  • 代词其作用是代替词或词词组以指代所指的、预选确定的或由上下文可被理解的人或事的词类
    One of a class of words that function as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and designate persons or things asked for, previously specified, or understood from the context.
  • 称,称谓称或称谓,尤指一个阶层或团体的
    A name or designation, especially for a class or group.
  • 名称,称号,称呼
    A name, title, or designation.
  • 多词学包含两个以上术语的分类学
    A taxonomic designation consisting of more than two terms.
  • 法的有三个字成称组成的,如一种分类命法
    Consisting of three names or terms, as a taxonomic designation.
  • 商号,商行在某称或义下公司办理事务
    The name or designation under which a company transacts business.
  • 加标题于加称或标题于(如,法案)
    To give a designation or title to(a legislative act, for example).
  •   (a)被授予专利的人的姓和取得专利的发明的概要;
    the names of the proprietors of patents granted, with a brief designation of the inventions patented;
  • 舰队司令官用作英国海军上校的非正式称,暂时用在舰队师或小舰队内
    Used as an unofficial designation for a captain in the British Navy temporarily in command of a fleet division or squadron.
  • 克罗尔用“肯韦斯家的人们”这称来称呼那些住客,就是肯韦斯先生的妻子和孩子们。
    The lodgers to whom Crowl made allusions under the designation of "the kenwigses", were the wife and olive branches of one Mr Kenwigs.
  • 参与土地产品初始分配的阶级在性质和称上,各地也有不小的差别。
    The very nature and designation of the classes who originally share among them the produce of the soil, vary not a little in different places.
  • 在民间性质的国际组织中,中华人民共和国的相应组织同有关方面达成协议或谅解,在中国的全国性组织以中国的义参加的情况下,台湾的相应组织可以以“中国台北”(taipei,china)或“中国台湾”(taiwan,china)的称参加。
    As regards participation in non-governmental international organizations, the relevant bodies of the People's Republic of China may reach an agreement or understanding with the parties concerned so that China's national organizations would use the designation of China, while Taiwan's organizations may participate under the designation of Taipei, China or Taiwan, China.
  • 该市4万2千寄养儿童中有15%是需要特殊照料的,被委派担任特殊照顾者可获得每月700—1,200美元的薪金。而一般的寄养父母每月收入420美元。
    About 15 percent of the city's 42,000 foster children require special care, a designation that qualifies caretakers for stipends of $700 to $1,200 a month, compared with the $420 that other foster parents receive.
  • 1943年,588团被授予新的精英团队称号:即46警卫团.战争结束后,师长为全团指战员通令嘉奖,23女兵授予光荣的苏维埃联盟英雄称号。
    In 1943 the 588th was awarded elite status with a new designation: the 46th Guards Regiment. By the War's end the division commander had decorated every woman in the regiment, and 23 were honored with the coveted title Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • 第十一条申请商标注册的,应当按规定的商品分类表填报使用商标的商品类别和商品称。
    Article 11.An applicant for the registration of a trademark shall, in a form,indicate, in accordance with the prescribed classification of goods, the class of the goods and the designation of the goods in respect of which the trademark is to be used.
  • 至于亚洲开发银行(adb)、亚太经济合作组织(apec)等地区性经济组织,台湾的加入系根据中国政府与有关方面达成的协议或谅解,明确规定中华人民共和国作为主权国家参加,台湾只作为中国的一个地区以“中国台北”(英文在亚行为taipei,china;在亚太经济合作组织为chinesetaipei)的称参加活动。
    As to regional economic organizations such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Taiwan's participation is subject to the terms of agreement or understanding reached between the Chinese Government and the parties concerned which explicitly prescribe that the People's Republic of China is a full member as a sovereign state whereas Taiwan may participate in the activities of those organizations only as a region of China under the designation of Taipei, China (in ADB) or Chinese Taipei (in APEC).
  • 表明的或命的;任命的
    Denoting or naming; designative.
  • 她设计了著的时装。
    Chanel designed the famous suit.
  • 他当设计家成了名。
    He arrived as a designer.
  • 我梦想成为一时装设计师。
    I wanted to be fashion designer.
  • 有某个设计者的字。
    bearing the name of a particular designer.
  • 巴伦西亚加,克里斯特帕1895-1972西班牙服装设计师,以其严谨精致的设计闻
    Spanish fashion designer noted for his stark, elegant designs.
  • 但你并不需要成为一专业的室内设计师。
    And yet you need not be a professional interior designer.
  • 加拉蒙,克劳德1480?-1561法国打印设计者,因创立了标准打印的罗马形字母而闻
    French type designer known for establishing the roman-style letter as the standard in printing.
  • 埃姆斯,查尔斯1907-1978美国设计家,以其颇有创意的椅子系列而闻,此种椅子均由铝制管和模制的胶合板制成
    American designer noted for an innovative series of chairs made of aluminum tubing and molded plywood.
  • 他不求名。
    He did not desire fame.
  • 他得到很高的名誉。
    He has attained the desired result.
  • 她一直想成名。
    She has always been desirous of fame.
  • 结果,多要写个“休息字”,写明从此终止破坏农会誉的言论行动了事。
    He is usually let off after writing a pledge to "cease and desist", in which he explicitly undertakes to stop defaming the peasant association in the future.
  • 达利,萨尔瓦多1904-1989西班牙超现实主义画家,以其色彩艳丽的个人风格和精细地描绘在画布上的怪诞画像的令人不安的说明而闻,最著的作品是永恒的回忆(1931年),在一片荒芜的土地上,住着一群柔弱感伤的看守者
    Spanish surrealist artist known for his flamboyant personal style and his disquieting interpretation of fantastic images in meticulously rendered canvases. Among his most famous works is Persistence of Memory(1931), a desolate landscape inhabited by limp, melting watches.
  • 通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
    A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
  • 既然你鄙视我们祖先传下来的这身衣服,我就脱掉它。去当一水手,戴一顶闪光的帽子,穿一件水手衫,外加一件蓝色的短外套,纽扣上镶有铁锚。
    I will be a sailor; instead of the costume of our fathers, which you despise, I will wear a varnished hat, a striped shirt, and a blue jacket, with an anchor on the buttons.