  • 为促进世界上各宗教之的互相谅解而努力
    Ding between world religions
  • 一种在房或建筑物之提供了一个通道。
    a passage between rooms or between buildings.
  • 系统或一个系统的各种特性之的相互作用。
    Interaction between systems or between properties of a system.
  • 国界,边界国家之的边界
    A boundary between countries.
  • 田径运动员之的比赛。
    a contest between athletes.
  • 摔跤选手进行的比赛。
    a match between wrestlers.
  • 垄沟与沟之间的垄
    A ridge between furrows.
  • 在裂片或小裂片的。
    between lobes or lobules.
  • 直接于两人之进行。
    directly between two individuals.
  • 课间的空余时间
    Free time between classes.
  • 不要在两顿饭之吃零食!
    No nibbling between meals!
  • 冰期的发生于冰河时代之
    Occurring between glacial epochs.
  • 事物之的狭小的距离。
    small opening between things.
  • 字与字之间的空白
    The spaces between words.
  • 两堂课在时上的冲突
    A clash between two classes
  • 双方当事人或两个国家
    Between two parties or countries
  • 两座三柱门之的场地
    Ground between the two wickets
  • 在多佛与加莱之航行
    Sail between Dover and Calais
  • 在爱情和职责作痛苦的抉择
    Torn between love and duty
  • 我喜欢(开头喝的)汤和(最后送上来的)甜菜食以及席所上的各种菜肴。
    I liked the soup and the dessert and all that came betwixt and between.
  • 他既不是鸽派,也不是鹰派,而是中派。
    He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.
  • “你是自由党党员还是保守党党员?”“都不是,说真的。我是中派。”
    “Are you a Liberal or a Conservative?’ “Neitger really: betwixt and between.”
  • 那个动物真奇怪,它看上去既非狗又非马,介于两者之
    That's strange creature; it looks somewhere betwixt and between a horse and a dog.
  • 贵行人员在伦敦和巴黎之公干时我们常有幸接待,先生。
    We have often times the honour to entertain your gentlemen in their travelling backwards and forwards betwixt London and Paris, sir.
  • 虽然她在主流文化传统之找到了自己的定位,她还是坚毅地寻找她婆婆通过警戒教诲,在她心中所种下的根。
    While she found a comfortable niche in the betwixt and between of dominant cultural traditions, her longing to return to the roots that her grandmother, through exemplary teaching, had planted in her inner psyche, remained strong and persistent.
  • 他看上去不知所措,虽然还竭力试着回答记者提出的问题,但大多数时,他实际上只是动动嘴唇,不停地眨眼,哽噎着出不了声。
    Looking totally bewildered, he was trying to answer their questions. Mostly he was only moving his lips, blinking and choking up.
  • 数字用户环路(dsl)技术有几种令人疑惑的不同变种,但它们都有一样公共的东西——它们用不同的调制技术,把用户房屋和电话公司的中心局之低速的“最后一英里”铜线回路变成高速的数据和话音的载体。
    Digital subscriber line technology comes in a bewildering variety of flavors, but they all have one thing in common -- they use various modulation techniques to turn those plodding "last mile" loops of copper between the customer premises and the telco's central office into high-speed data and voice carriers.
  • 在阴间还有生命吗?
    Is there life beyond the grave? (喻)
  • oracle9ilitemobileserver通过任意有线或无线网络在oracle9idatabase与成千上万的移动设备之提供强健的、高度可伸缩的、双向异步数据的同步。
    Oracle9i Lite Mobile Server offers robust, highly scalable, bi-directional, asynchronous data synchronization between Oracle9i database and thousands of mobile devices over any wired or wireless network.
  • 因为法院成员和诉讼案中一方之关系,偏见将发生的可能性
    Possibility that bias will occur because of a connection between a member of the court and a party in the case
  • 而辩方经常认为,因为犯罪实验室和法律实施之工作上的密切关系,开业的法医学家对辩方有一种固有的偏爱或倾向。
    The defense often believes that a practicing forensic scientist has a built-in bias or predisposition toward the prosecution's side because of the close working relationship between crime labs and law enforcement.
  • 在传输系统中,在两点之产生的不希望有的波形变化。六种主要的失真形式为:偏置、特征、延迟、终止、畸变(跳动)和谐波。
    The unwanted change in waveform that occurs between two points in a trans- mission system.The six major forms of distortion are: bias, characteristic, delay, end, fortuitous("jitter"), and harmonic.