  • 风把桌子上的所有东西桌布都吹掉了。
    The wind blow everything off the table, tablecloth and all.
  • 这件上衣工带料合多少钱?
    How much will this coat cost, including material and tailoring?
  • 空话篇的人,夸夸其谈的人说话内容无实质性东西或趣味的多嘴的人
    A talkative person who communicates nothing of substance or interest.
  • 就拿宪法来说,老蒋先生要任,不敢动宪法本文,只能打临时条款的念头。
    For example, when Chiang Kai-shek was seeking another term as president, he dared not tamper with the Constitution itself. All he did eas to wring what he needed from the provisional articles and clauses.
  • 有一阵子唐大叔都控制不住自己了。
    Even Uncle Tang lost control of himself for a moment.
  • 空中加油导管结在飞机油箱上长的套空管,油料通过它流向空中被加油的飞机
    A long hollow tube attached to a tanker aircraft, through which fuel flows to another aircraft being refueled in flight.
  • 人们珠炮般地对电视台的乏味节目提出意见。
    The TV station was bombarded with complaints against a tasteless programme.
  • 他用指头咚咚地敲着桌子。
    He beat a tattoo with his fingers on the table.
  • 他用手疯狂地续敲门。
    He beat a frantic tattoo with his hand on the door.
  • 咚咚声打鼓,马蹄,或机枪射等发出的续不断的声音
    A tattoo, as of a drum, the hoofs of a galloping horse, or machine-gun fire.
  • 教科书也快要上税了--好家伙,眼看睡觉都得付钱了!
    They're thinking of taxing textbooksI ask you, we'll have to pay to go to bed next!
  • 教科书也快要上税了--好家伙,眼看睡觉都得付钱了。
    They're thinking of taxing textbooks I ask you, we'll have to pay to go to bed next!
  • 纳税人自己所付税款的十分之一都拿不回来。
    Taxpayer can not get even a tithe of their money back.
  • 根除连根撕碎
    To tear up by the roots.
  • 我转过身来,看见科比窜带跳从台阶上下来,直奔那孩子而去。
    Turning, I saw Corby tearing down the steps and heading straight for the little boy.
  • 大雨倾盆,一下了好几个小时。
    The rain teemed down for hours.
  • 被错误地移植了一副不同血型的心肺,然后苦苦支撑直至接受第二次移植的少女杰西卡·桑提,于2月22日,也就是第二次手术两天后,停止了呼吸。
    Jesica Santillan, the teenager who urvived a botched heart-lung transplant long enough to get a second set of donated organs, died Saturday, two days after the second transplant.
  • 电话线接电话或电报系统的电线或电线系统
    A wire or system of wires connecting telephone or telegraph systems.
  • 这就要求用新型的电路交换网关,它们具有局域网接口和与公用网和用户交换机电话中继线接的特点。
    This requires new kinds of circuit-switching gateways that feature LAN interfaces and telephony trunk connections to public networks and PBXs.
  • 她很会讲故事,可以叫我们津津有味地接听几个钟头。
    She was an excellent story-teller and could keep us on the edge of our chairs for hours.
  • 续睡了十个小时。
    He had ten hours of unbroken sleep.
  • 数百万军民坚守一线,团结一心,严防死守,续作战,经过两个多月的顽强拼搏,成功地保住了大江大河大湖干堤的安全,保住了重要城市的安全。保住了重要铁路干线的安全,保住了人民生命的安全。
    Several million army men and civilians fought shoulder to shoulder tenaciously for more than two months, successfully saving major rivers, lakes and dikes, protecting key cities and trunk railway lines, and ensuring the safety of the lives of the masses.
  • 而艾尼达却句亲切的话也说不出来。
    And Enid could not say one tender word.
  • 可惜,这些专用通信交换机可能很容易地每日吃掉成千上万美元的接费用。
    Unfortunately these private communications exchanges can easily eat up connection charges of tens of thousands of dollars per month.
  • 最高人民法院院长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,续任职不得超过两届。
    The term of office of the President of the Supreme People's Court is the same as that of the National People's Congress; he shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
  •  第四十六条香港特别行政区行政长官任期五年,可任一次。
    Article 46 The term of office of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be five years. He or she may serve for not more than two consecutive terms.
  • 奥克兰美国加利福尼亚州西部的一座城市,在旧金山对面金山湾附近。西班牙殖民者于1820年1月在此始建定居点,是一港口和铁路终点,通过桥梁、隧道和高速运输系统与旧金山地区其他社区相。人口372,242
    A city of western California on San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco. Founded on a site settled by Spanish colonists in1820, it is a port and rail terminus connected with other communities in the Bay Area by bridge, tunnel, and rapid transit. Population,372, 242.
  • 她的证词中最细微的细节都十分精确。
    Everything in her testomany was correct down to the smallest detail.
  • 害了好几场病,乔伊的身体已变得孱弱不堪,再也无法支撑下去了。
    A succession of illnesses has brought Joy to the end of her tether.
  • 后来有一天,两只狗陪着遛马,我听见海因茨在‘说话’,原来它在续发出轻轻的咕噜声,指引特克斯在它旁边跑正。”
    Then one day, the dogs accompanied me while I exercised my horse, and I heard Heinz talking --she was making a series of soft grunts to keep Tex on course beside her."
  • 词条开头的词同其后的解释
    A headword along with its related text.
  • 我可没指望在学校郊游的时候自己乐一乐,要是我能使孩子们往返根毫毛都不损,就谢天谢地了。
    No, I don’t expect to enjoy myself on the school outing. If I can get the children there and back again without any of them breaking any bones, I shall be thankful.