  • 另外,蹬踹和抓对手易受伤的部位也会受到处罚的。
    Also, kicking and pulling vulnerable parts of the opponent's body will be penalized.
  • 有些钟用一些不同的摆,金属杆的底部装了一个小器,器里装有一些水银。
    Some clocks have a different kind of pendulum. The metal rod holds a vessel and this vessel contains some mercury.
  • 过去,一些比较小的工资很低的国家和地区,由于有些发达的大国为了自己的利益在资金、技术等方面支持了它们,它们的廉价产品在一定时期的国际市场上也比较易钻空子。
    A few small low-wage countries and regions have found it relatively easy, for a limited time, to penetrate the world market with cheap products, because certain large developed countries, acting in their own interests, have assisted them with funds and technology.
  • 如果我们刚才所谈的内,没有把它变更一下的话,即使我想谈,也无从谈起。原因是我对植物学方面,所知道的太少了。
    I couldn’t have said anything if I had wanted to without changing the subject, for I didn’t know any more about botany than I knew about the anatomy of a penguin.
  • 过去,现代五项分几天举行,但自从不迫1996年亚特兰大奥运会以来,这项比赛缩短在一天内完成。
    Modern pentathlon used to be held over several days, but it's been compressed into a single day since Atlanta 1996.
  • 在大公司中,如果数以千计的用户登记要听公司最高领导鼓舞士气的讲话,就很易淹没掉公司的网络。
    A large company could easily swamp its networks if thousands of users sign on to hear a CEO's pep talk.
  • 胡椒瓶一种顶部有很多倒胡椒粉小孔的
    A container with small holes in the top for sprinkling ground pepper.
  • 可见的,尤指眼睛;易看见的。
    perceptible especially by the eye; or open to easy view.
  • 我不懂是什么缘故,使许多军人更易陷入爱情,也许这正像他们嗜爱饮酒一样,是因为危险的生活更需要欢乐的补偿。
    I know not how, but martial men are given to love: I think, it is but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures.
  • 杂志一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内的期刊
    A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.
  •  报社、杂志社可以对作品作文字性修改、删节,对内的修改,应当经作者许可。
    A newspaper publisher or periodical publisher may make editorial modifications and abridgments in a work, but shall not make any modifications in the content of the work unless permission has been obtained from the author.
  • 易腐烂的;易毁灭、死亡或腐败的。
    liable to perish; subject destruction or death or decay.
  • 易变质的食物冷藏起来.
    Keep perishable foods under refrigeration.
  • 水果在运途中易腐烂。
    Fruits are perishable in transit.
  • 对一句话真实性的誓言;宣誓后说谎易因伪证被起诉。
    swearing to the truth of a statement; to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury.
  • 水容易渗入棉衣。
    Water will easily permeate a cotton dress.
  • 只有在应征者当中没有完全符合资格而又合适的永久性居民,兼且《基本法》又许的情况下,才会考虑任用其他人士。
    Other candidates are considered when there is no fully qualified and suitable permanent resident candidate and where permissible under the Basic Law.
  • 事实不许有其它的解释。
    The facts permit no other explanation.
  • 详情容后再告。
    Permit me to give the details later.
  • 事实不许作其他解释。
    The facts permit of no other explanation.
  • 许我说几句话好吗?
    Will you permit me a few words?
  • 复电容率, 复介电常数
    complex dielectric permittivity
  • 盒子一种由垂直于底面的四个侧面组成的器,通常有盖
    A container typically constructed with four sides perpendicular to the base and often having a lid or cover.
  • 我们政治工作的根本的任务、根本的内没有变,我们的优良传统也还是那一些。
    But the fundamental task and the basic content of our political work remain unaltered.And the fine traditions we wish to perpetuate are also the same.
  • 的确,笔者过去在翻译中,也曾常为“technology”这个词头痛过,只好按具体内和场合,或译为“工艺技术”,或译为“工艺学”,等等。
    Indeed, while translating this word in the past, I often felt perplexed, and had no choice but to use an appropriate term according to the context and circumstances. Sometimes I translated it as "gongyi jishu"(technological skill ) or "gongyi xue"(technical study) etc.
  • 的确,笔者过去在翻译中,也曾常为“technology”这个词头痛过,只好按具体内和场合,或译为“工艺技术”,或译为“工艺学”,等等。
    Indeed, while translating this word in the past, I often felt perplexed, and had no choice but to use an appropriate term according to the context and circumstances. Sometimes Itranslated it as " gong-yi jishu " (工艺技术 technological skill ) or " gongyi xue " (工艺学 technical study) etc.
  • 获得成功说起来比做起来易,然而坚持不懈确实会有好结果。
    While achieving success is easier said than done , persistence does in fact pay off.
  • 他容貌很好。
    He has a fine person.
  • 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不易。
    It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie.
  • 她仪容端庄。
    She is stately in personage.
  • 她仪容端庄。
    She is stately in personage.
  • 起初,他的猜测是这两个人之间的全部矛盾都是由于各不相的个性而引起的。
    At first sight, his guess was that the whole trouble between the two men resulted from personalities that did not agree.