  • 猎人被一狼困住,他挥舞着一根很重的棍子向四面八方乱打。
    The hunter trapped by a pack of wolves laid about with a heavy stick.
  • 一起跑并一起追捕的一动物,如狗或狼
    A group of animals, such as dogs or wolves, that run and hunt together.
  • 这个年轻人拿着根棍子左右乱打,直到把狼赶跑。
    The young man set about him with a stick until her had driven the wolves off.
  • 他非常年轻,长得特别漂亮,为人又极其谦和,最重要的一点是,他打算请一大客人来参加下次的舞会。
    He was quite young, wonderfully handsome, extremely agreeable, and, to crown the whole, he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party.
  • 山鹬飞行中的一山鹬
    A family of woodcock in flight.
  • 那陌生人站在窗前,眼睛凝视着远处树木葱郁的山。
    The stranger stood by the window, his eyes fixed on the heavily-wooded hills in the distance.
  • 管弦乐团用各种乐器一起演奏的一音乐家,通常乐器包括弦乐、木管乐器、铜管乐器及打击乐器
    A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including strings, woodwinds, brass instruments, and percussion instruments.
  • 对于他们的工作,枪显得太沉太危险,另外牛仔也并不孤独---他们绝大多数会八个或十个人成工作。
    A gun was too heavy and dangerous for cowboy work, and cowboys were rarely alone-most worked in teams of eight to ten men.
  • 同时切实地鼓励工农干部加紧学习,提高他们的文化水平,使工农干部的知识分子化和知识分子的工农众化,同时实现起来。
    At the same time, we should work effectively to encourage worker and peasant cadres to study hard and raise their cultural level. Thus worker and peasant cadres will at the same time become intellectuals, while the intellectuals will at the same time become workers and peasants.
  • 假设他原来打算用一部分收入养一猎狗,或雇一些仆人,而现在改变了主意,把这部分收入用于从事生产活动,用于向增加的工人支付工资。
    Suppose that with a portion of the proceeds he intended to maintain a pack of hounds, or an establishment of servants; and that he changes his intention, and employs it in his business, paying it in wages to additional workpeople.
  • 我们困难地挤过人
    We wormed our way through the crowd.
  • 集会一为宗教崇拜而集合起来的人
    A group of people gathered for religious worship.
  • 他迂回穿过人群。
    He wove his way through a crowd.
  • 他在人中曲折穿行。
    He weaved his way through the crowd.
  • 这条路在山中绕来绕去。
    The road weaves through the range of hills.
  • 众呼叫角力者揍他的对手。
    The crowd yelled for the wrestler to give it to his opponent.
  • 这使我们脱离众,脱离干部,把风气搞坏了。
    This sort of wrongdoing alienates us from the masses and the cadres and debases social morality.
  • 在门外集结,大声吵着等待他们喜欢的歌手出来。
    The crowd gathered outside the gate, yammering for the appearance of their favourite singer.
  •  我加入了众组织。
    Yeah, I joined the mass organization.
  • 同时通过新加坡各民族的新年、传统节日如中秋节、大宝森节、哈芝节、圣诞节等,和在海外的新加坡各族人士,同欢共乐,促进感情交流,激发他们对祖国思念情怀和归属感,甚至重回祖国怀抱。
    Traditional festivals, like the various New Year's Days of Singapore's several races, the Moon Cake Festival, Deepavali, Hari Raya and Christmas, are good occasions for get-together with overseas Singaporeans. By celebrating together, we can keep them close in a shared yearning for the homeland. This may bring them back home again.
  • 1995年,黄石公园已经几乎没有狼了。于是,道格拉斯·史密斯(黄石国家公园狼保护计划负责人)从加拿大捕来14只狼,希望能够恢复黄石国家公园狼的数量。
    In 1995,Yellowstone' s wolf population was almost gone,so Douglas Smith (Yellowstone' s Wolf Preservation Project Leader) went to Canada to capture fourteen of the animals in an effort to revive Yellowstone' s wolf population.
  • 反动警察向众开枪,打伤了一个青年。
    The reactionary police fired on the crowd, wounding one youngster.
  • 小孩骑在自行车上做举起前轮的特技,就像其他放学后玩耍的孩子一样。
    The youngsters doing wheelies look like any other children having fun after school.
  • 你们不要脱离群众。
    Don't shut yourselves off from the masses.
  • 我们相信,有了十八年经验的中国共产党,在它的有经验的老党员、老干部和带着新鲜血液富有朝气的新党员、新干部相互协力的情况下,在它的经历过风浪的布尔什维克化的中央和地方组织相互协力的情况下,在它的坚强的武装力量和进步的人民众相互协力的情况下,是可能达到这些目的的。
    We are confident that the Chinese Communist Party with its eighteen years of experience will be able to achieve these objectives by the joint efforts of its experienced older members and cadres and its vigorous and youthful newer members and cadres, by the joint efforts of its well-tried bolshevized Central Committee and its local organizations, and by the joint efforts of its powerful armed forces and the progressive masses.
  • 青少年闯了这场祸。
    A group of youths caused the trouble.
  • 那醉汉遭受一年轻人欺负。
    The drink has been manhandled by a gang of youths.
  • 有一妇女遭到一青年的袭击和抢劫。
    A woman is attacked and robbed by a gang of youths.
  • 有一妇女遭到一青年的袭击和抢劫。
    A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths.
  • 有一青年在公共汽车站附近胡闹。
    Near the bus stop there was a gang of youths larking about.
  • 在这个阶段的初期和中期,党的路线是正确的,党员众和党的干部的革命积极性是非常之高的,因此获得了第一次大革命的胜利。
    In the early and middle phases of this stage the Party's line was correct and the revolutionary zeal both of the rank and file and of the cadres was exceedingly high;hence the victories in the First Great Revolution.
  • 道路曲折地穿过山。
    The road zigzagged through the mountains.