  • 今年要進一步擴大退耕還林規模,進休牧還草,加快宜林荒山荒地造林步伐。
    More land will be restored to forests this year than before, and rest-grazing will be promoted. We will quicken the pace of planting trees on barren hills and uncultivated land wherever possible.
  • 在不斷變化又充滿各種精心銷的趨勢和爭議的音樂界,fabfour四人樂隊是一支樂壇常青樹,他們無可否認的影響力再一次發揮了作用。
    The undeniable force of the Fab Four, a musical constant in the everchanging sea of carefully marketed trends and controversy, is once again in play.
  • 年內,投資廣署曾參與兩項大型活動,宣傳香港作為國際金融及商業中心的優勢,以及加強香港與其他地方的商業聯繫。
    During the year, Invest Hong Kong took part in two major events to underline Hong Kong's advantages as an international financial and business centre, and to strengthen business links.
  • 湯姆把書到我面前問我劃綫的字怎麽讀。
    Tom pushed the book towards me and asked how to read the underlined character.
  • 住宅物業市場在一九九八年年底明顯好轉,一九九九年上半年則大致穩定,主要受到息率連番下調以及銀行出優惠按揭計劃所支持。
    Following a distinct upturn in late 1998, the residential property market held broadly stable in the first half of 1999. The successive cuts in interest rates and the competitive mortgage packages offered by the banks were the major underpinning factors.
  • 人們把這場災難的大部分責任在他身上,這實在是冤枉。
    Much of the responsibility for the disaster was shifted onto him. and this was quite undeserved.
  • 銷員欺騙了我——那輛汽車結果既不經濟又不牢靠。
    I was taken in by the salesman-the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.
  • 就中國範圍來說,革命和革命文化的發展不是平衡的,而是逐漸廣的。
    In China as a whole the development of the revolution and of revolutionary culture is uneven and their spread is gradual.
  • 但我們沒有預料到付款期要尺到你方收到貨物之後。這對我們來說比交單付款還要不利,而且,還沒有銀行保證。
    But we did not expect the payment to be effected after actually receiving the shipment. It's even more unfavourable to us than the D/P terms, and besides, we haven't any baker's guarantee.
  • 太過自信,像個銷員一樣;他那自信的、不屈不撓的精神。
    too assertive as a salesman; his self-assertive and unflagging energy.
  • 遺憾的是他薦的餐廳與我們心目中的相去甚遠.
    Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.
  • 我們要繼續堅持毛澤東同志提出的文藝為最廣大的人民群衆、首先為工農兵服務的方向,堅持百花齊放、陳出新、洋為中用、古為今用的方針,在藝術創作上提倡不同形式和風格的自由發展,在藝術理論上提倡不同觀點和學派的自由討論。
    We must adhere to the principle put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong -- that literature and art should serve the broadest masses and, first of all, the workers, peasants and soldiers.We must always uphold the principles of "letting a hundred flowers bloom", "weeding through the old to bring forth the new" and "making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China".We should encourage the unhampered development of different forms and styles in literature and art, as well as the free discussion of theories of literature and art among exponents of different views and schools of thought.
  •  我們要繼續堅持毛澤東同志提出的文藝為最廣大的人民群衆、首先為工農兵服務的方向,堅持百花齊放、陳出新、洋為中用、古為今用的方針,在藝術創作上提倡不同形式和風格的自由發展,在藝術理論上提倡不同觀點和學派的自由討論。
    We must adhere to the principle put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong -- that literature and art should serve the broadest masses and, first of all, the workers, peasants and soldiers. We must always uphold the principles of ``letting a hundred flowers bloom'', ``weeding through the old to bring forth the new'' and ``making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China''. We should encourage the unhampered development of different forms and styles in literature and art, as well as the free discussion of theories of literature and art among exponents of different views and schools of thought.
  • 這一單方面裁軍的重大戰略决策,再一次充分表明了中國熱愛和平的真誠願望,是中國為動進一步降低世界軍備水平,增強相互信任,促進人類和平事業所作的新的努力。
    This important strategic decision of unilateral disarmament once again fully expressed China's genuine wish for peace. It was a new effort made by China to further promote the lowering of the world's armament level, increase mutual trust and advance the cause of peace for humanity.
  • 在當時冷戰尚未結束,美蘇裁軍談判長期未果的情況下,中國單方面大規模裁減軍隊員額的行動,不僅有利於促使當時的東西方兩個集團減緩軍備競賽的勢頭,緩和國際緊張局勢,而且有助於在世界各國間逐步建立相互信賴的氣氛,改善軍控與裁軍的環境。中國此次裁軍行動對動國際軍控與裁軍進程作出了重要貢獻。
    China's unilateral, massive reduction of its armed forces took place at a time when the cold war was still on and the protracted disarmament talks between the U.S. and the Soviet Union were still without outcome. This action was not only conducive to slowing the arms race between the two major blocs, the East and West, and to the relaxation of international tension at the time, but also beneficial to the gradual creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust among the world's nations, and the improvement of the environment for arms control and disarmament and was thus a major contribution towards promoting the process of the international arms control and disarmament.
  • 勞工處由勞工處處長掌管,負責行勞工政策和執行勞工法例,以促進和諧的勞資關係和負責任的職工會制度、保障雇員權益,以及保障工人的安全、健康和福利。
    The Labour Department, headed by the Commissioner for Labour, implements labour policies and labour legislation for the promotion of harmonious labour relations and responsible trade unionism, the safeguard of employees' rights and benefits and the protection of the safety, health and welfare of the working community.
  • 進一步采取積極措施,加快普及九年義務教育,動高等教育、中等教育和各種形式職業教育的發展,積極開展西部地區與東部地區的聯合辦學和對口支援。
    Further measures should be taken to universalize the 9-year compulsory education, promote higher education, secondary education and professional education in various forms. Joint development between east and west on schools should also be conducted.
  • 如果unix和nt要避免成為java動的世界中的小角色,它們必須繼續在管理和性能方面增加自身價值。
    Unix and NT will have to continue to add value in the areas of management and performance if they are to avoid becoming bit players in a Java-enabled world.
  • 人民需要一個強有力的領導幫助他們翻非正義的統治者。
    The people need a strong leader to help them to throw down their unjust rulers.
  • 他粗魯地把她推開。
    He pushed her away unkindly.
  • 她奔過去嚮他求救,但他冷酷地把她嚮一邊。
    She ran to him for help, but he thrust her aside unkindly.
  • 她跑過去要吻他,但他很不友好地將她開了。
    She ran to him for a kiss, but he shoved her away unkindly.
  • 你為什麽這樣無禮地把她開?我還以為你愛她呢!
    Why do you thrust her from you so unkindly? I thought you loved her!
  • 一個男人的生活,尤其是他的家庭生活,是由他所娶的妻子所創造或破壞的,未來家庭的整個性格是受她的支配的:這是頗為合理的斷。
    It is pretty well suspected that a man's life, particularly his home life, is made or unmade by the wife he marries, and the entire character of the future family is determined by her.
  • 翻和平必須同多方面勢力作戰,並且必須同日本帝國主義和親日派靠攏,才能成功。
    To unmake it, he would have to fight against many forces and draw closer to the Japanese imperialists and the pro-Japanese group.
  • “不,勞駕,您千萬不要辭,”薩沙繼續嘟噥說,打開紙包。
    “No, please do not refuse,” Sasha went on muttering as he unpacked the parcel.
  • 中國自一九七八年行開放政策後,經濟增長有前所未見的好表現。
    China has experienced unprecedented and unsurpassed economic growth since she opened up in 1978.
  • 毫無疑義,主要地就是打擊這兩個敵人,就是對外翻帝國主義壓迫的民族革命和對內翻封建地主壓迫的民主革命,而最主要的任務是翻帝國主義的民族革命。
    Unquestionably, the main tasks are to strike at these two enemies, to carry out a national revolution to overthrow foreign imperialist oppression and a democratic revolution to overthrow feudal landlord oppression, the primary and foremost task being the national revolution to overthrow imperialism.
  • 瑪麗把什麽責任都在你身上,當然沒有道理。
    It is certainly unreasonable that Mary should lay the blame on you.
  • 中國人民將始終不渝地堅待鄧小平理論和黨的基本路綫,按照黨的十五大提出的跨世紀的戰略目標,把建設有中國特色社會主義的偉大事業全面21世紀。
    The Chinese people will unremittingly adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Party's basic line, and push forward the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century in accordance with the trans-century strategic objectives outlined by the 15th National Party Congress.
  • 我毫無保留地薦這傢餐館!
    I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant!
  • 在地方工作方面,則完全不註意建立中心區域的堅實的基礎,不顧主觀力量的可能,衹圖無限量的廣。
    In local work, they utterly neglected to lay a solid foundation in the central districts and attempted unrestricted expansion regardless of whether it was within our capacity.