  • 19世纪后半叶,许多帝国主义国家对中国进行了侵略战
    In the late 19th century, many imperialist countries waged invasive war against China.
  • 这种战的性质,是帝国主义的,是不能同情的,是应当反对的。
    By its nature, Germany's war is imperialist and should be opposed, not approved.
  • 反对日本帝国主义侵略的战而不带群众性,是决然不能胜利的。
    Unless it has a mass character, the war against Japanese imperialist aggression cannot possibly succeed.
  • 例如二十几年前的欧洲大战,就是一个非正义的帝国主义性质的战
    For instance, the Great War in Europe some twenty years ago was an unjust, imperialist war.
  • 这是半殖民地的环境,即许多帝国主义夺中国的环境所造成的。
    The reason is that China is a semi-colonial country for which many imperialist powers are contending.
  • 对于帝国主义战的交战各国,中国应该严守中立,不参加任何的一方。
    China should maintain strict neutrality towards the belligerents in the imperialist war and not join either side.
  • 在于:(一)由于不认识中国革命战中的特点而产生的、表现于第五次反“围剿”斗中的严重的原则错误,包含着不顾主客观条件的“左”的急性病倾向,这种倾向极端地不利于革命战,同时也不利于任何革命运动。
    They are: (1) The tendency to "Left" impetuosity, which disregards both the subjective and the objective factors, is extremely harmful to revolutionary war and, for that matter, to any revolutionary movement -- it was among the serious errors of principle which were manifested in the struggle against the enemy's fifth "encirclement and suppression" campaign, and which arose from ignorance of the characteristics of China's revolutionary war.
  • 鉴于我们以往在新区所犯的急性病的错误,脱离了群众,孤立了自己,在对敌斗与确立根据地的事业上,造成了许多困难,所以全区都应根据五月二十五日中央关于一九四八年的土地改革工作和整党工作的指示,重新地全盘考虑我们的工作方针和策略步骤。
    We were guilty of being too impetuous in the new liberated areas, alienating ourselves from the masses, isolating ourselves, and creating many difficulties in our struggle against the enemy and in our effort to establish base areas. In view of this, comrades working in the Central Plains should review all our policies and tactical measures in accordance with the directive on the work of land reform and of Party consolidation in 1948, issued by the Central Committee on May 25.
  • 新阶段中,我们希望有、也将会有许多直接的间接的反日斗,这些将推动对日抗战,也大有助于民主运动。
    We hope there may be -- and indeed there will be -- many direct and indirect struggles against Japan in the new stage, and these will give an impetus to the war of resistance and greatly assist the movement for democracy.
  • 政府一再强调说,外来人才不仅不会对我国人民的就业机会构成威胁,相反地,他们将为我国的劳动市场增添新动力,也提升我国一些企业的竞力,无形中为国人提供了更多的就业机会。
    The government has emphasised time and again that not only will they pose no threat to our jobs, foreign talent will inject new impetus into Singapore's labour market, increase the competitiveness of some industries, and thus providing more job opportunities for Singaporeans.
  • 他们是势不两立的竞对手。
    They are implacable rivals.
  • 消委会与政府紧密合作,倡议市场竞以保障消费者利益,更与竞政策谘询委员会共同注视可能妨碍市场公平竞的营商手法。
    As an advocate of fair competition, the council works closely with the Government, particularly the Competition Policy Advisory Group, by reviewing business practices that may have implications on market competition.
  • 为保护本土工业抑制海外竞而制定关税或限额的政策。
    the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in order to protect home industries from overseas competition.
  • 为了抵制外来竞保护国内竞强迫接受关税或限制出口额。
    the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition.
  • 之不可避免和中国之不能速胜,又在这个方面有其基矗
    Here again one can find the basis for the inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China.
  • 这是日本侵略战的基本条件,战的不可避免和中国的不能速胜,就建立在这个日本国家的帝国主义制度及其强的军力、经济力和政治组织力上面。
    These are the basic factors in Japan's war of aggression. The inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China are due to Japan's imperialist system and her great military, economic and political-organizational power.
  • 这是因为国民党政府腐败无能,在抗日战中节节失败,而日军则长驱直进,在战的第一年中就侵占了华北和华中的大片土地,因而在一部分落后的人民中产生了严重的悲观情绪。
    As the corrupt and impotent Kuomintang government lost one battle after another and the Japanese troops advanced unchecked to the vicinity of Wuhan in the first year of the War of Resistance, some backward people became profoundly pessimistic.
  • 我党对于这样一种软弱无能的腐朽的违背马克思列宁主义原则的思想,进行了坚决的斗,坚决地执行了‘发展进步势力,取中间势力,孤立顽固势力’的政治路线,坚决地扩大了解放区和人民解放军。
    Our Party waged a resolute struggle against such impotent and degenerate ideas, which run counter to the principles of Marxism-Leninism, resolutely carried out its political line of "developing the progressive forces, winning over the middle forces and isolating the die-hard forces", resolutely expanded the Liberated Areas and the People's Liberation Army.
  • 但是这个阶级的企图——实现民族资产阶级统治的国家,是完全行不通的,因为现在世界上的局面,是革命和反革命两大势力作最后斗的局面。
    But its attempt to establish a state under the rule of the national bourgeoisie is quite impracticable, because the present world situation is such that the two major forces, revolution and counter-revolution, are locked in final struggle.
  • 但是,知识分子在其未和群众的革命斗打成一片,在其未下决心为群众利益服务并与群众相结合的时候,往往带有主观主义和个人主义的倾向,他们的思想往往是空虚的,他们的行动往往是动摇的。
    But the intellectuals often tend to be subjective and individualistic, impractical in their thinking and irresolute in action until they have thrown themselves heart and soul into mass revolutionary struggles, or made up their minds to serve the interests of the masses and become one with them.
  • 他们相给将军夫人留下深刻的印象
    Fell over themselves to impress the general's wife.
  • 我感到他们刚刚论过。
    I got the impression (that) they'd just had an argument.
  • 笔者和硅谷略有交往,目睹种种现象,感触良多。印象较深的还是恶性竞下的大量资源和人才的浪费。
    I have frequent interaction with Silicon Valley people, and one of the deepest impressions I have of the Valley is that tremendous amounts of resources and talent are being wasted on vicious competition.
  • 8.它保护你兔子陷入破坏性的议,想想看有多少杰出人物因为言行不慎而走上自我毁灭之路。
    8.It protects you from destructive controversies.Consider how often people of prominence are laid low by revelations of impropriety.
  • 取一个安定团结的政治局面,没有人民民主专政不行,不能让那些颠倒是非、混淆黑白、造谣诬蔑的人畅行无阻,煽动群众。
    There is no way to ensure continued political stability and unity without the people's democratic dictatorship. People who confuse right and wrong, who turn black into white, and who start rumours and spread slanders can't be allowed to go around with impunity stirring the masses up to make trouble.
  • 过去评价历史上的路线斗并不准确,这是我们不主张提路线斗的一个理由。
    In the past, certain struggles in the Party's history were inaccurately categorized as two-line struggles, and that's one reason why we don't favour using this term.
  • 我们不提路线错误,是考虑到路线斗、路线错误这个提法过去我们用得并不准确,用得很多很乱。
    We have decided not to refer to them by that term because in the past the formulations "struggle between two lines" and "error of Party line" were used inaccurately, indiscriminately and too often.
  • 这个原则也一般地通用于正规战的作战,特别是在通讯工具不完备的情况下。
    The same principle generally applies in regular operations, especially when communications are inadequate.
  • 我很清楚一些人会辩说胎儿有不可剥夺的生存权。
    I am aware that some will argue that the fetus has an inalienable right to life.
  • 统统相符合的事,在战或战斗中是极其少有的,这是因为战或战斗的双方是成群的武装着的活人,而又互相保持秘密的缘故,这和处置静物或日常事件是大不相同的。
    Such complete correspondence is extremely rare in a war or a battle, in which the belligerents are groups of live human beings bearing arms and keeping their secrets from each other; this is quite unlike handling inanimate objects or routine matters.
  • 很多体育迷们会辩说“超级杯赛”这个全美美式足球年赛是有史以来最重要的赛事,当然要比入侵诺曼底或新总统就职重要得多。
    A lot of sports fans would argue that this annual Ameri-can football game is the most important event of any kind ever held anywhere, certainly more important than the invasion of Normandy or the inauguration of a new President.
  • 侵略者在战中的破坏和抢劫造成的损失,更是难以估算。
    The losses resulting from the destruction and looting by the invaders in wars against China were even more incalculable.