  • 路不对,我们必须往回走到十路口,然后财试试看。
    This isn’t the right way; we’ll have to double-back to the crossroads and try again.
  • 用于描述文档中某一款的关键字之间的关系的一种方法,采用此方法,可以做到不会因串扰而导致某些非常特别的查询失败。
    A technique that allows the relationships of keywords in an item of documentation to is described so that very specific inquiries can is answered without false retrievals due to crosstalk.
  • 我们很快就来到一很宽、很吵杂,各种车辆来往行驶的大马路上。
    Soon we came to a crowded street, a very wide street crowded with allsorts of vehicles.
  • 拥挤的件便于疾病传播。
    Crowded conditions favour the spread of disease.
  • 头冠为黑白相间的纹的雀鸟。
    finch with black-and-white striped crown.
  • 关键是两条。
    There are two crucial things.
  • 胡佛村20世纪30年代大萧时期为破产者和赤贫者,在城市边缘建造的简陋的帐篷
    A crudely built camp put up usually on the edge of a town to house the dispossessed and destitute during the depression of the1930's.
  • 他们从那篇遗嘱里取出了“自由”、“平等”、“三民主义”、“不平等约”这些名词,颇生硬地应用在他们的生活上。
    They pick out the terms "freedom", "equality", "the Three People's Principles" and "unequal treaties" and apply them, if rather crudely, in their daily life.
  • 1949年新疆只有几简易公路,通车里程仅3361公里,到2001年底,全区公路通车里程已达8.09万公里,其中高速公路428公里,一级公路230公里,二级公路5558公里;
    In 1949, Xinjiang had only several crudely built highways, with a total length of a mere 3,361 km, but by 2001, the region’s highways had been extended to 80,900 km, including 428 km of expressways, 230 km of Grade 1 highways and 5,558 km of Grade 2 highways.
  • 残酷的男孩竟用石头打那狗。
    The cruel boy stoned the dog.
  • 汽艇在巡航后驶回基地。
    That steamer put away for home after a cruise.
  •  那时我们的车正开在耐威尔大道上,当时它是一两旁有橡树的双线道。
    Up to this point we had been cruising down Newell Avenue, which in those days a two-lane road lined with oak trees.
  • 状的烘焙的鱼片,敷有面包屑和多种调料。
    flaked fish baked in a loaf with bread crumbs and various seasonings.
  • 1218年到1221年由罗马教皇领导取得军事胜利的东侵,但在接受提供的件时出现了内讧。
    a Crusade under papal control from 1218 to 1221 that achieved military victories but failed when dissension arose over accepting the terms they had been offered.
  • 一块砖头掉了下来,砸伤了那狗的脑袋。
    A stone fell, crushing the dog’s head in.
  • 老狗瘪着嘴嚼着面包皮。
    The old dog mumbled the crust.
  • 面包头一长包面的两个硬端之一
    One of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread.
  • 他的一腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。
    He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch.
  • 邓小平理论是党和人民实践经验与集体智慧的伟大结晶,是在新的历史件下对毛泽东思想的最好继承和创造性发展,为我们开创中国社会主义事业的崭新局面作出了重大贡献。
    As the great crystallization of the practical experiences and collective wisdom of the Party and people ,Deng Xiaoping Theory is the best continuation and creative development of Mao Zedong Thought under the new historical conditions. It has made major contributions to creating a completely new situation in China's cause of socialism.
  • 目前第一陕京长输管线最大供气能力约33亿立方米/年,其中最多能向北京供气24亿立方米/年。
    The maximum annual transmission capacity of the first Shaanxi-Beijing long-distance pipeline is about 3.3 billion cubic meters, in which at most 2.4 billion cubic meters can serve for Beijing.
  • 粗棒,木棒一粗大的木棍;一根棒子
    A stout wooden stick; a cudgel.
  • 台球桌上的一线,开球时主球放在这线的后面。
    line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a game.
  • 第三十一 国家保护耕地,严格控制耕地转为非耕地。
    Article 31 The State protects the cultivated land and strictly controls the conversion of cultivated land into non-cultivated land.
  • 第二十三 禁止围湖造地。
    Article 23 Enclosing a lake for cultivation is prohibited.
  • 由于西藏位于高寒地区,自然件恶劣,历史上曾长期遭受封建农奴制的黑暗统治,经济文化较为落后,国家对西藏的发展给予特别照顾。
    Because of its high altitude, poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past, Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally, so the state has given special care to Tibet's development.
  • 我希望母亲不要再扮演丘比特的角色,不要再邀请我去她家与左邻右舍那些件相当的未婚男子见面。
    I wish my mother would stop playing cupid and inviting me round to her house to meet all the eligible bachelors of the neighbourbood.
  • 她被一杂种狗吓坏了。
    She was frightened by a cur.
  • 第二 国务院和地方各级人民政府,必须将大气环境保护工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,合理规划工业布局,加强防治大气污染的科学研究,采取防治大气污染的措施,保护和改善大气环境。
    Article 2 The State Council and the local people's governments at various levels must incorporate the protection of the atmospheric environment into their national economic and social development plans, make rational plans for the distribution of industrial layout, strengthen the scientific research on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, adopt preventive and curative measures against atmospheric pollution, and protect and improve the atmospheric environment.
  • 刘:我们现在又开发了一些新品种,如形红茶、碎红茶等。
    Well, we have developed some new varieties of tea, such as Rolled Strips and Curl Black Tea, Crushed Black Tea and so on.
  • 地席的边角得钉住以免它卷起来。
    That mat has to be hammered down at the edges to stop it curling.
  • 目前有11全国性法律适用于香港特区。
    Currently, 11 national laws apply in the HKSAR.
  • 该署的主要职责包括:执行《教育例》(第279章)的规定、为学生提供和分配公营学校的学额、为有特殊教育需要的儿童提供教育机会、编订学校课程、保证学校教育的质素、监察教学水平,以及拨用公帑资助学校运作并提供其他设施。
    The department's main responsibilities include the enforcement of the Education Ordinance (Cap.279); the provision and allocation of public sector school places; provision of education opportunities for children with special educational needs; development of school curricula; assurance of school education quality; monitoring of teaching standards; and support to schools with public funding and other facilities.