  • 、贵州、内蒙古、云、黑龙江等15个省(自治区、直辖市)在残疾人专项扶贫中,推行小额信贷的比例已超过70%。
    In Henan, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Heilongjiang and ten other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, such loans have exceeded 70 percent.
  • 非洲部黑脸黑手的猴子。
    South African monkey with black face and hands.
  • 香港在十一月受东北季候风的影响较正常少,而一般在夏季出现的偏气流则在月内持续了数天;这些现象导致一九九七年十一月成为有记录以来最温暖的十一月。
    A weak north-east monsoon coupled with an unseasonal southerly air stream gave rise to the warmest November on record.
  • 这南瓜可真大。
    The pumpkin is a real monster.
  • 美国蒙大纳州最大的城市;位于蒙大纳州部,黄石河河畔。
    the largest city in Montana; located in S Montana on the Yellowstone river.
  • 怀俄明州东北部的一条河流,流经蒙大纳州和部,在北达科他州汇入密苏里河。
    a river that rises in northeastern Wyoming and flows through Montana and South Dakota to join the Missouri River in North Dakota.
  • 美国境内最长的河流;发源于蒙大纳州,流向东,在圣路易成为密西西比河的一条支流。
    the longest river in the United States; arises in Montana and flows southeastward to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis.
  • 博兹曼蒙大纳西部一城市,位于布特东偏东。始建于19世纪60年代,是黄石国家公园的入口。人口22,660
    A city of southwest Montana east-southeast of Butte. Settled in the1860's, it is a gateway to Yellowstone National Park. Population,22, 660.
  • 一种小型植物,细的、弯曲的茎干长着枝条,其枝条上长着几朵白色的星形花,其花瓣形状类似猫耳;生长于华盛顿东部和俄勒冈东北部至蒙大拿。
    small plant with slender bent stems bearing branched clusters of a few white star-shaped flowers with petals shaped like cat's ears; southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon to Montana.
  • 黄石河美国怀俄明州西北部和蒙大拿部及东部的一条河流,长约1080公里(671英里),向北流经黄石湖和黄石国家公园,然后向东和东北流入密苏里河,该公园有大量间歇泉,其中包括旧费斯富尔泉
    A river, about1, 080 km(671 mi) long, of northwest Wyoming and southern and eastern Montana. It flows northward through Yellowstone Lake and Yellowstone National Park then east and northeast to the Missouri River. The park includes numerous geysers, including Old Faithful.
  • 克劳族一个原先居住于大平原北部普拉特河和黄石河之间某个地区的印第安民族,现分布在美国蒙大纳州的东部。克劳族在18世纪由北达科他州的密苏里河向西迁移以后,成为一个猎捕野牛的游牧民族
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of the northern Great Plains between the Platte and Yellowstone rivers, now located in southeast Montana. The Crow became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating west from the Missouri River in North Dakota in the18th century.
  • 位于或关于美国的区域的,通常包括密西西比河上游流域的一些州和俄亥俄州、堪萨斯州部边界、密苏里州、宾夕法尼亚州西部边界和蒙大纳、怀俄明州、科罗拉多州东部边界之间的五大湖流域的。
    being in or of a region of the United States generally including states of the upper Mississippi valley and Great Lakes region lying north of the Ohio River and the southern boundaries of Kansas and Missouri and between the western boundary of Pennsylvania and the eastern boundaries of Montana and Wyoming and Colorado.
  • 安茹加拿大魁北克部的一个城镇,蒙特利尔的郊区,人口37,346
    A town of southern Quebec, Canada, a suburb of Montreal. Population, 37,346.
  • 刘芳於一九七四年出生于云昆明。六岁开始学习琵琶,九岁时首次公演.
    Montreal resident Liu Fang was born in 1974 in Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunnan.
  • 牌坊尽可命名,但不管是叫奥兹曼迪亚斯,还是洋牌坊,如果我们看到的只是一块石头,而且确实把它当作是一块石头,如果没有人记得它或爱护它,那么不管给它取什么名字,这个牌坊不会说话,也不会激发人们的情感,甚至也不会激发人们的好奇心。
    Monuments can also be named, but whether Ozymandias, or Nanyang Arch, if all we see is a lump of stone if we see at all, if no one remembers, or cares, then whatever its name, the monument would not speak, would trigger off no emotion, not even curiosity.
  • 西班牙部一城市;摩尔文化的中心。
    a city in southern Spain; center of Moorish culture.
  • 西班牙部一地区,临近地中海和大西洋;以前是摩尔文明的中心。
    a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization.
  • 普罗沃美国犹他州中北部的一城市,在盐湖城东1849年由摩门教徒建立,现在是布赖厄姆·扬大学(建立于1875年)的所在地。人口86,835
    A city of north-central Utah south-southeast of Salt Lake City. It was settled by Mormons in1849 and is the seat of Brigham Young University(established1875). Population,86, 835.
  • 摩洛语任一种摩洛人的岛语族的语言
    Any of the Austronesian languages of the Moro.
  • 卡萨布兰卡摩洛哥西北部濒临大西洋岸一城市,位于坦格尔西。由葡萄牙人于16世纪建立,1907年后成为法国在非洲的势力中心。现为摩洛哥最大城市。人口2,139,204
    A city of northwest Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean south-southwest of Tangier. Founded by the Portuguese in the16th century, it became a center of French influence in Africa after1907. It is now Morocco's largest city. Population,2, 139, 204.
  • 在西班牙的西海岸的在1805年的一次海战;在纳尔逊(受了致命的伤)领导下英国人战胜了法国人和西班牙舰队。
    a naval battle in 1805 off the SW coast of Spain; the French and Spanish fleets were defeated by the English under Nelson (who was mortally wounded).
  • 卡卢加苏联欧洲部分中部的一座城市,位于莫斯科西部。该市的历史可上溯到14世纪,如今成为一座工业中心和河港。人口297,000
    A city of central European U.S.S.R. southwest of Moscow. Dating to the14th century, it is an industrial center and a river port. Population,297, 000.
  • 位于亚洲部的一个穆斯林共和国;以前是印度的一部分。
    a Moslem republic in S Asia; formerly part of India.
  • 豪萨人居住在尼日利亚北部及尼日尔部的主要信奉伊斯兰教的民族的成员
    A member of a predominantly Moslem people inhabiting northern Nigeria and southern Niger.
  • 周六一枚威力强大的汽车炸弹彻底摧毁了车臣首府格洛斯尼部一处靠近阿尔卡汉约特清真寺的广场,并造成二十一人死亡。
    Twenty-one people died Saturday after a powerful carbomb ripped through a square near the mosque in Alkhan-Yurt, south of the capital Grozny.
  • 大多数方人喜欢吃。
    Most southerners like them.
  • 突尼斯的部全是沙漠。
    southern Tunisia is mostly desert.
  • 大部分是种在方各省。
    It's mostly grow in the southern province.
  • 大部分是种在方各省。
    It 's mostly growing in the southern provinces.
  • 〔11〕罗霄山脉是江西、湖两省边界的大山脉,井冈山位于罗霄山脉的中段。
    [11] The Lohsiao mountain range is a large range running along the borders of Kiangsi and Hunan Provinces. The Chingkang Mountains are in its middle section.
  • 他们要叶、张两部⑷下,我们则以请准征调一部北上对付之;
    when they demanded that the units under Yeh Fei and Chang Yun-yi[4] be moved to the south, we countered by asking permission for a part of these units to move to the north;
  • 斯威士兰位于非和莫桑比克之间的东非洲国家。1903年之后成为英国保护国,1968年获得独立。姆巴巴纳是其首都及最大城市。人口585,000
    A country of southeast Africa between South Africa and Mozambique. A British protectorate after1903, it became independent in1968. Mbabane is the capital and the largest city. Population,585, 000.