  • 请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓,地址和工作的单位,好吗?
    Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money you're to deposit as well as your name, address and professional unit?
  • 他不过是个应儿领导,他的副手实际上已取而代之。
    He is leader in name only: his deputy has effectively taken over.
  • 被提任副领导人职位的有许多人。
    There are a number of nominations for the post of deputy leader.
  • 被提任副领导人职位的有许多人。
    There is a number of nomination for the post of deputy leader.
  • 不规则的背离变形的、派生的或构词的通常程式的,如动词be的现在时形式或复数词children
    Departing from the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation, as the present forms of the verb be or the plural noun children.
  • 从根词‘electric(形容词‘电’)’中出现了派生词‘electricity(词‘电’)’。
    from the primitive word `electric' comes the derivative word `electricity'.
  • 这样得到的名字
    A name so derived.
  • 那样的行为有损你的誉。
    Such conduct will derogate from your reputation.
  • 将有损你名誉的过失
    An error that will derogate from your reputation.
  • 那样的行为将会毁损他的誉。
    Such conduct will be derogatory to his reputation.
  • "和平之都"是它的称之一,联合国欧洲总部就设在这里的万国宫。
    Capital of Peace is one of its names--the European headquarters of the United Nations is located here in Palais des Nations.
  • 他出自名门。
    He (is) descended from a good family.
  • 他出自名门。
    He(is) descended from a good family.
  • 她出身于名门。
    She(is) descended from a noble family.
  • 他系出名门。
    He is descended from a distinguished family.
  • 许多人突然光临该岛访问。
    Many famous visitors descended on the island.
  • 用於两词之间,前者修饰後者
    used betweenns, the first describing the second
  • 描述一个国家的交通线路的指南;包括地图和(有时)地辞典。
    a guidebook describing the roads of a country; contains maps and (sometimes) a gazetteer.
  • 一览表单或逐条列记的陈列,如题目、课程或者供展览或出售的物品,通常包括描述性的信息或插图
    A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.
  • 由于手指与心脏相连,人们给手指的这一特殊的血管起了个描绘性的称,拉丁文为venaamori,意为"爱情静脉"。
    Because of the hand-heart connection, they chose the descriptive name vena amori, Latin for the vein of love, for this particular vein.
  • 加于人的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯
    A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.
  • 在pl/1语言中,一种与一个字相联系的描述性的性质,它用于描述那个字所表示的项的特征,或用来描述一个表达式求值结果的特征的描述性的性质。
    In PL/1, a descriptive property associated with a name to describe a characteristic of items that the name may represent, or a descriptive property used to describe a characteristic of the result of evaluation of anexpression.
  • 所产生的模型被用做简单或复杂化学刺激的描述符,并且以这种方式建立一个气体和气味“片”图书馆。
    The patterns generated are used as descriptors of simple or complex chemical stimuli and in this way a library of gas and odor “signatures” can be built up.
  • 那名逃兵已经逃走。
    The deserter has escaped.
  • 如果你赢得了竞争对手的尊敬,可能你是至实归。
    If you have the respect of your competitors, you probably deserve it.
  • 这个城市还有个当之无愧的称:"世界上最小的大都会"--这源于它的人道主义传统、众多的国际组织以及天成的世界性。
    Another well-deserved name for this city with a humanitarian tradition,international organizations and cosmopolitan flair,is The World's Smallest Metropolis.
  • 我们刚结婚时朋友们把我们叫做“恩爱鸟”,我想我和唐不愧于这个字。
    Lovebirds. That's what all our friends called us when we first married. I guess Don and I deserved it.
  • 给定一个称;任命
    To give a name to; designate.
  • 正式起或用字指示。
    name formally or designate with a term.
  • 我们将指派一技术熟练称职的工程师对你方人员进行技术指导。
    We'll designate a skilled and qualified engineer to give technical advice to your personnel.
  • 我们将指派一技术熟练称职的工程师对你方人员进行技术指导。
    We 'll designate a skilled and qualified engineer to give technical advice to your personnels.
  • 它用来指定一个统一资源(urn,universalresourcename),这个统一资源的形式是对uddischema的引用的逆序排列。
    It is used to designate a universal resource name (URN) value that is reserved for all references to the schema.