  • 他在超市锁店中拥有多数权益。
    He have a majority interest in a supermarket chain.
  • 一组乔木灌木和草本植物目,有良好的花被和心皮生的子房,通常被视为现存最原始的开花植物;有36科,包含木兰科和毛茛科。
    a group of families or trees and shrubs and herbs having well-developed perianths and apocarpous ovaries and generally regarded as the most primitive extant flowering plants; contains 36 families including Magnoliaceae and Ranunculaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder.
  • 这一年,她续7次打破世界纪录从而轰动整个世界,并与世界超级足球明星一起当选为世界最佳运动员。
    In this year, she broke the world record 7 times successively, making a big stir in the world. She was elected as the world's best athlete together with a football superstar.
  • (xii)声明按照章节2(b)的规定,已向被申诉方寄出或传送了申诉书的副本,同服务提供方的补充条例中规定的封页;
    (xii) State that a copy of the complaint, together with the cover sheet as prescribed by the Provider's Supplemental Rules, has been sent or transmitted to the Respondent (domain-name holder), in accordance with Paragraph 2(b);
  • 横木,枕木一种起支撑作用的横向木杆,尤指接和支承铁路轨道的枕木
    A transverse beam or rod serving as a support, especially a beam that connects and supports the rails of a railroad.
  • 那位严肃的老绅士都禁不住笑了。
    Even the grave old gentleman can not suppress a laugh.
  • 那位严肃的青年妇女都禁不住笑了。
    Even the grave young woman could not suppress a smile.
  • 3月11日,aol公司同sbs通信公司进行了第二笔交易,使aol能够为840万sbc用户提供更高速度的接,附加费为每月20美元。
    On March 11, AOL made its second such deal, with SBC Communications, making higher-speed AOL connections available to 8.4 million SBC customers for a surcharge of $20 a month.
  • 最终,老约翰变得愈加自私小气,脾气暴躁,而且即使当有不知情的新顾客误借了他的锤子,误坐了他的摇椅,或误折了他的翘树枝,老约翰看见他们受罚时,也不再觉得开心了。
    In time, Old John just became meaner and surlier and he wasn't even amused any more when some innocent new customer made the mistake of trying to borrow his hammer or sit in his rocking chair or break a branch from his forsythia bush.
  • 钩用钩子抓、吊或
    To catch, suspend, or connect with a hook.
  • 我觉得电视续剧并不怎么样,因陋就简它们总是让你悬念。
    I don't think much about TV series because they always keep you in suspense.
  • 外科中用缝合线接伤口。
    join with a suture, as of a wound in surgery.
  • 既然你喜欢我的衣裙而我也喜欢你的,咱们交换好吗?
    As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap?
  • 在他们解决的每一个难题中常能引出一串新问题。
    A swarm of new questions emerges from every problem they solve.
  • 我累死累活地干,然而他甚至谢也不谢我!
    I sweated blood on that job yet he didn't even thank me!
  • 绵的远山依稀可见。
    The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.
  • 你穿著那件衣裙真漂亮。
    You look swell in that dress!
  • 女士泳装一种腿部暴露很高的衣裤在一起的女式游泳衣
    A woman's one-piece swimsuit usually cut high on the leg.
  • 一只猫旋转的馀地也没有。
    There wasn't room to swing a cat.
  • 当与替代10base-t集线器的台式交换机用时,基干交换机实现了端至端的交换,因此避免了共享带宽网络的很多问题,如高的冲突率、引人注目的包误差传播以及安全性降低等。
    When used in conjunction with desktop switches instead of 10Base-T hubs, a backbone switch enables end-to-end switching -- thereby avoiding many of the problems of shared bandwidth networks, such as high collision rates, dramatic packet error propagation and reduced security.
  • 多协议交换机扩展了其前身多层交换机的能力,后者是在(开放系统互七层模型)第二层上交换数据、第三层上规定一种协议的路由。
    Multiprotocol switches expand on the capabilities of their multilayer redecessors, which switch data at Layer 2 and route one protocol at Layer 3.
  • 第二层交换机通过把局域网分成小段并为实力强大的用户提供工作站与交换机端口之间的专用接而提高了性能。
    Layer 2 switches can improve performance by dividing LANs into smaller segments and by providing dedicated connections between workstations and switch ports for high-power users.
  • 工作组交换机能够支持每台交换机多达几千个监控地址,其端口可用来接少量的集线器或基干交换机。
    Workgroup switches can support as many as several thousand MAC addresses per switch with ports used to connect a small number of hubs or backbones.
  • 在交换的网络互模型中,服务器只是被简单地当作主干交换机的最终节点,此模型与企业应用被分布在多台服务器的环境不相衬。
    The switched internetwork model, in which servers are treated simply as end nodes on a backbone switch, doesn't scale for environments in which enterprise applications are distributed across any servers.
  • 我将你转回给总机,他们会给你接。
    I'll put you back to the switchboard and they'll connect you.
  • 在交换系统中,同一或不同交换网络的引入线和引出线之间的接部分或电路。又称局内中继线。
    Within a switching system, a connection or circuit between inlets and outlets of the same or different switching networks. An intraoffice trunk.
  • 瑞士通过莱茵河与海相
    Switzerland has access to the sea via the River Rhine.
  • 击剑比赛的的续过程叫什么?
    What is a sequence of sword play called?
  • 他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。
    Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or even praising their shortcomings.
  • 当internet接又可用的时侯,设备的使用者可以使用最新的信息同步更新服务器。
    When Internet connection is available again, the device user can synchronize to update the server with the new information.
  • (修辞学)被称为句法不一致的一种句法的不贯或与之相关的。
    (rhetoric) of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as anacoluthons.
  • 风把桌子上的所有东西桌布都吹掉了。
    The wind blew everything off the table, tablecloth and all.