  • 我想你可以说这是一种既快乐又令人振奋,再加上一点详和的感觉,而现在的气氛本来就该如此;原本我一直对悉尼市举办奥运感到有矛盾,直到上个星期才有比较好的感觉;真的很高兴能在今晚沉醉在这种气氛中。
    "It's a happy, vibrant atmosphere, I suppose you could say, and peaceful, which is the way it should be.(1) I was really ambivalent about the Games until the last week.(2) I'm really enjoying the atmosphere tonight.(3)".
  • 警察暗中等候那小偷。
    The police lay in ambush for the thieves.
  • 法律、道德、宗教,在他们看来全都是资产阶级偏见,隐藏在这偏见后面的全都是资产阶级利益。
    Law, morality, religion, are to him so many bourgeois prejudices, behind which lurk in ambush just as many bourgeois interests.
  • 听从劝说的一人;精神上确实是愿意的,但肉体却是虚弱的——《马太福音》。
    someone amenable to persuasion; the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak- Matthew 26:41.
  • 城市里有的把一不大守规矩的青年往军队里塞,这个问题以后征兵的时候要注意。
    Some cities may send young people who aren't amenable to discipline into the army, and this problem should be kept in mind in future conscription.
  • 他赠她一鲜花,以此对自己出言不逊表示歉意
    He made amend for his rude remarks by giving her some flowers
  • 他赠她一鲜花,以此对自己出言不逊表示歉意
    He makes amend for his rude remarks by give her some flower.
  • 这些规则被修正了。
    The regulations are amended.
  • 与此同时,修订后的《刑法》把一原来没有规定的犯罪根据现实情况作了明文规定。
    Meanwhile, the amended Criminal Law has made explicit stipulations in accordance with reality on some new crimes not defined previously.
  • 当局已更新《道路交通(安全装备)规例》所列明的认可安全带及儿童束缚设备的标准,市民可以采用一最新认可的安全带及儿童束缚设备。
    Road Traffic (Safety Equipment) Regulations for approved seat belts were updated and amended to include new standards for seat belts and child restraint devices so as to give the public more choices in such products.
  • 应该指出的是,中国的环境法制建设还需要进一步完善,如某方面存在着立法空白、有法律的内容需要补充和修改、有法不依、执法不严的现象等。
    But it should be pointed out that China's environmental legislative work needs to be further improved. For instance, some areas still remain uncovered, some contents are yet to be amended or revised and there are still the phenomena of not fully observing or enforcing laws.
  • 州后来改变了主意,投票反对平等权利修正案。
    Some states changed their minds later and voted against the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • 要想说服保罗在使用便利设施上多花钱如同对牛弹琴。
    Trying to get Paul to agree to spend more money on amenities is like talking to a brick wall.
  • 其实,我国在一方面的成就确实已可跟瑞士平起平坐,比如经济表现,或甚至超越它,比如社区设施的完善。
    To be fair, Singapore is on a par with Switzerland in such fields as economic growth, and even leads the latter in community amenities and other respects.
  • 是啊,很好看,可这颜色跟我的紫水晶项链差不多,我想要不同的。
    Yes, they're pretty beautiful. But the color is similar to that of my amethyst neclace. I want something different.
  • “那不是我的,”这可爱可亲的女主人说,比希刺克厉夫本人所能回答的腔调还要更冷淡
    `They are not mine,' said the amiable hostess, more repellingly than Heathcliff himself could have replied.
  • 老人显得很可爱,因为他们的作风优雅而美。“美人的迟暮也是美的。”
    If it is true that the principal part of beauty is in decent motion, certainly it is no marvel, though persons in years seem many times more amiable; pulchrorum autumnus pulcher.
  • 他在这使人激动的事件中保持镇静。
    He kept calm amid all these excitements.
  • 在把黄昏越来越暗的阴影之中耸立着一挺拔的松树。
    Amid the growing shade of dusk stand sturdy pines.
  • 然而,人们仍担心,在向欧元转换的过程中出现的混乱局面会使某商家乘机提价。
    However, there are fears that businesses will seize the opportunity to raise their prices amid the confusion arising from the changeover to euros.
  • 酪胺一种无色晶体氨,c8h11no,见于槲寄生、腐烂的动物组织、某奶酪及麦角菌,也可以人工合成,在医学上用作类交感神经药剂
    A colorless crystalline amine, C8H11NO, found in mistletoe, putrefied animal tissue, certain cheeses, and ergot and also produced synthetically, used in medicine as a sympathomimetic agent.
  • 阿门宗派的人把他们的生活方式商业化了。
    Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life.
  • 重要的事情已经偏离了我们的计划;有事情已经完全超出了我们的准备。
    something has gone awry in our plans; something went badly amiss in the preparations.
  • 耳垂发育得不完全;如果练习得多一,贝内特小姐就不会完全弄错了——简·奥斯汀。
    The lobe was imperfectly developed; Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more- Jane Austen.
  • 矿提供了制造了硫酸氨的原抖。
    These mines supply the raw material for making ammonium sulphate.
  • 弹药外的粗糙金属外壳。
    the tough metal casing for certain kinds of ammunition.
  • 原虫外膜某原虫如阿米巴变形虫的外质
    The ectoplasm of certain protozoans, such as the amoeba.
  • 我在家就能完成我的所有研究,而不用再去图书馆紧张地去寻找莎士比亚的《暴风雨》或其他的书,也不必去忍受那吵闹的学习研究小组,他们常忘了"在图书馆要保持安静"的规定。
    I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok in the library,stressing out while trying to find Shakespeare's The Tempest or some other book,all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the “ silence policy of libraries” means.
  • 她就站在那人当中。
    She was among them.
  • 辨别这些可用的选择
    Discriminate among the options available.
  • 有一人在我们中间毫无意义地活着。
    some people living insignificantly among us.
  • 所有这要求和反要求, 很难说谁说的是实话.
    Amongst all the claims and counterclaims it was hard to say who was telling the truth.