  • 她發覺有東西燒了。
    She became aware that something was burning.
  • 憐憫對別人的痛苦深入瞭解,伴隨解脫此痛苦的希望
    Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.
  • 伴隨對音樂的興趣的是對文化更清晰的認識。
    Along with interest in music comes a greater awareness of culture.
  • 我看那些匪徒心中真切地涌動這個想法:“等等!
    I looked at the bandits from this more heartfelt awareness. “ Wait a minute!
  • 我跟她走出了集市。
    As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.
  • 孩子很敬畏地凝視老師。
    The children stared at the teacher with awe.
  • 我們都懷敬畏之心傾聽這位德高望重的學者的講話。
    We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe.
  • 他們敬畏地看那頭巨虎。
    They stared at the huge tiger with awe.
  • 因驚訝或驚奇而大張嘴的。
    with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe.
  • 我對斯蒂菲娜老姑總是懷敬畏之情。
    I was always a little in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos.
  • 我們懷敬畏的感情觀看雄偉的古建築群。
    We looked with a sense of awe at the enormous ancient buildings.
  • 我要懷肅然敬畏的心情去看那太陽喚醒沉睡的大地的壯觀的景象。
    I should behold with awe the magnificent panorama of light with which the sun awakens the sleeping earth.
  • 博聞廣識的老流浪漢讓傑基表演馬戲團的絶技,我和我兄弟們都看呆了。
    My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old hobo put Jacky through his circus tricks.
  • 紐約是個令人驚奇的城市;大峽𠔌是個令人敬畏的壯景;宇宙令人敬畏的復雜性;溫和、令人敬畏的涌動的大海似乎有些隱藏在底下的靈魂在訴說——梅爾維爾;威斯敏斯特教堂大廳是如此的莊嚴、雄偉,如此的大,如此的高,如此的安靜。
    New York is an amazing city; the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight; the awesome complexity of the universe; this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath- Melville; Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent.
  • 我們終於聽到了事實真相,嚇得一聲不響地坐
    We sat in awestruck silence after hearing the truth at last.
  • 笨拙地感覺或摸索走路
    To feel or make(one's way) awkwardly.
  • 那人用彈簧鎖鑰匙開門走了進去,後面跟一個年輕人。
    The one opened the door with a latch-key and went in, followed by a young fellow who awkwardly removed his cap.
  • 於是他回憶起曾見過類似的仕女名媛穿類似的衣服進入倫敦的戲院,而他卻站在那兒張望,被警察推到雨篷以外的蒙蒙細雨中去。
    Then he remembered seeing similar grand ladies and gowns entering the London theatres while he stood and watched and the policemen shoved him back into the drizzle beyond the awning.
  • 第二天早晨他醒來時天在下蒙蒙細雨。
    He awoke next morning to a fine drizzle.
  • 他醒來發現房子火了。
    He awoke to find the house on fire.
  • 在看一本枯燥無味的書時,我不知不覺地睡了。但我夢見自己還在讀書,所以醒了之後感到厭倦
    I fell asleep reading a dull book, and I dreamed that I was reading on, so I awoke from sheer boredom.
  • 可是天天卻躲在裝有空調的房間裏美美地睡午覺去了,睡醒之後自然也會有一頓冰鎮地美味佳餚等他。
    Tian Tian took a nap in his air conditioned grotto and was to have his frozen treat after he awoke, Spelman said.
  • 他的床已火,羅切斯特被簡・愛及時喚醒。
    His bed on fire, Rochester is awakened just in time by Jane.
  • 一個年輕人,歪斜華麗的紅色領帶-g.k.切斯特頓。
    a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry- G.K.Chesterton.
  • 要找一個前車之鑒的例子,鄭不必從更遠處去找,衹要藉鑒他父親的經驗教訓就夠了,他父親建立了韓國最大的企業集團卻眼看它在巨大的債務重擔下跨掉了。
    For an example of what can go awry, Chung need look no further than his father, the man who founded Korea's top conglomerate -- only to see it crumble under a mountain of debt.
  • 消防隊員用斧子劈開了鎖的房門。
    The firemen splintered the locked door with an ax.
  • 夜賊揮動一把斧頭。
    The burglar wielded an axe.
  • 我製造了12把斧頭,但此時沒有人需要新斧頭,那我衹能餓肚於等有人需要新斧頭嗎?
    I have made 12 axe-heads, but at the moment no one wants a new axe-head. Do I starve until someone does?
  • 這個精神病人拿砍肉刀嚮我撲來。
    The crazed man came at me with a meat-axe.
  • 這個精神病患者拿一把大斧子嚮我襲來。
    The crazed man came at me with a huge axe.
  • 傑剋揮動斧子一下就把門劈開了。
    Jack swung the axe and with one blow split open the door.
  • 地球依着地軸轉。
    The earth turns on its axis.