  • 考虑到民众对这一问题的普遍关注,瑞典辐射保护研究所表示,他们还继续这一课题的研究,跟踪调查手机使用中可能产生的所有致癌物质。
    The agency acknowledged public concern about the issue and said many studies were still being performed and continued follow-up was needed on any possible carcinogenic effect linked to mobile phone usage.
  • 有皱褶的纸板(可用胶水单面或双面变平)。
    cardboard with corrugations (can be glued to flat cardboard on one or both sides).
  • 新西兰国家健康部副发言人保罗·哈奇森说,健康部长安妮特·金会会就此事展开一项紧急调查,同时确保此事对死者家属的干扰程度降到最低和保证重要心脏手术的正常进行。
    National's associate health spokesman Dr Paul Hutchison said Health Minister Annette King should carry out an urgent inquiry, but she should ensure minimal disruption to relatives and surgeons carrying out vital cardiac surgery.
  • “这是自由的写作,因为把一批又一批新生力量吸引到写作队伍中来的,不是私利贪欲,也不是名誉地位,而是社会主义思想和对劳动人民的同情。
    It will be a free literature, because the idea of socialism and sympathy with the working people, and not greed or careerism, will bring ever new forces to its ranks.
  • 威廉深信他来能成功。
    William is certainly confident of his future success.
  • 为了来仔细做准备。
    providing carefully for the future.
  • 反之,我们未来的生活是痛苦的。
    If we choose our wives carelessly, our future lives will be miserable.
  • 不得不为他的粗心而自食其果。
    He will have to pay for his carelessness.
  • 从船上卸货(货物)从船上卸下来
    To unload(cargo) from a ship.
  • 全体船员木材绑牢。
    The crew lashed cargo of timber down.
  • 他叫卡洛斯。下周我们结婚。
    His name is Carlos. we shall get married next week.
  • 似乎是命运适时适地地卡洛斯带到这里。
    It was as if destiny hadbrought Carlos to the right place at the right time.
  • 卡洛斯·桑塔纳的故事始于墨西哥一个名叫奥特兰的村庄,在那里,父亲乔斯“传统音乐”介绍给了5岁的卡洛斯。
    Carlos Santana's story begins in the village of Autlan, Mexico,where, at age five, Carlos was introduced to "traditional music" by his father, Jose.
  • 这个秘诀已传授给上千名男女,正如卡内基先生所预期的,这些男女这个原则运用在自身的利害关系上,其中一些人发了财,有些则成功地营造了家庭的和乐融洽。
    The secret was passed on to more than one hundred thousand men and women who have used it for their personal benefit, as Mr. Carnegie planned that they should. Some have made fortunes with it. Others have used it successfully in creating harmony in their homes.
  • 力保国际公司正努力争取奈克的世界最大鞋商的头衔,在超级商展进行最猛烈的攻势-超级商展是商界盛举。
    Reebok International is gunning for Nike's title as the world's largest footwear seller, and it brought its heaviest artillery to the Super Show, an immense trade carnival.
  • 贝劳太平洋西部加罗林群岛中的一组火山岛和小岛。当加罗林群岛在1978年成为密克罗尼西亚联邦一部分时,贝劳人决定与美国建立一个有自由联盟关系的共和国,美国在1996年之前负责它的防卫
    A group of volcanic islands and islets in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. When the Carolines became part of the Federated States of Micronesia in1978, Belau chose to form a republic in free association with the United States, which is responsible for its defense until1996.
  • 维生素原一种由身体通过正常新陈代谢过程,其转化成活跃形式的维生素的前体,比如,胡萝卜素是维生素a的维生素原
    A vitamin precursor that the body converts to its active form through normal metabolic processes. Carotene, for example, is a provitamin of vitamin A.
  • 木匠将木头刨平。
    The carpenter planed the wood down.
  • 木匠怒气冲冲地工具扔在一边。
    The carpenter flung aside all his tools in a rage.
  • 今天的会议审议我的计划。
    My plan will be on the carpet at today's meeting.
  • 谁将铺地毯?
    Who will lay the carpet?
  • 地毯铺在地板上。
    He is laying carpet on the floor.
  • 母亲客厅的地毯揭掉,铺上一块小的新地毯。
    Mother tore up the carpeting in the living room and had a new rug put in.
  • 坐在第三节车厢。
    I'll be sitting in the 3rd carriage from the front of the train.
  • 我们的战斗进行到底。
    Our fight will be carried through.
  • 克林顿的顾问们没有透露在银行方面建议做何修改。但银行界人士希望,从总统当选人克林顿本周在小石城召开的经济会议所产生的提案是奖多于惩。
    Clinton advisers have not tipped their hand about what banking changes they may recommend. But bankers hope that any proposal that emerges during President-elect Bill Clinton's economic conference in Little Rock this week will include more carrot than stick.
  • 他把羊肉块放了进去,又把洋葱、胡萝卜和土豆的碎块放了进去,再加上盐水和它们淹泡起来,然后沙锅放进炉子里。“这就行了,”他说。“并非完全和我妈做兰开夏炖肉的方法一样,但对我来说已经够好了。”
    He threw in the cuts of lamb, the chopped up bits of onion, carrot and potato, covered it all with salted water, and put the casserole into the over. "That does it," he said. "Not exactly how my mother would cook her Lancashire hotpot, but good enough for me."
  • 这笔钱维持我们大约一个月的生活。
    This money will carry us for about a month.
  • 他的举止象个将军。
    He -ried himself like a general.
  • 管道石油输送过沙漠。
    Pipes carry oil across the desert.
  • 警察囚犯押往监牢。
    The police carted the prisoners off to prison.
  • 学期终了时,他不得不书辛辛苦苦地送到图书馆去。
    He had to cart his books to the library at the end of the term.