| - 病毒程序一旦附加到一个主程序上,就开始寻找其他可以进行“感染”的程序。这样,病毒就很快地布满整个硬盘,如果病毒感染了一个局域网或者一个多用户系统,那么就在整个组织内进行扩散。只有在某个点上病毒程序才会发作(这是由病毒程序的设计所决定的)。攻击的时间与多种情况有关,包括:某个时间或日期、特定用户识别符的出现、用户的安全保密等级和一个文件使用的次数。同样,攻击的方式也是各种各样的。所谓的“良性”病毒可能只是简单地显示一个消息,如在去年圣诞节时,受感染的ibm公司的主要计算机系统显示节日问候。恶性病毒被设计出来破坏系统。常见的攻击方式是消除数据、删除文件或者格式化硬盘。
Once attached to me host Program,the viruses then look for other programs to "infect". In this way, he virus can spread quickly throughout a hard disk or an entire organization when it infects a LAN or a multi-user system. At some point,determined by how the virus was programmed the virus attacks. The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations,including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file,the security privilege level of the user,and the number of times a file is used. Likewise,the mode of attack varies. So-called "benign" viruses might simply display a message,like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system last Christmas with a season's greeting. Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system. The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format the hard disk. - 你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。(美国总统富兰克林.b.)
Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.(Benjamin Franklin, American president) - 我的好老爷,”她一走进房间就这么说,“我们这一个晚上过得太快活了,舞会太好了。
my dear Mr. Bennet," as she entered the room, "we have had a most delightful evening, a most excellent ball. - 不久以后,彬格莱和他的姊妹跟洁英·班纳特成了朋友,彬格莱与洁英之间的恋情似乎热乎了。
Soon after, Bingley and his sisters become friends with Jane Bennet, and the romance between Bingley and Jane seems to flourish. - 在支付各种遗赠后,剩下的遗产在孩子之间分配。
After paying various bequest the residue of his estate is split between his children. - 堪察加半岛苏联远东部分的一个半岛,位于鄂霍次克海和白令海之间。首次到该半岛探险是在18世纪
A peninsula of Far Eastern U.S.S.R. between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. It was first explored in the18th century. - 索罗斯在柏林墙倒塌后一段时间内向俄罗斯提供的援助曾一度超过美国政府的援助。他坚定地实施自己宣扬的观点。
Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches. - 指以格林威治以西的经度度为基准的第四时区的时间,用于加拿大的新斯科舍、新不伦瑞克、爱德华太子岛和魁北克东部。
time of the 60th meridian, used in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, and the eastern edge of Canada. - 2.本协议第一至第四部分之所有规定,均不得有损于成员之间依照巴黎公约、伯尔尼公约、罗马公约及集成电路知识产权条约已经承担的现有义务。
2. Nothing in Parts I to IV of this Agreement shall derogate from existing obligations that Members may have to each other under the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits. - 年轻人站起身,拿起他的外衣朝门走去,但在离开房间以前,他转身对伯莎说:“你要的不是一个男人,而是一台电视机。”
The young man got up, took his coat and went to the door, but before he left the house, he turned and said to Bertha,"it isn't a man you're looking for. It's a television set." - 工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。(卡莱尔)
Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind.( Carlyle) - 工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。(卡莱尔)
Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ( Carlyle) - 一位伟大的作家曾写到:工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。
One of the great early writers wrote that: Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. - 在适当的时间回家;天才也有缺点是常识;没受过教育但有基本常识的乡下人能够解决那些困扰渊博的人的问题。
arrive home at a reasonable hour; commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius; unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated. - 房租问题由于不断困扰剑桥的各种冲突而使人积怨囤恨,它已不仅仅是个大学城的居民与师生之间对抗的问题,而是像一张利益冲突的关系网,拉紧得足以……。
The rent issue has gathered venom from the conflicts which beset Cambridge. No simple matter of town versus gown, but so tight a web of interest drawn against interest that… - 我没有时间去看这部影片--再说, 影评也诸多贬斥.
I haven't time to see the film besides, it's had dreadful reviews. - 来宾把他围在中间。
He was besieged by visitors. - 印度兵变期间(1957)美军被包围。
the British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny (1857). - 往年的圣诞和新年期间,游客从世界各地蜂拥而至。他们在这里冲浪、聚会或者悠闲地在泳池边消磨时间。
In past years, tourists from around the world besieged the vacation island at Christmas and New Year's to surf, party or laze beside the pool. - 拉米亚希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典的西北部。该市大约于公元前5世纪建立,希腊联邦与马其顿将军安提帕特之间的拉米亚战争(公元前323年-322年)就爆发于此地,安提帕特将军在该市被困几个月后最后取得胜利。人口41,667
A city of east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Founded c. fifth century b.c., it was the site of the Lamian War(323-322 b.c.) between the confederated Greeks and the Macedonian general Antipater, who was besieged in the city for several months before his ultimate victory. Population,41, 667. - 狗之间举行的速度比赛;通常是为了赢取赌金而举行的。
a race between dogs; usually an occasion for betting on the outcome. - 在马之间进行的速度比赛;通常用来打赌。
a contest of speed between horses; usually held for the purpose of betting. - 番摊一种中国的赌博游戏,由庄家数出大把小物品,经其他人猜后剩下一至四之间的某一数目
A Chinese betting game in which the players lay wagers on the number of counters that will remain when a hidden pile of them has been divided by four. - 我们要形成一系列良好的工作习惯,基于确凿事实而非凭空捏造,以减少时间与精力的消耗(好坏习惯都经由时间形成)。
As we develop a pattern of issuing restrictions based on something solid instead of “betting on the come”, they require less mental resources over time. (good and bad habits are developed over time). - 自《消防安全(商业处所)条例》于一九九七年五月实施后,屋宇署联同消防处共视察了295间订明商业处所(银行、投注站、珠宝店、商场和超级市场),并向其中159间订明商业处所发出共404份消防安全指示,要求改善消防安全设施。
Since the implementation of the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance in May 1997, joint inspections have been carried out with the Fire Services Department to 295 prescribed commercial premises (banks, betting centres, jewellery shops, shopping arcades, supermarkets). Subsequently, 404 Fire Safety Directions were served to 159 prescribed commercial premises requiring the improvement of fire safety measures. - 这和那之间的区别是什么?
What is the difference between this and that? - 一个城镇连接著另一个城镇,两者之间有一条路。
One town ends where the next begins and there's a road that runs between. - 他是一个50岁到60岁之间的人。
He is a man between fifty and sixty. - 他们之间有什么关系?
What's between them? - 我坐在他们两人之间。
I sat between them. - 他昨晚6点到7点之间到的。
He arrived between 6 and 7 last night. - 利兹和利物浦之间的列车
a train service between Leeds and Liverpool