  • 诅骂乞求一咒语应验
    The calling down of a curse.
  • 他于是开始诅咒起自己,泪水也忍不住夺眶而出,流过面颊,最后滴落在字上。
    He cursed himself as a tear came from the corner of his eye, ran down his cheek, then dropped onto the note.
  • 2.如果某种知识产权须经授权或注册方可获得,则在符合获得该权利的实质件的前提下,成员应使授权或注册程序能够保证在合理期限内批准授权或注册,以免无保障地缩短保护期。
    2. Where the acquisition of an intellectual property right is subject to the right being granted or registered, Members shall ensure that the procedures for grant or registration, subject to compliance with the substantive conditions for acquisition of the right, permit the granting or registration of the right within a reasonable period of time so as to avoid unwarranted curtailment of the period of protection.
  • 他绘制了一温度曲线。
    He plotted a temperature curve.
  • 这是一条平面曲线。
    This is a plane curve.
  • 道路在那里形成大转弯。
    The road makes a big curve there.
  • 那条路突然向左转弯.
    The road curved suddenly to the left.
  • 他将木条弄弯曲了。
    He curved the piece of wood.
  • 中点一线段或一段弧上的一点,该点将此线段或弧平分为等长的两部分
    The point of a line segment or curvilinear arc that divides it into two parts of the same length.
  • 叶形饰在尖顶的交叉拱门之间的一块曲线的、常为裂片状的空间,在哥特式的窗花格交织线和马蹄型拱的装饰上尤为多见
    A curvilinear, often lobelike figure or space formed between the cusps of intersecting arcs, found especially in Gothic tracery and Moorish ornament.
  • 第十五实验动物的垫料应当按照不同等级实验动物的需要,进行相应处理,达到清洁、干燥、吸水、无毒、无虫、无感染源、无污染。
    Article 15 The cushioning materials for experimental animals shall, based on the needs of different classes of experimental animals, be treated accordingly so that they shall be clean, dry, absorptive of water, poison-free, pest-free, infection-free and pollution-free.
  •  第十五 托管人应当履行下列职责:
    Article 15. A custodian shall perform the following duties:
  •  第十二 托管人应当具备下列件:
    Article 12. A custodian should meet the following requirements:
  •  第十六 托管人必须将其自有的资产和受托管理的资产严格分开。
    Article 16. A custodian should strictly separate its own assets from those under its custody.
  •  第二十三 合格投资者经国家外汇局批准,应当在托管人处开立一个人民币特殊账户。
    Article 23. Upon the approval of SAFE, a QFII should open a RMB special account with its custodian.
  •  第十四 境内商业银行申请取得托管人资格的,应当向中国证监会、中国人民银行和国家外汇局报送下列文件:
    Article 14. Domestic commercial banks should submit the following documents to CSRC, PBOC and SAFE to apply for custodian status:
  •  第十七 合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。
    Article 17. QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution.
  •  第八 申请合格投资者资格和投资额度,申请人应当通过托管人分别向中国证监会和国家外汇局报送下列文件:
    Article 8. To apply for QFII qualification and investment quota, an applicant should submit the following documents to CSRC and SAFE respectively through its custodian:
  •  第十三 取得托管人资格,必须经中国证监会、中国人民银行和国家外汇局审批。
    Article 13. Approvals from CSRC, People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as "PBOC") and SAFE are required for custodian status.
  • 习惯上行为依据的原理或件。
    a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior.
  • 我们通常采用的支付件是凭信用证支付。
    Our customary terms of payment as by letter of credit.
  • 件(2)将信息定制与传统的信息过滤和检索区别开,而件(4)将它与客户端的代理区别开,件(5)使它与传统的非线性文档遍历系统(如超文本)相区分。
    Condition (2) sets information customization apart from traditional information filtering and retrieval, while (4) sets it apart from client-side agency, and (5) would distinguish it from traditional nonlinear document traversal systems (e.g. hypertext).
  • 一条小溪穿过田野。
    A brook cuts the field.
  • 这两条线在D点相交。
    The two lines cut at point D.
  • 他从玫瑰树上剪下一枝插
    He took a cutting from a rose.
  • 这是经济繁荣和经济萧的周期变化。
    This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps.
  • 荷兰有数千自行车道。
    There are thousands of cycle pathes in Holland.
  • 盒一圆柱形物,内装含有主发的表的零件
    The cylinder within the mechanism of a timepiece that contains the mainspring.
  • 世间并没有一本可以创造“幽默的技巧”,或“愤世嫉俗的恳挚态度的三小时课程”,或“实用常识规则十五”和“感觉灵敏规则十一”的手册。这是显而易见的。
    It is clear that there can be no handbook for developing a "humorous technique" or a "three-hour course in cynical kindliness, " or "fifteen rules for practical common sense" and "eleven rules for delicacy of feeling."
  • 后来中苏进行边界谈判,我们总是要求苏联承认沙俄同清王朝签订的是不平等约,承认沙俄通过不平等约侵害中国的历史事实。
    Later, China held negotiations on borders with the Soviet Union, asking the Soviet Union to recognize the historical fact that the treaties between czarist Russia and the Qing Dynasty rulers were unequal and had permitted Russia to encroach upon Chinese territory.
  • 苏法和苏捷两个互助约都是在一九三五年五月订立的。
    The Treaty of Mutual Assistance Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and France and the Treaty of Mutual Assistance Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Czechoslovak Republic were concluded in May, 1935.
  • 例如,它加入了国际联盟,同法国同捷克都订立了互助协定,竭力想同英国及一切愿意和平的国家订立保障安全的约。
    For instance, it has joined the League of Nations, signed treaties of mutual assistance with France and Czechoslovakia and tried hard to conclude security pacts with Britain and all other countries that might be willing to have peace.