  • 403排除了会引起不适当的偏见或混淆的证据。
    Rule 403 excludes evidence that would cause undue prejudice or confusion.
  • 这个《与台湾关系法》,以美国国内立法的形式,作出了许多违反中美建交公报和国际法原的规定,严重损害中国人民的权益。
    A domestic legislation of the U.S. as it was, this Act contained many clauses that contravened the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. and the principles of international law, and seriously prejudiced the rights and interests of the Chinese people.
  • 然而,“凡事预立,不预废”,没有事先的计划和准备,就不能获得战争的胜利。
    Yet, since "preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure", there can be no victory in war without advance planning and preparations.
  • 语文差错的违反规定的读写、说话规
    Violating prescribed standards of speech or writing.
  • 遵循规定的规的公共拜神的行为。
    the act of public worship following prescribed rules.
  • 规定性的东西,尤指条例或行为规范
    Something prescribed, especially a rule or regulation of conduct.
  • 不合语法的不符合规定的语法规
    Not in accord with the rules of a prescriptive grammar.
  • 规范语法关注正确用法的规范或者规
    prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage.
  • 在座各位则属例外。
    The present company except.
  • 6.在公司介绍中,你已经了解了它的价值观念和行为准
    6. Youve learnt the values of the company in their presentation.
  • 保存自己消灭敌人的原,是一切军事原的根据。
    The principle of preserving one self and destroying the enemy is the basis of all military principles.
  • 有了这个知识,用户定义的和/或预先设定的政策就决定了实施哪个流安全规、允许或拒绝哪些内容,以及对于具体的内容或用户,需要哪种qos要求。
    With this knowledge, user-defined and/or preset policies determine which flow-security rules are enforced, which content is allowed or denied, and which QoS requirements are needed for specific content or users.
  • “智囊团”原无法在气氛不和谐的环境中付诸实行。
    The "Master Mind" principle cannot obtain where PERFECT HARMONY does not prevail.
  • 中国参加了历届东盟地区论坛外长会议和高官会,中国外交与国防代表参加了论坛框架内的建立信任措施、维和、海上搜救、抢险救灾、预防性外交、不扩散、指导原等各类官方和非官方会议。
    China has attended all the ARF foreign minister meetings and ARF senior official meetings. Chinese representatives of foreign and defense affairs have attended official and unofficial meetings within the framework of the forum, their topics of discussion including promotion of confidence-building measures, peace keeping, maritime search and rescue, the handling of emergencies and disaster relief, preventative diplomacy, non-proliferation, and guiding principles.
  • 如果成员要求主管当局在其已获得初步证据表明有关商品侵犯知识产权时,主动采取行动,中止放行,:
    Where Members require competent authorities to act upon their own initiative and to suspend the release of goods in respect of which they have acquired prima facie evidence that an intellectual property right is being infringed:
  • 她培养孩子们诚实、见识广博、有原
    She trained the children to be honest, well-informed and principled.
  • 对他容忍而不作原上的争论是不对的。
    It's wrong to bear with him and refrain from principled argument.
  • 性的决定;品格高尚的人
    A principled decision; a highly principled person.
  • 发展中美关系的原立场
  • 这是我国政府和人民的原立常
    This is the principled stand of the Chinese Government and people.
  • 这一原立场完全符合包括台湾同胞和海外侨胞在内的全中国人民的根本利益。
    Its principled position fully conforms to the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese.
  • 中国在人权问题上的原立场,得到了世界许多国家的支持,为维护世界和平,促进国际人权事业的健康发展,作出了自己的努力。
    China's principled stand on human rights has won support from many countries of the world. China has made effective efforts in maintaining world peace and promoting the healthy development of international human rights.
  • 因为是熟人、同乡、同学、知心朋友、亲爱者、老同事、老部下,明知不对,也不同他们作原上的争论,任其下去,求得和平和亲热。
    To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate.
  • 1991年6月,在北京召开了由中国发起41个发展中国家参加的环境与发展部长级会议,会议发表的《北京宣言》阐述了发展中国家在环境与发展问题上的原立场,对大会筹备作出实质性的贡献。
    In June 1991 the Ministerial Conference of Developing Countries on Environment and Development, proposed by China and held in Beijing, was participated in by 41 developing countries, and the Beijing Declaration published by it set forth the principled stand of the developing countries on environment and development, making substantial contributions to the preparation of the UN Conference.
  • 根据联合国环境与发展大会筹委会第一次会议的要求,中国编写了《中华人民共和国环境与发展报告》,全面论述了中国环境与发展的现状,提出了中国实现环境与经济协调发展的战略措施,阐明了中国对全球环境问题的原立场,受到了国际社会的好评。
    In line with the requirements of the first meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the UN Conference on Environment and Development, China worked out the Report on the Environment and Development of the People's Republic of China, which gave an overall exposition on the current situation of China's environment and development, put forward strategic measures for coordinated development of China's environment and economy and set forth China's principled stand on the problems of the global environment, which have received favorable comments from the international community.
  • 数据处理技术的一种打印方法,采用此法时,头一行的打印方向是从左到右,下一行是从右到左。这样,就避免了不必要的托架移动,从而节省了时间。
    In data processing, a method of printing in which a line is printed from left to right and the next from right to left, saving time by avoiding unnecessary carriage movement.
  •  监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理涉及罪犯日常活动的各个方面,为了防止监管工作人员工作中的盲目性和随意性,规定了罪犯的日常行为准和考核、奖惩的条件、程序等,并向罪犯公开宣布。
    Management of prisons and reform-through-labour institutions involves each and every aspect of the daily activities of the prisoners. The criteria and procedures for assessing daily conduct and conditions for rewards and penalties for prisoners are codified and publicly promulgated in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious behaviour on the part of the prison staff in their work. Prison staff must abide by this code to the letter in all aspects of their work.
  • 监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理涉及罪犯日常活动的各个方面,为了防止监管工作人员工作中的盲目性和随意性,规定了罪犯的日常行为准和考核、奖惩的条件、程序等,并向罪犯公开宣布。
    Management of prisons and reform-through-labour institutions involves each and every aspect of the daily activities of the prisoners. The criteria and procedures for assessing daily conduct and conditions for rewards and penalties for prisoners are codified and publicly promulgated in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious behaviour on the part of the prison staff in their work.
  • 大型国际体育活动包括世界女排奖赛、第十三届世界跆拳道锦标赛及第六届女子世界跆拳道锦标赛。
    Major international sports events included the Women's World Volleyball Grand Prix and the 13th World Taekwondo Championships & the 6th Women's World Taekwondo Championship.
  • 若生产成本增加, 价格也要相应提高.
    If production costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices/prices will increase pro rata.
  • 业余拳击赛的规与职业拳击赛的规相同吗?
    Are the rules the same as those of the pro?
  • 我这个论点是从最初原发展而来的。
    In this argument I am proceeding from first principles.