  • guǎng shuō de shì shénme
    What's the announcement about?
  • guǎng shuō men néng zhèng diǎn dào
    The announcement says we'll arrive on time.
  • jiě shuō yuán bào yuán piān 'ài rén duì
    The commentator and the announcer are both for the giant.
  • diàn shì yīn yuán shuō zài jié shù men de zhuān xīn wén bào dào shí men xiàn zài wèi dài dào de tōng xīn fěn xiǎo mài tián
    'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria.
  • diàn shì yīn yuán shuō :“ zài jié shù men de zhuān xīn wén bào dào shí men xiàn zài wèi dài dào de tōng xīn fěn xiǎo mài tián
    "To end our special news bulletin," said the voice of the television announcer,"we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria."
  • nǎo de shì shuō shénme 'ér shì shuō huà de fāng shì
    It is not what he say that annoy me but the way he say it.
  • shuō huà zuò shì yào xiǎo xīn diǎn guǒ xiǎng ràng shēng de huà
    Mind your p's and q's if you don't want to annoy him!
  • bìng zài suǒ shuō de zhī dào shì
    What be said did not annoy me much, for I knew he did not mean it.
  • men tán lùn chē shí zǒng shì shuō huān yáng huò zhǐ shì lái ér jìng měi xìn wéi zhēnguài hǎo xiào de
    When we talk about cars, I always say that I prefer foreign ones just to annoy Peter. He rises to the bait every time.
  • shuō yòng biǎo shì fēi cháng yàn fán huò nài fán
    Used to express mild annoyance or impatience.
  • shuō nǎo dǎo shuō shòu jīng xiǎo
    I was more surprised than annoyed.
  • gōng gāo 5% duì shōu zuì de gōng rén lái shuō xiāng dāng quán nián shōu zēng jiā 250 yīng bàng .
    A wage rise of 5% represents an annual increase of 250 for the lowest-paid workers.
  • díquèduì nián zhèng wàn měi yuán de rén lái shuō ,1 xiǎo shí jiù jià zhí měi yuán
    Indeed, for each ,000 you make annually, a single hour is worth$5 .
  • bào dào shuōmíng tiān yòu huán shí
    It was reported that there would be an annular eclipse tomorrow.
  • tānɡ bèi sòng jìn liǎo fēng rén yuàn zài fēng rén yuàn shuō zhe shǎ huà chè cóng men de shēng huó zhōng xiāo shīzhǐ shì měi nián gěi men liú xià150 bàng de shōu
    Tom had been put away; he was gibbering in a madhouse; he had passed completely out of their lives, leaving them 150 per annum to the good.
  • fáng dǐng zhì jīn shàng wán hǎodàn shì zhè 'ér jiào shì de shōu měi nián zhǐ yòu 'èr shí bàngwài dài suǒ yòu liǎng jiān de ér qiě yǎn kàn kǒng jiù yào jué dìng zhǐ gěi jiān liǎosuǒ méi yòu jiào shì yuàn dān dāng yáng rén de rèn bié shì chuán shuō deyáng qún nìngkě 'è yuàn cóng men yāo bāo duō tāo chū fēn qián lái yǎng huó
    The roof has been kept whole hitherto; but as the clergyman's stipend is only twenty pounds per annum, and a house with two rooms, threatening speedily to determine into one, no clergyman will undertake the duties of pastor: especially as it is currently reported that his flock would rather let him starve than increase the living by one penny from their own pockets.
  • guān xiāng cūn shēng huó de xiāo qiǎn xiǎo shuō
    Anodyne novels about country life.
  • duì yòu qián rén lái shuōpín qióng shì qíng de shì qíng men zhēn jiě rán xiǎng chī fàn liǎowèishénme líng xiǎng
    Poverty is an anomaly to rich people; it is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.
  • yào qiú yào tòu xìng míng de qíng bào guān yuán shuō , 5 yuè fèn zài shí zhèng gāo guān yuán zhōng chuán yuè de jué qíng bào xiǎn shìbèi tōu yùn jìn měi guó de dǎo dàn shì 'é zhì sa 7 duì kōng dǎo dàn huò měi zhì shì fáng kōng dǎo dànzhè xiē dǎo dàn dōushì kǒng zhù fènzǐ zài 'ā hàn huò de
    Classified intelligence reports circulated among top Bush administration policymakers in May identified the missiles as Russian-made SA-7 surface-to-air missiles or U.S.-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles obtained covertly in Afghanistan, said intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
  • shuō guān shì suǒ zhī
    He answered that he knew nothing about it.
  • zhè shì zuò de ?”“ shì de。” huí shuō
    Did you do it? ‘ No, I didn't,’ she answered.
  • bǎo zhèng suǒ shuō de huà shì zhēn de
    I will answer for the truth of what he has said.
  • rán shuō chū 'àn
    Jerked out the answer.
  • xiǎng 'àn réng rán shuō shìyòu yòngde
    The answer is yes.
  • jiù shì shuō wéi de xíng wéi wán quán chéng dān yóu de xíng wéi suǒ zào chéng de qiē hòu guǒ
    It means you are answerable for your behavior and you fully accept any consequences created by your actions.
  • duì lái shuō de zhuàng guān 'ér huá de zhǎn shì shì lìng rén dòng de qióng jìn de zhè de biǎo yǎntōng guò de shǒu zhǐ jiān duān yǒng tǎng chū lái
    To me the page ant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.
  • rén zài fāng miànzhàn lǐng jūn yuán yòu zhèn de fāng miàn shuō lái shì shèng liǎozài lìng fāng miànshí xiànwéi jiǎo”“ zhuī jiǎojìhuà de fāng miàn shuō lái shì shī bài liǎo
    In one respect the enemy won a victory (i.e., in occupying our original positions), but in another respect he has failed (i.e., failed to execute his plan of "encirclement ant suppression" and of "pursuit and suppression").
  • jié : jiǎn dān lái shuōjiù shì gōng fáng zhuǎn huàn kuài liǎoduì kàng xìng qiáng liǎo shù shàng biǎo xiàn wéi sān gāo
    Jeff: Speaking simply, the speed of conversion is faster. And the antagonism is stronger. It is represented as "three highs" technically.
  • luò 'ào de zhù yào zhèng hǎi tài 'ān biǎo shēng míng shuō ,“ [ xīn ] zhōu cháng luò 'ào de suǒ wèi chē bǎo xiǎngǎi ' chè shī bài,” dàn chéng wéi guī de jià shǐ réntóng shíshǐ bǎo xiǎn jiǎn zhí zài xīn dào gōng píng dài 。”
    Chuck Haytaian, Mr.Florio's chief political antagonist, issued a statement in which he said. "[New Jersey] Governor Florio's so-called auto insurance 'reform' law is a fiasco" that penalizes drivers with traffic violations at the same time that it "makes it virtually impossible for the insurance industry to get a fair shake in New Jersey."
  • 1. zhù shuō huà de jīng cháng yuè 'ér qiě duì de shuō huà
    1.Carelessness in their tone of voice,often speaking in gruff,antagonistic tones.
  • 1994 nián xué jiā yòu bào gào shuō , 1993 nián nán chòu yǎng céng jīng jiàng dào liǎo men zuì de shuǐ píng
    In 1994, scientists reported that, during 1993, Antarctic ozone levels had dropped to their lowest recorded level.
  • yīng guó nán kān chá jiào shòu yuē hàn · luó suǒ 'ěr shuō : " rán 'ér men de yán jiū rén yuán xiànxìn tiān wēng zhèng jīng rén de bèi shā ér xiōng shǒu zhèng shì yán shéng diào zuò
    'However, our research has discovered that albatrosses are being killed at a horrific rate,' said Professor John Croxall, of the British Antarctic Survey. 'The trouble stems from long-line fishing in which boats tow huge, heavily baited lines.