  • 昨天就有一些迹象表明会有袭。
    There were a few straws in the wind yesterday which indicated that an air attack was imminent.
  • 敌军的袭将整个坦克团完全钳制住了.
    A whole tank regiment was completely immobilized by enemy air attacks.
  • hiv攻击白血球,伤害或杀死它们,因此,当气中飘浮的或饮用水中游动的其他病毒入侵我们身体时,这些白血球便无法执行歼灭入侵者的重要任务。
    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacks white blood cells and injures or kills them,thus preventing these white blood cells from carrying on their important work of killing the other invading and attacking viruses which float in the air and swim in our drinking water.
  • 用中的铁造的形状象人的具有长钉以惩罚罪犯的装置。
    hollow iron frame shaped like the human body and lined with spikes to impale the victim.
  • 以轻和非物质性为特点;像气一样看不见或者摸不着。
    characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air.
  • 然而,在她突然逝世于1997年12月19日胜安难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们分享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circleof friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 然而,在她突然逝世于1997年12月19日胜安难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们分享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circle of friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 过去一年多的时间,亚洲区的经济局面出现了前巨变,香港也无可避免在几方面受严重的冲击。
    Today it is no longer simply a regional crisis, but one which has global economic implications. Inevitably, Hong Kong has found itself facing economic difficulties.
  • 想家不现实和不实际的人;幻想者
    One who is unrealistic and impractical; a visionary.
  • 想象狂想但不切实际的社会改革家
    A zealous but impractical reformer of human society.
  • 他有一种要改造世界的想。
    He has some abstract (ie vague, impractical) notion of wanting to change the world.
  • 但是,知识分子在其未和群众的革命斗争打成一片,在其未下决心为群众利益服务并与群众相结合的时候,往往带有主观主义和个人主义的倾向,他们的思想往往是虚的,他们的行动往往是动摇的。
    But the intellectuals often tend to be subjective and individualistic, impractical in their thinking and irresolute in action until they have thrown themselves heart and soul into mass revolutionary struggles, or made up their minds to serve the interests of the masses and become one with them.
  • 充满病菌的空气
    air impregnated with disease-germs
  • 这篇报告貌似冠冕堂皇,实际上洞无物。
    The report looks impressive but it's really nothing but waffle.
  • 在字符识别中,字符笔划内无意产生的缺乏墨水的白点。
    In character recognition, the inadvertent absence of ink within a character outline.
  • 五角大楼的另一个顾虑是,如果对可疑的生物或化学武器储备实施中打击,可能会在不经意间把有毒物质释放到气中。
    Among the Pentagon's other concerns is that an aerial assault on a suspected biological or chemical stockpile might inadvertently release toxic substances into the air.
  • 空洞的评论
    An inane comment.
  • 虚,的情况或状态
    The condition or quality of being inane.
  • 该市举行了一次自行车队游行以示净化气运动的开始。
    The city inaugurate the clean-air campaign with a bicycle parade.
  • 流星流星体与地球大气摩擦加热至白炽在天中出现的闪光痕迹或光带
    A bright trail or streak that appears in the sky when a meteoroid is heated to incandescence by friction with the earth's atmosphere.
  • 白炽灯的灯丝不会被烧掉,因为被封闭着的灯炮中没有气。
    The filament of an incandescent light cannot burn up because the bulb in which it is enclosed contains no air.
  • 我在两辆车中间狭窄的间慢慢走。
    I inched my way through the narrow space between cars.
  • 不舒适的不方便或不舒服的,尤指因没有足够的间所引起的
    Inconvenient or uncomfortable, as by not affording sufficient space.
  • 两间在香港注册的公司获发给《外层间条例》牌照。
    Two companies incorporated in Hong Kong have been granted licences under the Outer Space Ordinance.
  • 他们把车厢上面的中央部分打开以增进气的流通。
    They increased ventilation by opening the top center part of the carriage window.
  • 目前,居民储蓄存款增加较多,银行资金比较充裕,利率水平较低,市场价格稳定,国债余额占国内生产总值的比重仍在安全线以内,发行长期建设国债还有一定的间,不会有大的风险。
    At present, people's savings deposits have increased considerably; banks have sufficient funds; interest rates are low; market prices are stable; and the ratio of national debts to GDP is still within safe limits. There is still room for issuing more long-term treasury bonds for construction without incurring great risks.
  • 地方一块有确定或不确定的边界的地方;一块
    An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space.
  • 请在每段开头空格。
    Please make an indent at the begin of each paragraph.
  • 立足点在爬山中鞋尖可以找到支撑的小凹陷或岩石出部
    A small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing.
  • 行首格白边与缩进行行首之间的白处
    The blank space between a margin and the beginning of an indented line.
  • 使凹进或犬牙交错状的间。
    a space set back or indented.
  • 无线电波的气折射率
    radio-wave refractive index of air