  • 我方以浓厚的兴趣,恭候贵司尽快回复。
    We await with deep interest to receive your immediate reply.
  • 静候贵司来函告知上述商品的销售情况。
    We await to receive your good information as to their sale.
  • 等候贵司的订单,对此我们将迅速安排。
    We await the favour of your order, which shall have our immediate attention.
  • 恭候贵司的订单,我将立即予以关注。
    We await the pleasure of your order, which shall have my immediate attention.
  • 恭候贵司的订单,我将立即予以关注。
    We await the pleasure of your order, which shall have our immediate attention.
  • 恭候贵司来函采购,我们当将给予重视。
    We await the favour of your esteemed commands which shall always receive our best attention.
  • 我们乐于通知你方,所订之货物已准备好,并在本司厂房中等候装运。
    We are pleased to inform you that your order is completed and await shipping at our plant.
  • 欢迎贵司提供本司任何资料,我们诚挚地期待您的回音。
    Any information with which you may favour us will be much appreciated and we earnestly await your reply.
  • 现正等候贵司的电报确认,有关检验证,一俟收到,即行寄上。
    We await your cable confirmation and shall send you the inspection certificate as soon as it is received.
  • 我们一直过得很痛快,但当我们的司开始赔本时,我们才猛然发觉事情不妙。
    We had all been enjoying ourselves, but the rude awakening came when our firm started to lose money.
  • 邮车沿着黑黝黝的路缓缓驶去,车灯闪闪发光喇叭声激起四面八方一片回响。
    Off went the mail at a canter down the dark road; the lamps gleaming brightly, and the horn awakening all the echos wide and far.
  • 怀特菲尔德,乔治1714-1770英国宗教领袖,是约翰·卫斯理的追随者。他曾在美国殖民地广泛传教,是在美国建立新教教义大觉醒及卫理会派的中心人物
    British religious leader. A follower of John Wesley, he preached widely in the American colonies and was a central figure in the Great Awakening of Protestantism and the establishment of Methodism in America.
  • 祝贺贵司中标(赢得了授标)。
    Congratulations on your winning the award of bid.
  • 正如贵司所知道的,在这儿,德国货和美国货具有很强的竞争力。
    As you are well aware, there is a great competition on the part of both Germany and the United States.
  • 提升市民生态文明素养,倡导众自觉选择绿色消费。
    Improving ecological awareness of the citizens?
  • 这个运动目的在於提高众对这一问题的认识
    The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the problem
  • 这个运动目的在於提高众对这一问题的认识.
    The campaign was designed to increase public awareness of the problem.
  • 我经常出国,也时常体验到当一些外国人知道我是新加坡民时,油然而生的那种尊敬、赞赏、甚至惊叹的感觉。
    In my frequent travels overseas, the Singaporean identity instantly commands respect, admiration and sometimes even awe from non Singaporeans.
  • 在办室里度过了糟糕的一天
    Had an awful day at the office.
  • 共汽车还要一会儿才会来。
    The bus is not due yet awhile.
  • 马里恩·琼斯在郊外的寓里从梦中醒来,跟丈夫亨特打了个招呼。
    Marion Jones awoke in her suburban apartment and said good morning to her husband, Hunter.
  • 据说该 司昨天又裁员三百五十名。
    It is said that another 350 jobs were axed by the company yesterday
  • 他们不得不削减共费用。
    They have to set the axe to public expenditure.
  • 特立尼达岛和圭亚那的一种大型树木,有奇数羽状的叶片和开黄花的有紫罗兰香味的腋生的总状花序和长而滑的荚;作为样本种植在园和。
    large tree of Trinidad and Guyana having odd-pinnate leaves and violet-scented axillary racemes of yellow flowers and long smooth pods; grown as a specimen in parks and large gardens.
  • 子集公理模式
    axiom schema of subsets
  • 集合论公理系统
    axiom systems for set theory
  • 把……视为前提条件;把……认作理。
    take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom.
  • 认为理假定…为前提或理;视…为当然
    To assume as a premise or axiom; take for granted.
  • 陈腐的说教;他的评论陈腐而平凡;陈腐之词;俗套的答案;重复无聊的笑话;模仿陈旧的理;'象钉子一样坚硬'是古老的比喻。
    bromidic sermons; his remarks were trite and commonplace; hackneyed phrases; a stock answer; repeating threadbare jokes; parroting some timeworn axiom; the trite metaphor `hard as nails'.
  • 整体大于其任何一部分是理。
    It is axiomatic (to say) that a whole is greater than any of its parts.
  • 具有被视为理的规则和原则的特征的,或与之相关的;如:经典共产主义学说。
    pertaining to or characteristic of a body of rules and principles accepted as axiomatic; e.g. canonist communism.
  • 这是以理的方式提供的。
    this is axiomatically given.