  • 太太小姐当中,痴笨蛋怎么这么多啊;人们对次司空见惯,已不再留意这一事实了。
    What a lot idiot there are among ladies; people have get so used to it that they no longer notice it.
  • 太太小姐当中,痴笨蛋怎么这么多啊;人们对次司空见惯,已不再留意这一事实了。
    What a lot idiot there is among ladies; people have get so used to it that they no longer notice it.
  • 绝对壮丽的绘画;彻底愚蠢的想法;你完全正确;十分悲惨;你完全可以确信我的清;十分疲倦;绝对正确。
    an absolutely magnificent painting; a perfectly idiotic idea; you're perfectly right; utterly miserable; you can be dead sure of my innocence; was dead tired; dead right.
  • 她不愿意闲着,让时间度过。
    She didn't like to pass her time in idleness.
  • 他非常不喜欢把时间这样混过去。
    He hated to be idling his time away like that.
  • 白白地浪费时间
    To spend time idly.
  • 她脸色渐渐苍白了.
    She's losing colour, ie becoming pale.
  • 李奚跳起来,喊道,“听我说,我永远也不在村议会费口舌了。
    Keesh jumped to his feet. “Hear me,” he cried. “Never shall I speak in the co untcil igloo again.
  • 炽灯一种早期的舞台灯具,通过加热到炽热状态而发出明亮的耀眼的光
    An early type of stage light in which lime was heated to incandescence producing brilliant illumination.
  • 他不抱幻想,明那工作仅将持续6个月。
    He's under no illusion and knows that the job will only last for six months.
  • 留出空处在印刷或插图物中造出或留出空处常常与out连用
    To create or leave blank spaces in(printed or illustrated matter). Often used with out.
  • 这个房间一尘不染;穿着她那一尘不染的制服;整洁的厨房;他们那整洁的、红色帽檐的帽子。
    the apartment was immaculate; in her immaculate white uniform; a spick-and-span kitchen; their spic red-visored caps.
  • 当然,我不是喜欢对别人品头论足。穿着一身洁净裤的内阁部长到来时,总会提醒我新加坡人多年来享有的稳定。
    But more than just an ogle-fest, if I can put it that way, the entrance of the Cabinet ministers in their immaculate shirts and trousers never fails to remind me of one thing that Singaporeans have enjoyed for a while - stability.
  • 一种急性血病特征是骨髓内的淋巴细胞增多。
    acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood; most common in children.
  • 工蚁,工蜂共生昆虫群中的一员,像蚂蚁、蜜蜂、黄蜂或蚁,通常是不能生育的雌性,但经常也是两性中未成熟的个体,其行使像筑巢、收集和贮存食物等专门的工作,喂养共生群中的其他成员
    A member of a colony of social insects such as ants, bees, wasps, or termites, usually a sterile female but often a sexually immature individual of either sex, that performs specialized work such as building the nest, collecting and storing food, and feeding other members of the colony.
  • 哈里逊又促使立法规定外国移民所开商号悬挂英语招牌。此举令亚裔商人异常愤怒,但深为长久居住此间的人所喜。
    Harrison also has promoted legislation to require immigrant businesses to post signs in English, which infuriated Asian business people but played well among longtime white residents.
  • 脊椎动物淋巴组织产生的一类球蛋,作为免疫反应中的抗体。
    a class of globulins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrates and that function as antibodies in the immune response.
  • hiv是杀死防御性的血球的罪魁祸首。
    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus which kills the defensive white cells.
  • hiv攻击血球,伤害或杀死它们,因此,当空气中飘浮的或饮用水中游动的其他病毒入侵我们身体时,这些血球便无法执行歼灭入侵者的重要任务。
    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacks white blood cells and injures or kills them,thus preventing these white blood cells from carrying on their important work of killing the other invading and attacking viruses which float in the air and swim in our drinking water.
  • “你家的凤仙花看上去就像飘舞的雪花,”埃文说,“真是匠心独运,整个花园都是雪的。”
    “Your impatiens looks like floating snow,” Evan said. “It’s a wonderful effect, having an all-white garden.
  • 最终导致克林顿受到弹劾指控、耗资7300万美元、历时8年的水调查案上个月终于有了结果,没有发现克林顿夫妇犯罪的任何证据。当然,这也又一次证实了他对指控方和媒体的不屑一顾。
    Of course the news last month that the eight-year, $73 million Whitewater investigation -- which eventually led to impeachment -- turned up no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons confirmed all over again his contempt for prosecutors and the press.
  • 他接通泛光灯,漆黑的夜间一下子像昼一样通明。
    He switched on the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day.
  • 帝国主义者为了挽救那傀儡政权所花的一切力气都费了。
    All the efforts made by the imperialists to save the puppet regime went for nothing.
  • 求恩医生体现了无产阶级国际主义精神。
    Dr. Norman Bethune impersonates the spirit of proletarian internationalism.
  • 伊丽莎一吃过晚饭就回到吉英那儿去。她一走出饭厅,彬格莱小姐就开始说她的坏话,把她的作风说得坏透了,说她既傲慢又无礼貌,不懂得跟人家攀谈,仪表不佳,风趣索然,人又长得难看。
    When dinner was over, she returned directly to Jane, and Miss Bingley began abusing her as soon as she was out of the room. Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no stile, no taste, no beauty.
  • 的,清楚的表达得完全的和清楚的;毫不含糊的
    Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied.
  • 该寺的内外墙均以云石建造,庄严肃穆,是尖沙咀区一座别具特色的宏伟建筑物。
    This imposing building, with white marble finishing, is adistinctive landmark in Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • 在决定暂停销售居屋后,房屋委员会额外提供12000个贷款名额,平均分配给绿表及表申请人。
    After the imposition of the moratorium on sales of HOS flats, the HKHA provided additional quota of 12 000 HPLS to be shared equally between Green Form and White Form applicants.
  • 对穷困人侮蔑的称呼。
    an offensive term for White people who are impoverished.
  • 我父亲使我明了努力工作的重要性。
    My father impressed me with the importance of hard work.
  •  他试着用自己的行动使人们明,并非只用爱冲动的人才会选择这种运动。
    Zhang wanted people to throw away the idea that bungee jumping was something that only impulsive people liked to do.
  • 要争取一个安定团结的政治局面,没有人民民主专政不行,不能让那些颠倒是非、混淆黑、造谣诬蔑的人畅行无阻,煽动群众。
    There is no way to ensure continued political stability and unity without the people's democratic dictatorship. People who confuse right and wrong, who turn black into white, and who start rumours and spread slanders can't be allowed to go around with impunity stirring the masses up to make trouble.