disorderly state.
  • 他们酩酊大醉, 南西北全然不辨。
    They became deeply intoxicated and totally disoriented.
  • 对得不到的西的贬低。
    disparagement of something that is unattainable.
  • 方佬用于对亚洲人的蔑称
    Used as a disparaging term for an Asian person.
  • 粗汉用于对欧洲中部和部来的人(尤指工人)的贬称
    Used as a disparaging term for a person from east-central Europe, especially a laborer.
  • 方人,黄种人用作对在越南战争中北越士兵或游击队员的蔑称
    Used as a disparaging term for a North Vietnamese soldier or guerrilla in the Vietnam War.
  • 贫困地区与其他地区,特别是与部沿海发达地区在经济、社会、文化等方面的差距逐步扩大。
    The disparity-economic, social and cultural- between the poverty-stricken areas and other areas, especially that between the poverty-stricken areas and the coastal advanced areas in the east, gradually widened.
  • 他的情形是有点可怜的,因为这么一来,他失掉批判西文化的资格了,因为他不能作稳健合理、平心静气的批判。
    His plight is somewhat pathetic, for that disqualifies him for judging the East and the West sanely and dispassionately.
  • 分配者,药剂师,分配器分配或分发的人或物,尤其是指机器或器皿,用它可将西分发并用起来方便或规定数量
    One that dispenses or gives out, especially a machine or container that allows the contents to be removed and used in convenient or prescribed amounts.
  • 分散、集中和转移的灵活性,都是游击战争具体地表现主动性的西;死板、呆滞,必至陷入被动地位,遭受不必要的损失。
    Flexibility in dispersal, concentration and shifts of position is a concrete expression of the initiative in guerrilla warfare, whereas rigidness and inertia inevitably lead to passivity and cause unnecessary losses.
  • 革命爆发了,事变叠出,司法界贵族家庭因受到摧毁,驱逐,追捕而奔西散了。
    The Revolution came; events succeeded each other with precipitation; the parliamentary families, decimated, pursued, hunted down, were dispersed.
  • 可起支撑或是展示作用的西。
    used for support or display.
  • 成功总带有一些连好朋友也为之感到不愉快的西。
    There's always something about success that displease even your best friend.
  • 用不尊敬的话来说神圣的西的人。
    a person who speaks disrespectfully of sacred things.
  • 援助北抗日联军,破坏敌人的后方。
    Support the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army and disrupt the enemy's rear.
  • 此着成功,既可使线兵团不致孤立,使线主力作战有必胜之把握,又可做到打乱敌人作战体系,达成割裂包围敌人之目的。
    If this is done, not only will the main forces of the armies in the east be assured of victory instead of being isolated, but we shall also be able to disrupt the enemy's operational system and divide and encircle enemy troops.
  • 这个布告是毛泽为陕甘宁边区政府和八路军后方留守处起草的,目的是对付蒋介石集团的破坏活动。
    This proclamation was written by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the Government of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army with a view to countering disruptive activities by the Chiang Kai-shek clique.
  • (毛泽:出错了不怪人家。出得对,你应该接受;出错了,你怪人家也不好。)出气,并不是每一个气都出得对的,出错了也不要紧。
    (Mao's comment: Do not blame anyone for saying something erroneous. If the speaker is right, you should accept it. On the other hand, it would not be right to reproach someone for erroneous remarks.) When people express their dissatisfaction, it is impossible for them to get everything right, but this is not important.
  • 如果再多一些不满意的顾客,也许意味着教师可学到更多的西吧。
    But maybe a few more dissatisfied customers would mean a better learning experience.
  • 解剖体,解剖标本已被解剖的西,如被研究的组织标本
    Something that has been dissected, such as a tissue specimen under study.
  • 我们应该本着这种精神,去做好毛泽思想的宣传工作。
    We should disseminate Mao Zedong Thought in this spirit.
  • 经过实践检验证明是正确的毛泽思想,仍然是我们的指导思想,必须结合实际加以坚持和发展,并理直气壮地进行宣传,不允许怠工。
    Mao Zedong Thought, which has been proved correct through practice, remains our guiding ideology. We must adhere to it and develop it in the light of specific conditions, and we must disseminate it with full confidence, permitting no slackening of effort.
  • 关于毛泽思想的宣传,中央已经发了一个指示,准备还要搞点材料,再发个指示。
    The Central Committee has issued a directive concerning the dissemination of Mao Zedong Thought. It will issue another one when more material has been gathered.
  • 对毛泽思想的宣传问题,我曾经在山、天津谈过,后来在中央也议了。
    I have discussed the dissemination of Mao Zedong Thought in Shandong and Tianjin and later discussed the subject with other comrades of the central leading bodies.