  • 我刚才是以每小时八十里的速度追上你的。
    I was doing eighty when I overtook you.
  • 艾森豪威尔总统问他:“你语怎么样?
    President Eisenhower asked him"How about Englush?"
  • 1944年圣诞节前夕,艾森豪威尔接蒙哥马利的一份电报,电文如下:看样子你要付我五镑了。
    On Christmas Eve 1944 Eisenhower received a telegram from Montgomery which read:“It seems you have to pay me five pounds.
  • 起初参谋人员以为这是一次重要军事行动的暗语。可是当艾森豪威尔真给蒙哥马利送去五镑时,大家才知道蒙哥马利确实在收债。
    At first all the staff officers took it to be a secret code for an important military manoeuvre,but when Eisenhower did actually send Montegomery five pounds, they realized that Montgomery was really collecting a debt.
  • 你会说语或法语吗?
    Can you speak either English or French?
  • 这位在10年前的那个9月份攻击镑迫使国退出欧洲汇率机制的投机商有一项使命---利用他大约50亿镑的财产和他的声名来帮助解决他所认为的全球化失败问题。
    The speculator whose assault on sterling ejected Britain from the European exchange rate mechanism that September of 10 years ago has a mission--to use his esti-mated £5 bn fortune and his fame to help tackle what he sees as the failures of globalisation.
  • 英秀被选为班长.
    Yingxiu is elected the monitor.
  • 当汉诺威的选帝侯成为国乔治一世国王时,汉德尔因为离开德国而失宠。
    When the Elector of Hanover became King George I of England, Handel was out of favor for leaving Germany.
  • 陪审员可以从登记的选民中挑选,年龄在1865岁之间,在国已居住5年。
    Juror can is selected from registered elector who is between eighteen and sixty five year old and who have is resident in the uk for five year.
  • 据电台广播国选民定于明天投票选举。
    According to radio the British electorate are going to vote tomorrow.
  • 英国电气工程师学会
    Institute of Electrical Engineers
  • 该公司为国主要的电子设备制造厂家.
    The firm is Britain's main producer of electronic equipment.
  • 他买了一本漂亮的语小词典。
    He bought a small elegant English dictionary.
  • "由于他战斗中指挥明,他被提升为少校。"
    He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle.
  • 我们很快就抵达一片高度约九十尺的高原。
    Soon we reach a plateau at an elevation of about ninety feet.
  • 知识分子社会中知识者的精
    The intellectual elite of a society.
  • 我们所需要的华文精
    The kind of Chinese elite we need
  • 我看“华文精英”
    My views on the "Chinese elite"
  • “华文精”的称呼确实有些问题,因为有了华文精,也就有文精、马来文精、淡米尔文精,当然也有双语精
    The term "Chinese elite" is indeed problematic. If there were to be a Chinese elite, it follows that there must be an English elite, a Malay elite, an Tamil elite and of couse, a bilingual elite.
  • 这样的观念下产生的精,能不势利吗?
    Given such incentives, can our elite become anything but self-centred careerists?
  • 今天,南洋大学毕业生是组成华文精的中坚分子。
    Nantah graduates form a large part of the Chinese cultural elite today.
  • 另一种是:精与其他人之间的差距越来越大。
    the other is the expanding gulf between that elite and everybody else.
  • 认为社会应该由精份子治理的看法。
    the attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals.
  • 培养族群的文化精,必须是发展新加坡文化精总蓝图中的一部分,为新加坡增加文化资源。
    Cultivation of an ethnicity-based cultural elite must be achieved as a part of the development of a Singapore cultural elite, and add to the overall cultural resource of Singapore.
  • 如果他们能在思想感情上引起国内精的共鸣并付诸行动,还有什么事情难得倒他们?”
    If they could get their elite to share their sentiments, what could they not have achieved?"
  • 而对“华文精”的提法也颇有意见,其中应以陈清木医生为代表。
    They also have reservations about the term " Chinese elite ". Dr Tan ChengBock was one of them.
  • 只有认同这个定义,新一代的精才能更迅速,顺利的产生。
    With this definition, a new generation of elite will emerge more rapidly and with more success.
  • 人民党主义一种政治哲学,在人民反对特权精阶级的斗争上支持人民的权利与权力
    A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.
  • 一种是,夸大新精成员内部有时是非常微小的才能或运气区别。
    One is the magnification of sometimes tiny differences in talent or luck among members of the new elite;
  • 或许,那些有可能成为精创造者的人们应当考虑一下远距离工作这种新生活方式的利与弊。
    Perhaps those likely to be the elite creative should ponder the strengths and weaknesses of the new telecommuting life.
  • 因此,在多元种族、多元宗教的基础上,我们的一些精,对马来文或华文的掌握能力,会比文强。
    This means that some members of the elite in Singapore would have as their dominant language Chinese or Malay.
  • 近日政府领导人多次提出本国须栽培华文精,主要目的有二:配合当前经济需求与在我们这个社会培养华族文化和传统的继承者和发展者。
    The idea of nurturing the Chinese elite has been hotly debated in the press. It is understood that the Government leaders raised this issue with two main objectives:The elite are to meet the practical needs of our economy ;The elite are required in order to carry on and develop Chinese culture and traditions in our society.