  • 在塘沽货比较合适。
    It's better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.
  • 五月船,选定总统号载5000号,多或少1.5%均可。
    May shipment we designate President 5000 tons 1.5% more or less.
  • 五月份船厂已谈妥,由“东京丸”载5000吨,多于或少于1.5%均可。
    May shipment we designate to Kyotaru 5000 tons 1.5% more or less.
  • 五月船,选定总统号载5000吨,多或少1.5%均可。
    May shipped. We designate s.s. President, 5000 tons, 1.5% more or less.
  • 我们想指定纽约港作为船港,因为它的吞吐量大。
    We'd like to designate new york as the loading port, for it have larger accommodation capacity.
  • 我们希望把上海定为运港是由于它离货物产地比较近。
    We'd like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area.
  • 为早日船,我们希望指定大阪为船港,因为该每周开往中国的船只较多。
    To get an early shipment, we prefer to designate osaka as the loading port, for there is more sailing to china every week.
  • 她设计了著名的时
    Chanel designed the famous suit.
  • 为预防伤害而设计的置。
    a device designed to prevent injury.
  • 布景和服是谁设计的?
    Who designed the scenes and costumes?
  • 为提供额外的力量而设计的置。
    a device designed to provide additional strength.
  • 野战勤务人员穿的军
    a military uniform designed for field service.
  • 她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服
    She was dressed by a leading New York designer.
  • 书本设计师;服设计师
    A book designer; a dress designer.
  • 我梦想成为一名时设计师。
    I wanted to be fashion designer.
  • 那位服设计家开了一场服秀。
    The clothing designer had a fashion show.
  • 设计师对时的最新款式了如指掌。
    The designer is hip to the latest fashion.
  • 我不知道你是一个时设计师。
    I didn't know you were a fashion designer.
  • 巴伦西亚加,克里斯特帕1895-1972西班牙服设计师,以其严谨精致的设计闻名
    Spanish fashion designer noted for his stark, elegant designs.
  • 帧设计者把这本书潢得非常美观。
    The book has been got up very nicely by the designer.
  • 她们职位很高,穿设计师设计的时,休长长的假期。
    They work in top jobs, wear designer clothes and take long-haul holidays.
  • 敏锐的室内饰设计师;对颜色的敏锐感觉;在辩论中敏锐的指出(问题)。
    a discriminating interior designer; a nice sense of color; a nice point in the argument.
  • 设计制作高品位的服
    high fashion designing and dressmaking.
  • 设计和园林设计哪个更有吸引力?
    Which appeals more, dress designing or gardening?
  • 总的说来,服设计对我更有吸引力。
    On balance, dress designing appeals to me more.
  • 妈妈在为服画图样,我在阅读。
    My mother was designing a dress while I was reading.
  • 总的证券交易来,服设计比园艺列吸引我。
    On balance, dress designing appeals to me more than gardening.
  • 按预想的来安排或置。
    arrange or fix in the desired order.
  • 按照你方要求,我们会在运完成后立即将发货日期通知你方。
    As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment.
  • 请对此次订购多加留意,并请告知,何时能运货物。
    Please take note of our order, and kindly advise us when you can despatch the goods.
  • 希腊与亚洲城市中最宝贵的饰品被劫掠一空。
    The city of greece and asia is despoil of their most valuable ornament.
  • 徐:最好的办法是找到一艘开往温哥华的集箱船。
    The best way is to get a containerized vessel destined for Vancouver.